Chapter 3

[|||| =LEVEL 3= ||||]

Timeskip - 3 year 6 months old

I yawned as I woke up again. I had been considering it for a few months but… I was getting bored. Perhaps I should move somewhere else soon. Find a nice mesa or something. I spent too much time just boredly killing grimm nowadays. I had time so why was I so dead set on gaining power? I could always go to greener pastures… going to mantle and learning about dust would be extreme but Mistral would be a nice change of pace. The desert is just… there's only so much sand you can take. I should move to find a nice mesa or something.

Only a few times had I ever seen something interesting. An old temple surrounded by some scary grimm, a tower half collapsed and buried into the desert that held a few scary grimm, and field of trees made of ice with, and get this, ice elementals. Really. I observed them.

Petty ice elemental (Lv. ?) - An extremely minor elemental born of a high concentration of mana with an ice affinity in the area. This enemy is naturally hostile due to an artificially induced territoriality. This enemy cannot be killed due to (Observe LV. too low). Only dispelled before they reform. Dispelling enough of these enemies will disperse the high ice affinity in as they are repeatedly dispelled (Observe LV. too low to know exact amount). The ice affinity naturally (Observe LV. too low).

Ice tree (True name unknown(Observe LV. too low)) - A tree composed of ice. This tree naturally (Observe LV. too low).

It's absolutely covered in secrets. I have no idea what's going on with it but I'm confident that it's dangerous. Very dangerous.

The fact that this was in a desert of all places was absurd. Completely absurd. Remnant really was a place filled with wonders. And magic. It made me wonder how magic wasn't publicly known with a place like this around. I suppose nobody ever goes trekking out into the middle of the desert filled with grimm. I made sure to memorize the sights since I would likely never see them again.

I flicked open my stats sheet wondering if I was strong enough to really move in the world.

Abyss Mavros

Title: The Gamer

Level – 30

HP – 132.6/132.6

AP – 3300 (+165/min)

MP - 3240 (+162/min)

STR - 18 + (+60%)(30%)= 8.64

VIT - 26 + (+70%)(30%)= 13.26

DEX - 27 + (+75%)(30%)= 14.175

INT - 54 + (+0%)= 54

WIS - 55 (+0%)= 55

LUK - 31 (+0%)= 31

POINTS - 123

LIEN – 0


Air: 53

Light: 37

Water: 28

Space: 10

My stats were far more impressive than they used to be. They had grown from the stress of just being used day in and day out mostly. I had also finally hit three years old half a year ago so I got my stats to grow just a little bit on the physical side of things. I wouldn't want to face any grimm in close combat though. Magic was so much better in terms of not just flexibility but power.

My affinities had grown somewhat as well. I was right. Using elementally attuned magic slowly gained you affinity in the chosen element. However, there was more to it than that. Affinities could change not just how you could affect elements but how elements affected you. When I stood in places with high winds I could feel the winds make me faster without any conscious effort on my part. In light I felt more energetic and happier.

My skills had all increased somewhat as well. Warp and observe especially since I kept warp up at all times and observed everything. Observe was actually at level seventy six. It was a little ridiculous but I had seen a lot of grimm and a lot of places and things in my travels. Most of them only briefly interesting. Like desert. My exo suit spell was in it's twenties. The only spell or skill I hadn't exercised was the water whip spell because there really just wasn't enough to use and while I liked water I just didn't have anything that I could use it for.

Air I had used for imbuing into my aura and helping me move faster. I also hovered just a teeny bit above the sand sometimes to make things easier for me. It was more expensive than the exo suit but it was more fun. I had tried imbuing light into my arrows and bullets and found that they moved WAY faster with a light element so I did that a lot. They had less punch though so it was more rapid fire unless I imbued air into them as well to give them a piercing effect. Wind also gave them a whistling noise that might give away my position. It wasn't very loud so I didn't mind. Grimm wouldn't dodge my shots anymore. Well, they didn't do it that often before but now? They just couldn't. It also helped kill tougher grimm when I put air or light elements onto my arrows.

