Chapter 63 : perform their duties

Chapter 63 : perform their duties 

 On a piece of pitch-black soil, a dark green tortoise was patrolling its territory with its head held high. Li Shaofan couldn't help but exclaim. Was this a king or a tortoise? He carefully walked into this mysterious land, only to find that the big turtle did not seem to care about his existence. It only glanced at him gently and then continued its turtle steps. 

 What made Li Shaofan even more surprised was that Little Gold, this naughty guy, was actually baring his fangs and brandishing his claws on the turtle shell. He could not help but laugh out loud. This scene was too interesting. However, he also understood that he was the boss here. As long as this bastard did not cause trouble, he would be the best companion. 

 Li Shaofan decided to check out the other crops. He found that everything was growing healthily, which made him feel very gratified. He planned to expand the scale of planting and bring these high-end agricultural products to the market. He knew that the quality of these products was definitely better than similar products on the market. 

 He had been to the supermarket in the provincial capital and seen all kinds of goods, but those things could not compare with those in his space. He had always dreamed of tasting the fruits he planted, but because of the high price, this wish had never been realized. 

 "If the biologists know about the super species and mutated species here, they will definitely flock to me." Li Shaofan muttered to himself. However, he understood that once this secret was leaked, those greedy people might do anything for their benefits. Therefore, he had to protect his own land and the improved land well and not let anyone know this secret. 

 Li Shaofan knew that this mysterious land had brought him endless wealth and opportunities. He would continue to work hard to maximize the potential of this land. And that dark green tortoise would become his unique companion on the road ahead. When the dust settled, I knew that I would become one with the earth. This was an indescribable and strange fate that made people exclaim in admiration. I looked around. Everything was normal. However, tomorrow, a new day, a new challenge awaits me. I must keep a clear head in case I make a mistake at the critical moment. 

 The two little fellows, the big black panther, had become lively and cute in just a few days because of the spatial water. But every night, I chase them out of the house. I don't want to wake up in the morning to find them peeing in my shoes. Of course, I know that this is only temporary. When they grow up, I will start training them. Girls always liked pets. If they were obedient, perhaps my relationship with Liu Zihan would improve. 

 "Zihan, what is this?" When I got home, I looked at the things in Liu Zihan's arms and asked curiously. She carefully placed the item on the table. It was something Shaofan gave me. This afternoon, I saw that Shaofan's skin was so smooth, so I asked him for advice. At night, Shaofan bro gave me this mysterious water. 

 "This isn't water, Mom." Liu Zihan explained seriously," This is something Brother Shaofan gave me." You can try." Liu Chunrong opened the lid doubtfully, and a strange fragrance assailed his nose. She took a deep breath and instantly felt relaxed. 

 "How do you feel, Mom?" Liu Zihan looked at her mother expectantly. 

 "This is really amazing." Liu Chunrong sighed." Zihan, what did Shaofan say?" 

 "He said that this is a secret recipe he developed and is very good for the skin. He also said that you can use it in the future." Liu Zihan replied with a smile. 

 I stood at the side, secretly delighted. I know that this is just the beginning. In the future, I will bring them more surprises and hope. On that hopeful morning, Liu Zihan's eyes shone with determination. She firmly believed in Li Shaofan's ability and her choice. "Mom, Shaofan Bro has never disappointed me before, and this time will be the same." I will make you proud." Her tone was filled with confidence and determination, as if everything was under her control. 

 Liu Chunrong looked at his daughter's determined eyes and felt both gratified and worried. She knew her daughter's personality. Once she set her mind on something, she would go all out. However, she couldn't help but worry. What if Li Shaofan couldn't meet their expectations? 

 "Girl, you haven't even married yet, and you're already speaking up for him. If word gets out, it won't be good for your reputation." She tried to remind her daughter, but Liu Zihan didn't care. 

 "Mom, I'm Shaofan Bro's employee now. I work for the boss. There's nothing wrong with that, right?" She responded with a smile, obviously treating Li Shaofan as one of her own. 

 Liu Chunrong sighed helplessly and gently tapped Liu Zihan's forehead." Oh, you. This stinky brat has charmed you just like that." 

 The morning sun shone on the earth. Li Shaofan opened the door and saw Big Black and the leopard playing happily in front of his door. He smiled and filled them with water, looking forward to the happy time when they would grow up quickly and chase rabbits with him. 

