Chapter 12

RUBY is seven years old

[||||=LEVEL 12= ||||]

5 years 11 months old

1 year 6 months after Summer's death

"I still disagree."

"And I disagree right back."

"Why can't you just admit that you're like a brother to me?"

"Because I'm not family and I won't be."

"You take care of me, train me, send me to bed, get defensive about me, and a hundred other little things I can't even name."

"Family share everything. I sure as hell don't."

"Then share!"

"No. I know things that others would refuse -"

"Would refuse to believe, that would turn their understanding on it's head, that they wouldn't want to believe, blah, blah, blah! Quit your pity festival! I'll listen if you just talked! I want to know! Mom thought of you as a step son and everyone could tell! You've been around for what, a year after Mom died?! Quit r-"



"No Ruby. I'm not family. Besties I can do. A brother is not something I can or will be."

"But you are. You've been a brother to me for more than a year now. You got me christmas gifts. You cook dinner because you're the only decent cook in the house. Maybe you do ignore Yang and Dad and maybe I should too. More than a year of not talking in the same house is ridiculous. But you're family even if you deny it."


"... what's holding you back? Dad and Yang stay away from me because I remind them of mom but you… there's nothing holding you back but yourself. So what's holding you back? Please. I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own. I don't understand people like you do and I know you know why…"

[|||| == ||||]

Abyss Mavros

Title: Passenger

Level – 188

HP – 3697.5 (+9.24/min)

AP – 53,392 (+2669.6/min)

MP - 79,032 (+3951.6/min)

STR - 100 (+300%)= 400

VIT - 87 (+325%)= 369.75

DEX - 145 (+330%)= 623.5

INT - 267 (+270%)= 987.9

WIS - 284 (+370%) = 1334.8

LUK - 57 (+0%)= 57

POINTS - 685


(4x as potent due to skills)

Air: 199

Purity: 128

Electricity: 114

Light: 105

Heat: 78

Water: 74

Space: 61

Motion: 49

Nature: 44

Life: 35

Ice: 5

50 VIT - Energetic

-50% more stamina

50 STR - Buff

-50% more physical damage

100 STR - Brawler

-500% more physical damage with fists. Your knuckles are extremely hard. This applies to all unarmed combat.

50 DEX- Reflexive

-50% faster reflexes

100 DEX - Eye for detail

-You take in all sensory information with no cost to brainpower or focus.

*Ding! Modification made:

-Lightning: Weapons may have lightning passively channeled through it.

I didn't really care about the stat increases. I needed them, sure, but I wasn't much of a physical guy. I was the mage. My affinities reflected this. I just needed some sort of physical affinity.

Using water and then heat was too complex and a bit slow. I needed a direct one step move. A direct affinity with ice made making ice less complex. It also helped my magic sessions with Raven go smoother if we used ice.

I had awoken my electricity affinity as well and meditated with it often to get results. I would mostly use that one in combat I think. I had made progress in my skills too.

Most of them weren't important but there were a few which needed notice. Cooking, which was a level eighty nine on account of all my cooking, persuasion, which was a twenty nine, and singing, which had reached thirty four from me just screwing around sometimes. I was still human (Faunus? Soul? Homunculi? Whatever) and needed breaks. This was sort of one anyways. I was letting my parallels do all the work anyways.

I had also gotten the teaching skill from teaching Ruby so much. It was level thirty eight on account of me being a good teacher that taught a lot. There was also the mathematics skill, which I got to max level on account of my previous knowledge.

On combat I had actually bothered to level my weapons skills. They were both at level thirty nine. I didn't much care about them but I figured I should have something for when I ran out of mana. I still had high speed movement for that though. It had gotten to level sixty one and gave me six hundred ten percent more speed for one hundred forty percent more stamina. It was just really slow to level. (AN: Nerfed it a lot. Was way too strong. Still a really strong skill because Abyss is super speedy already but whatever. He'll be fighting in the big leagues. Give him some love)

There are only a few other skills worth mentioning. Air blade, which is level fifty nine, shock bolt, level thirty nine, storm, level fifty, purify, level seventy nine, sanctify level forty, and tornade level thirty five.

I had grinded my electrical affinity to hell and back as well. It was too useful to not do so. The modification was nice too. One of the better ones for sure. Just not one that I'll ever be using often.

The passive were alright I suppose. Brawler was worthless but as a backup it might work a little. Eye for detail was the only really useful one though reflexive is good as well.

With eye for detail I could use my mage sight as max without any penalty to how clear the picture was. It had always been a problem for me but I just sent a parallel to monitor it. With my INT it wasn't too hard since I thought so fast.