Space was still mostly useless to me but I diligently used the warp spell in my free time when meditating, which I did during sandstorms or when a really bad grimm is outside and I needed to hide in a cave or something. I still couldn't teleport but I figure I'll get a basic blink spell eventually. I reached ten affinity recently but I'm nont going to really bother with it until I'm twenty percent. I tried warp out on myself too. I wasn't too negatively affected, probably because of my affinity, but it wasn't pleasant. I lost about two health points per second with my hand in the warp and about ten with my arm in it.

I could reach a mile away though if I brought the space closer to me. I tested it and petted a taijitsu minor. It freaked out. Have you ever seen a snake do the worm when it looks a mile long? It's weird to think about but hilarious in person. Well, anyways, space was still useless to me but there was definitely potential in it. I was actually considering if I could turn my body into an element and use space while my body was made of that element. It could work given a high affinity and enough mana. Well, space was a long term investment.

But the real question is… am I strong enough? I suppose… I could go. I don't actually need to stay here. Wasn't Vacuo just a shitty place in general? I'm just bored here. Everything is dead or desert and I'm having the odd craving to see a tree that isn't half dead in the sand… I eyed my points with a look. I could probably sneak into Vale or something and read a whole bunch. That would probably increase my INT and WIS a lot… and I could totally sneak out of an orphanage. If I read up on computers I could create a fake family maybe…

Say wait a second… Books! I facepalmed and murmured curses at myself for not having figured out that sooner. Skill books! Oh lord I forgot about those! I had only gotten three from my house and I only ever used sewing to mend my clothes a little. I had completely forgotten about skill books. Elementals, fighting styles, and everyday skills that I could use to be better at things other than fighting! What have I been doing?!

I growled and thought for a moment. I might be able to sneak into a city but a three year old walking around? A three year old Faunus? Hell no! I needed a way to hide my ears or… I tapped into my light affinity and tried really hard to make an image a reality. I've been using a more brute force approach to light so far. Light has power in lasers and the like but it could be used sneakily too.

*Ding!* New spell acquired! - Illusion

"No. I'm not fat or old. Can you see these thighs?"

-Tsuna the faker

I angrily made my illusion disappear and put on my exoskeleton. I could hold it forever now. It had gotten more efficient after gaining some skill levels and my mana regeneration had gone up as well. I then modeled an illusion onto myself to make an older and human version of me appear. It absolutely gorged on my mana to hold them both. Illusions were too low in level to hold for long. I'd have to grind it on my way to Vacuo… wait…

Where the hell am I?

[|||| == ||||]

I trudged through the sandy dunes with a scowl on my face. I had seen roads before and, yes, people on the roads, but I typically walked away. I had placed my bets on the sun rising in the east and setting in the west like on earth. I hadn't completely lost track of where I was. I know I'm somewhere east of Vacuo. I might be halfway down Sanus though. Oh, Sanus is the big U shaped continent Vacuo and Vale are on by the way.

I just walked west and hoped for the best. Now it's paid off. I found a road and hoped I was in the south so I walked north. I'm not legging it all the way to Vale obviously.

Now there was a sign in front of me pointing three ways. I ignored two of the signs but I paid attention to one of them. Vacuo, nine hundred fifty miles west/northwest… well I was accurate. I mean, I've been pretty much going the same direction since I got out of the ghetto. There's no reason to backtrack after all. I kill all the weak grimm and leave the strong grimm. Only rarely do I ever try to kill a strong grimm like the centipede. I only killed two, in fact. Even then they were out of desperation. I had gotten lazy setting up camp once and been assaulted by a grimm posing as a boulder once. I had already set up the ice barrier so I had to fight it. Then there was one flying sort of dragonfly grimm that just wouldn't screw off so I had to slice off it's wings with a mana overcharged air blade.