 This was a small village full of hope and dreams. Everyone had their own expectations and aspirations. The story of Li Shaofan and Liu Zihan was just one of the beautiful melodies. They wrote their own future with trust and persistence. On that early summer morning, Big Black and the leopard, the two furry little creatures, had just opened their confused eyes. Li Shaofan had been looking forward to the scene of chasing rabbits with them. He knew that this was not a small dog, but his yearning for nature and freedom drove him to have this idea. 

 "Shaofan, they're only a full moon, they're still too weak." Mrs. Li walked over with a smile and worry in her eyes." If you really want to experience the fun of chasing, a thin dog might be more suitable. However, that required careful care, or they might encounter misfortune. I advise you to consider it carefully." 

 Li Shaofan smiled indifferently." I just want to take them out for a walk and experience the beauty of nature. You don't have to really catch up to the rabbit." 

 Li Du's mother looked at the two little ones with love in her eyes." It's a joy to see them grow up day by day. I just hope they can be healthy and happy." 

 "This is all thanks to your careful care." Li Shaofan flattered him at the right time. 

 Mrs. Li glared at him." If you eat and drink like a pig every day, I'm afraid it won't just be a matter of gaining weight." 

 Li Shaofan shivered." I don't want to become a fatty. I'm still young. I don't want to be labeled as an 'old fat'." 

 "Fat people are blessed." Mother Li said lightly. 

 Li Shaofan rolled his eyes." Fat people don't seem to have anything to be proud of other than having a good appetite and good teeth. Moreover, the risk of fatties getting sick was much higher than that of thin people. I don't want to be plagued by illness at such a young age." 

 "This is not up to you." Mrs. Li smiled and said," Look at those athletes. Many of them are fat." 

 "Mom, you're watching weightlifting and wrestling, right? Those fatties gained weight for the competition. Have you ever seen a fat man in an event like running? If a fat person were to participate, those fats would definitely become their burden." Li Shaofan explained seriously," If we farmers become fat, how inconvenient would that be?" [Local Charm: Shaofan's New House] 

 The summer sun shone on the small road in the countryside. Li Shaofan stood beside the construction site and looked at the land that was about to become his new home. He took a deep breath and felt the fragrance of the soil in the air. This piece of land had given birth to his dreams and also carried his mother's expectations. 

 "Shaofan, this isn't a joke." Mrs. Li looked at her son worriedly." If your father sees you panting from exhaustion, he'll definitely feel sorry for you." 

 Li Shaofan smiled gently and comforted his mother. I will take good care of myself." He glanced at the vegetable field in the distance." There's still a lot of stuff to be shipped over today. I have to go and watch." 

 "Good child, you're so meticulous." Mrs. Li sighed." Just give me some watermelons. Don't waste money on anything else." 

 Li Shaofan gently held his mother's hand. I can't let people say that I'm Nero Zhou behind my back." 

 The mother and son looked at each other and smiled. At that moment, all the tiredness disappeared. 

 When Li Shaofan arrived at the construction site, Second Uncle and his workers had already started to get busy. The tools in their hands glittered under the sun, as if they were telling stories about their native land. 

 "Second Uncle, you guys are really fast!" Li Shaofan praised," The beams will be ready tomorrow, right?" 

 "Yes, I've already contacted the crane." The second uncle's face was filled with pride." Shaofan, building floorboards is very popular now. Why don't you try it?" 

 Li Shaofan scratched his head and explained with a smile," Well, the sound of the plank house is too loud. I can't stand it." Besides, this is just a temporary residence. There's no need to spend money unnecessarily." 

 " Haha!" Second Uncle laughed." You always have your own way of reasoning." 

 The sun was gradually setting, but the vitality of the countryside never faded. This piece of land had witnessed the struggle and persistence of Li Shaofan and his family, as well as the depth and sincerity of the local sentiment. "You spray the bricks, and we'll deal with the windows. Second Uncle suggested with a smile. "Do you need help? "he asked. 

 "This is our specialty. If we can't even handle such a simple thing, then our years of experience will be wasted. " Second Uncle replied confidently," You just need to focus on spraying water on the bricks. Just like what they say on TV, you have to do your job. "