Durfort Inc. Innovations

One thing I missed to factor into the eventual merger of Durfort Inc. and Harris Group was that all plans we had made so far would need to be transitioned with that end in sight.

"Fuck," Donavan cursed as he returned from a meeting with the VP for Operations.

"I wonder what it is this time," Kaya whispered as she stood next to my desk.

She and I had quickly become the closest in the team, we were both thirty and married, and we were also often assigned to the same projects.

"Everyone in the huddle area, now!" Donavan was never this pissed, the only question now was whether he was pissed at us or at something else.

My money was that he was pissed at the VP. 

The team wasted no time in gathering around the huddle area. Within five minutes we were all seated, waiting for him to speak. 

"Mr. Anthony isn't happy with the plans," Donavan said.

I raised an eyebrow. Did the man somehow forget that I was in this team?