Well… Time to start walking. I threw my rucksack back over my shoulder and made my way to Vacuo.

[|||| == ||||]

Timeskip - 3 years 8 months old

"Hi!" The pretty lady said happily. Her hair was long black with red tips in a low ponytail going down her left shoulder. Her skin was a surprising pale and she hunched over me. I still wasn't used to adults being so tall. I stared up at her.

"Um, hi…" I said awkwardly.

"My name's Summer! Summer Rose. What's your name?" I didn't say that I already knew that. I had known since I observed her.

Summer Rose

Title: Silver legend; Wizard's second

Level – 244

HP – 6930/6930

AP – 27,700

MP - 3480

STR - 160 (+450%)= 880

VIT - 176 (+450%)= 968

DEX - 304 (+450%)= 1672

INT - 232 (+50%)= 348

WIS - 277 (+150%)= 692.5

LUK - 71 (+0%)= 71

Semblance: Petal sweep: Race towards the ground if in the air and spread out as a field of rose petals the color of your aura (white) and freely teleport between the petals nearly instantaneously. Expanding the field takes exponentially larger portions of aura as it grows bigger. Multiple fields may be constructed. Up to four. You may also make portals of in the petals using extra aura.


Purity: 87

Light: 64

Motion: 34

Nature: 22

Life: 4


Silver eyed warrior (Rank 4) - You've awoken your lineage of silver eyes and have nearly mastered it.

-Grimm will take damage by being in your line of sight as they are purified. The higher your purity affinity the more effective the damage. Some grimm will flee from you even without your eyes on.

-Multiplies your WIS by 150% and INT by 50%

Artificial mage (Rank 4)- You were not born a mage. Your magical potential has been partially unlocked through a ritual yet you will always be inferior to a true mage so long as your core is broken.

-Mana is unlocked at 1/4th of it's full capacity. Given regular doses of mana saturated with an affinity you are attuned to (50% or higher than yours) your core will begin to function properly.

-You gain affinity at one fourth the normal rate.


… Was she a god? No really. Those stats were insane. I wasn't high enough of a level to see her skills but I suspect that they're equally incredible. If I were to dump all of my skill points into INT or WIS I might escape… for a second. Seriously, do you see that speed? Absurd. And her eyes too are equally OP. And she's a mage too. I think it's probably a gift from Ozpin. He gave the Branwen twins the ability to turn into birds, after all.

"My name's Abyss. Abyss Mavros." Summer smiled brilliantly and asked

"And what are you doing so far away from towns?"

I paused for a moment. Dodge the question, dodge the question, dodge the- "Are you a pedophile?" Summer reeled back and gave me a poleaxed look. Like I'd slapped her. "Mom and Dad told me to stay away from pedophiles so… go away?" Summer blinked for a moment.

"No I'm not a pedophile. I'm a huntress. Uh, here." Summer took out an I.D. that did indeed say she was a huntress. Not that I already knew. Well I'm not giving up yet.

"Okay you're not a pedophile." Summer looked relieved. Why would she care so much? "But… why are you talking to me anyways?"

Summer looked to me with that smile. "I was sent here by a very nice man who wants to meet you! You're very special." Oh shit Ozpin wants my wizardry. Go away parasitic wizard!

"No thanks." Summer's smile dropped a little but she didn't seem sad. It seemed more like it became more honest. Or become slightly less upbeat now that it was confirmed that I was not a sweet and happy child. Her eyes were more curious as well.

"Why not?"

"I have places to go." Summer's eyes gleamed at a perceived opportunity. Wow she's getting real serious about outsmarting a child.

"What sort of places? It's dangerous out here. I'd be happy to escort you if you come with me after."

"I don't think I'll be able to go with you. I have my own things to do." Summer's smile dropped a little more but she sure was interested in me. I could see it in her eyes.

"I can wait. You're very special and I have time to spare. I wasn't expected to find you for another month so I can stick around if you want." Shitshitshitshit… she seems so nice but I really don't think Ozpin is. He's a manipulator. I could be wrong and he's doing all of his stuff for good but I think that he cares more about killing Salem. He's using child soldiers after all. Or maybe he's the greater good type like Albus Dumbledore. It seems likely.

"Sorry miss. I'm really quite happy on my own. You seem nice but I won't be taking a month. More like a half a year." That oughta do it.

"I can wait." Wow Ozpin really wants me. Like REALLY wants me on his side. Six months and maybe more from Summer Rose? That isn't a light investment. And there's the fact that Summer isn't kidnapping me. They want to leave a good impression. Or maybe Summer's too nice. No, it's more likely that they sent her because she's charismatic, powerful, and a mage. Raven, if she hasn't gone rogue yet, is too scary and Qrow's too drunk. Tai might work but Summer's better.

"... Alright. I'll meet him but no promises." Summer's smile beamed brilliantly again but it wasn't the fake nice to meet you smile but a real one. Like she was just really happy I gave in. "But I have one condition…" Summer tilted her head a little and hummed questioningly. "I know you're a mage." Summer's eyes widened in shock and she opened her mouth to say something. I would have continued on but I wanted to know what she has to say for herself.

"I-what?! No! Pfft! Nah I'm a totally normal huntress doing… uhm, huntress stuff." I blinked and looked at her flatly. She was such a terrible liar that she almost sounds like she's trying to be bad at it.

"No really. I know I'm a wizard and I know you have magic." I smiled at her despondent expression. She kicked the ground glumly. Wow she really was childish. It's weirdly cute. As a three year old I really shouldn't be allowed to say that about a thirty year old woman with kids… wait, does she have kids? Bah! I'll ask later.

"So that condition is that You tutor me in magic and maybe as a huntsman. I know I'll probably be recruited by somebody for something. I want to be ready when they do." Summer looked at consideringly with a hint of sadness. Her smile was weak. She seemed to think of something and her eyes grew in determination. It was curious how expressive they were. I quite like them.

"Alright. I'll help you with magic. I don't know if I can teach you much though."

"You can." I confirmed. "If I had a piece of your mana I might be able to unlock your affinities. I already have the light affinity though so I can just learn those from you." Summer grinned a little.

"Alright little wizard. Well where are we going?" I smiled a little too. Her eyes softened slightly.

"Vacuo. First, though…" I released the illusion. Wow that was draining to keep up. Summer looked a little bewildered.

"How the hell did you make such a good illusion? Dust… I'm being surpassed by a two year old." Something seemed to occur to Summer and I felt an impending sense to flee.

"*Squeeeee!*" Summer leapt at my ears.

"No! Wait! They're ticklish!" Summer did not hear my pleas and petted my ears against my will.

Through a life changing event title you earned a title: Little Wizard

-Reduces mana costs by 5%

-Increases affinities by 10%

-Increases mana and aura capacity and regen by 25%

[|||| == ||||]

"So what do you want to learn first little wizard?" Summer asked me amicably. She was still snickering at me whenever she looked at my ears. I had to use my exo suit to get away from her. She could have easily caught me but she decided that if I'm willing to use a spell to get away that should be enough… for now. We had places to walk to.

"I already have a spell to keep sunlight off of me. I call it sun screen." Summer grimaced at the pun. There was a smile in there though. It was a good pun. "I also have my illusions. How about a more offensive spell?" Summer returned to her normal smile.

"How about a flashbang?" I rolled my eyes and collected all the light in front of me into a ball. In moments the light grew immensely bright before I released it aimed right into Summer's face.

"Eeep!" Summer blinked the blindness out of her eyes and glared at me as I smirked. The skill was so simple it wasn't even a spell. Just light manipulation, which ran off of my affinities.

"Rude. Fine. Do you have any ideas?" Summer didn't look to expect an answer.

"Hard light constructs or lasers. Preferably the first since lasers are pretty simple." Summer groaned and hung her head.

"You're not going to be an easy teach are you?" I smiled. She groaned again. Oh how the tables have turned. Sure, I have solid… mana… projection.

"Fine. I firmly believe hard light constructs are an abomination that no weapon can replace but I did say I'd teach you. Hard light constructs are some of the more useful ways to wield light. I use them for lockpicks someti-" I tuned Summer out for a moment. I made a rod of mana and imbued the light affinity into it. I didn't get a skill since it was just elemental imbuing and mana projection mixed into one. I didn't really mind.

"Nevermind I got it." I sharpened my rod of light into a tiny dagger and dropped it onto the ground. It sunk hilt deep into the ground where Summer looked at it emotionlessly.

"Bullshit. Utter bullshit. How?!" I smirked.

"I project raw mana physically all the time. I just added my light element to it. I never thought of that before. Thank you Summer." Summer sighed and shook her head.

"Since I didn't really teach you anything is there something I actually have to teach you?" I thought for a moment. Lasers were nice I suppose but not really complicated.

"Well I'd like to learn some sort of weapon later." I said. Summer nodded. "But for magic… how about keeping light out of an area?" Summer made an ooh sound.

"Tricky stuff." She said.

"Now when I tried this I tried to make a shield to keep light away and while it works in a way you're basically just making the light bounce everywhere and making a mirror. Useful for applying my makeup or when my car mirror was broken but not too useful." I nodded. She had basically made a shape out of sun screens. She just called them mirrors, which might be more accurate actually.

"What you have to do is not bounce the light away but bend it somewhere manually." I widened my eyes. I had never thought of doing it that way.

"When the light bends away collect it and just chuck it somewhere else. I just throw it into the sun myself but if that's not an option you can de-energize it."

"De-energize light?" I asked curiously. Summer grinned again.

"Yup! With mana you can cancel out the energy in light and make it stop being so energetic. Before you ask, no you can't absorb the energy to make mana. Believe me, I tried." I closed my mouth sullenly. Well I'll refrain from trying to absorb light to mana for now. Maybe HP though. Kind of like photosynthesis. Or that would just be a heal spell with a light element. Ugh.

"You going to try it little wizard?" I nodded and reached out into the light. I bent it upwards into the sky and made sure to keep it aimed up there. I opened my eyes and saw a black void. It wasn't empty. It just didn't have any light. I widened it to a sphere absent of light and I could feel the space with mage sight. It wasn't a skill but it was a pretty nifty application of light manipulation. I tried negating the energy in the light that flew upwards with mana and then I heard the ding of a skill being made. I could feel the photons becoming stationary, which I didn't know was possible, but the other photons bounced off of them, making the skill mostly useless.

"Yup! You got them stationary. Don't worry about how it looks in the sunlight. Just do it over all the windows in a house or in a dome and the light inside will be trapped. You can then direct all that light out of the area and have a pitch black area to fight in. You'll be blind too, of course, unless you use another trick I made."

… damn that's really useful and creative. Summer is an awesome teacher. "Can I learn that spell now?"

"Nope! You need a dark space to do it. You've already learned one spell for the day. Practice it." Summer replied happily. I gave her my best puppy eyes. I flattened my ears, widened my eyes, dropped my shoulders, and blew wind into my eyes to make them water.

Summer glanced at me and quickly looked away. Her fingers twitched. She looked to me again and tried to glance away. She bit her lip and swayed indecisively. I sniffled. "Okay Fine! Please stop!" Summer lunged towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I lost a little health from how tight it was. "Damn you!" She cried as I got rid of my puppy eyes and returned to normal. She looked annoyed at me.

Summer waved her hand and instantly I couldn't see. Well with mage sight I could see the wind part around Summer and the ground and the space Summer and the ground took up. It wasn't to hard if I only focused on space. "Alright. Well, your eyes see through light. What you need to do is make a beam of light and keep exact control of it and bounce it from your eyes to the people and the wall of static light. Don't let it loose because then it bounces around and others can use the light to see. Try it."

I didn't really need to but it might be convenient to use it on an ally so I tried it. I shot a very weak beam of light and controlled the photons to only bounce back to my eyes. Those that didn't bounce back I recycled at a different angle to see from. I could see pretty well. It wasn't great. Kind of like it was low definition.

*Ding!* New spell acquired! - Controlled light vision

"Shooting lazers from your eyes sounds like a great idea until you realise you're shooting the lasers back in. Then you're told it's only visible light."

-Aprentice wizard Jones Barnes

"Got it." I said happily. Summer then let go of the dome of stationary light and I yelped as my light and the other light all went into my eyes at the same time, blinding me. I closed my eyes and rubbed as the sharp sting went away. I opened my eyes slowly and let them re-adjust to see Summer smirking triumphantly. Fair play, Summer. Fair play.

[|||| == ||||]

I sighed as I sat down on a chair made of hard light. It cushioned me and my aching body perfectly. That must have made it all the better for Summer when she yanked me upwards onto my feet. "Time for training!" She chirped. I despaired but grimly set myself for whatever Summer was about to unleash upon me.

"Fifty pushups! On the double!" Summer said sadistically.

"No! Please!" I cried. She smiled.

"Your legs are tired. Your arms are not. Normally exercising a three year old can lead to muscle damage but you've already got something that can deal with that, right?" … Yeah. Gamer's body would consider muscle damage HP loss. I would be fine. I don't actually have any bodily limits other than my HP, fatigue, and muscle strength. My silence confirmed this to Summer.

"Actually, I've been wondering something else too…" I looked to her curiously. "How are you so smart and mature? I know what three year olds are like. You act like a particularly nice teenager." I looked to Summer curiously for a moment. I didn't think it would be so long for her to ask. Well, why not tell the truth? Or a part of it anyways. No way in hell I'm telling anybody about RWBY. Ever.

"I'm reincarnated. All wizards are. I was seventeen when I died last time." Summer's eyes widened.

"How did you die?" I frowned.

"Car accident I'm pretty sure. Boring way to die. I didn't see anything but everything suddenly went white for an instant and I woke up as a one year old. I was almost done with high school too."

Summer looked at me with a frown. "You're really calm about it for someone who died three years ago." I nodded.

"I've always been sort of laid back. When I get stressed I get… well unpleasant would be putting it mildly. For a while I wasn't doing so well. I poured all of my energy into getting stronger but then my parents were killed-" Summer took a small intake of breath "-and I just sort of left. I wandered Vacuo and eventually got bored about a month ago. That's why I'm going to Vacuo. Well, there's another reason I'm going back but the main one is that I'm tired of being alone with grimm. They're boring after a while."

Summer looked to me worriedly. Her eyes really were extremely expressive. Almost eerily so. I bet she could have a conversation with just her eyes. "That's got to be one of the worst childhoods I've ever heard." I smiled bitterly.

"It can get worse."

"Not really." Summer said confidently.

"My parents were terrible at their jobs. I would occasionally get put aside as an afterthought and be the only one home. They weren't terrible but they were not good parents. If I had been a normal kid I might have died or at least grown up with some serious issues."

Summer stood up. "That's it. You need cuddles." I couldn't protest before I was hugged strongly. I tried to push away but Summer held resolutely and said "Nope." and I gave up my resistance.

After maybe a minute or two Summer and I seperated and she said "Now pushups. Go." And I sighed and started doing pushups.

[|||| == ||||]

After pushups, crunches, pull ups on a hard light bar I had to make myself, and some sort of abomination of pull ups with your legs Summer and I finally got to the good stuff.

"Which weapon do you want to use?" Summer asked. I thought for a minute. Daggers? Too short for my tastes. Swords? They're a bit basic for my tastes. They're too well known and thus predictable. Perhaps something longer to keep people at a range. Spears are a good start but they're a little…

"Halberds." I said. Summer raised an eyebrow. Why halberds?"

"They're long enough to keep people at a distance, which will be the main point of combat for me so I can prepare a spell, a trick, or wait a few minutes to gather enough mana to use a spell. I can slash with them, stab with them, and they won't have the awkward weight from the axe head because I'll be using a hard light halberd. I'd also like to use a shortsword as a backup, for confined areas, and for sneak attacks." Summer nodded thoughtfully.

"You can put those in the same weapon-" what "-and what kind of gun?"

I stared at Summer. "No gun. Just hard light spells and whatever else I-"

"And what. Kind. Of. Gun?" That tone screamed for me to not say the same thing again. Ah, right. Hard light was not to be used for weapons by the orders of weapons nut Summer Rose.

"... Long barreled assault rifle down the shaft." If I was breaking under the pressure I was doing it right. Long range was too much work. I would use light and wind infused mana arrows or bullets if I was attacking from afar. Close range I could use wind blades or my close combat skills. Medium range I didn't have very covered. An assault rifle would handle that.

"Better." Summer patted my head like I was a dog. I didn't even protest. I'm not speaking up. She used the danger voice on me. The voice that all men know means to shut up and play along or else…

"Now, for now we'll have to use… hard light constructs. Use a shortsword for now since I know how to use that better than any polearm." Summer spoke the words with a tinge of disgust. I made a short sword of light silently. I have to say that it was pretty well made. It was plain and I didn't have the control to make it monomolecular or anything but it was sharp enough for my tastes. Sharp enough to cut deep into rock if I gave it a good swing. It would get better as I advanced mana constructs so for now it was fine.

"This is my weapon." Summer said with returning glee as she drew a short and thin sword. Looking closely there were thin lines across the blade in an odd pattern I couldn't discern. "It's called Bloom. A short sword, of course but it's got two transformations. When you perform to my satisfaction I'll show you one!" She coated the sword in aura and blurred.

I used my exo suit and a warp in space to bring my own sword up. Hers clashed against mine with a thud but no sparks flew. It was like her aura was making her weapon more durable. Perhaps sharper as well.

I blew back Summer with a gust of wind and she took the blast amusedly. I'm sure she could have just stood her ground without a problem but that would be outclassing me. She was performing at a level I could handle. I appreciated that.

I thrusted my sword and created a warp between the space of my thrust and her back. Summer's smile dropped and she whirled around to bat my sword away. I show about ten light wind arrows at her and the space surrounding her. Summer must have sensed something so she suddenly turned to rose petals and plunged to the ground faster than I could see. A fraction of a second later I heard a faint fluttering sound and felt a pointy tip at my neck.

I was in quite a bind but I still had a moment to respond. I tried something a little risky and tried a blink spell. Before I hadn't the affinity for it but now I was at ten percent and in need of it. I imagined myself simply trading my space for another - not opening a wormhole or making one piece of space another but just changing two spaces - and felt my mana twist oddly with the space affinity. I heard a pop and blinked at the sudden relocation. That was… odd. So is the blade pointed at my face.

*Ding!* New skill acquired! - Blink

"Simple and effective. You're here then you're there with no in-between. It's not got the range of the teleport spell but it's called blink because of it's speed born from it's simplicity. Even a novice can do it it's so simple."

-Head spaciomancer Mallus Trill

"Was that… spatial magic?" Summer's eyes were wide with excitement and interest.

"...Yes?" I said it apprehensively. She laughed lowly. Then it got louder and louder. She looked to me with excitement in her eye.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun." I didn't like the sound of that.

"Again! And I'll hold back more this time. I forgot for a moment that you're a three year old. Good tricks by the way. You actually made me use my semblance. Those arrows are fast as well." I felt just a little bit better.

[|||| =NEXT LEVEL= ||||]


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