I was just bored of training. I was in a little bit of a lull. Why train when I have Ruby here to train the life out of? So my parallels handled it most of the time and I used my body when I felt like it to let them meditate on affinities. Most of the school day my body was working out. Speaking of…

Ruby was working hard. She was learning algebra (against my consent. Little masochist) to better learn ballistics. She had decided on scythes and snipers (who would have guessed) since she felt they fit her the best. Thankfully having a few pragmatic bones in her she also talked about a shortsword with some dust functions as a backup. Ambitious but deadly. I liked it and had been teaching her the shortsword like Summer had taught me.

It had taken the teaching skill to realize that Summer was actually a terrible teacher. She knew what it was she was talking about but she often left me to work out issues in my style by myself. Perhaps she assumed I would find a way to fight that fit me eventually. Tough luck, Sum. I wasn't level fifty yet.

Anyways, Ruby was working hard. All the time actually. I used my resist spatial interference spell on Ruby now. It built up muscle and tired her out so she didn't seem incredibly out of place in her grade. Not so much the aura. Kids had aura sometimes if their parents were training them early.

Yang still didn't have hers. Tai had told her to start training her body now, which she had, and he would unlock hers when she was thirteen like any other signal student. Somehow they hadn't realized Ruby hasn't been training. I honestly don't know how. Truly I don't.

Ruby works out in the mornings and after school so maybe they assume she just goes out with friends like Yang does? Ruby has been more confident with me with her. Ruby isn't really muscled either. Just exercise every kid would do but scaled up about five times, or more recently like ten times, to build muscle along with some books on grimm, huntsmen, aura, and the like. All with me teaching her of course.

I had already asked Ozpin about getting Ruby a place in Beacon and he was filling out paperwork before you could say 'Silver eyes'. He was already fine admitting her since I had been training her myself and she was Summer's daughter, which he still pretended to feel guilty about (empty husk of a man… I still pity him). But the silver eyes really made him pounce. I hadn't told him about my super silver eyes. I wanted to irritate him and surprise him.

I just wish I didn't have to wait for Ruby to grow up so slowly. It was irritating and tiresome. Half the time I just drew her into my soul space and taught her myself. Do you know how irritating it is to see her trying to independently study ballistics? Terrible! I tapped that mathematics skill and teaching skill and stole a whiteboard to make her stop trying futilely. She was manipulating me but I don't even care. Force of gravity? Fucking book. Don't round down to the first whole number you absolute idiots.

I had maxed my observe skill a while ago and had checked the teacher's skill level. Was it sad that he had the persuasion skill leveled to sixty eight and teaching at level seventeen? Might I remind you that mine was at thirty eight. Ruby already knew the material from my pushing her to be her best so she never listened to her.

I made sure she had a childhood as well. Ruby could pretend to socialise as much as she cared to. It wasn't actually socializing since she didn't care even the slightest about her classmates, which sounds callous and it kind of was but to be fair it was SO boring for her.

She had two friends at least. I was pretty sure she found them boring most of the time but she couldn't live only talking to me and, rarely, her family. She wasn't a complete introvert though she didn't much like talking with others.

I had come to a conclusion about Ruby actually… why she was so smart. She was raised poorly in the original world of RWBY. In a normal world Yang would have kept all the other kids away to defend her precious little sister after Summer's passing. Ruby would grow attached to Yang and get social anxiety like she claimed to have in the show. Or social awkwardness at any rate.

I, on the other hand, actively pushed Ruby to try being social. I showed her a few ways to direct a conversation, what looked confident and what didn't, and the likes. Things you never really learned unless you were older and social conundrums got more complex.

Ruby learned how to be confident and outgoing when she cared to… she didn't care to at all. Ever. She wasn't even that close to her two only real friends. I'm certain if the Weiss mix-up happened she's interrupt Weiss right back and plainly point out everything that was rude that Weiss did. I'm so proud of her.

On the academics side and Ruby's soaring to middle school levels. Well, Ruby's smart in the show. She uses a sniper rifle on the fly. That takes some math to use and to make a sniper scythe and be a gun-nut in general took lots and lots of math. Truckloads of it. I hated math. She taught herself that stuff.

In a normal world Ruby would have been bored senseless in easy classes and never really had a reason to try. One of the downsides of forced equality in standardization of early grade levels was that kids could stagnate and never exercise that sweet sweet neuroplasticity. Ibis idiot can't be Genma genius so Genma genius gets dumbed down to the grade level of Ibis idiot. Standardized learning.

I pushed her to be great. I played motivator to be great. Ruby fulfilled that with ease so I pushed harder. Gain some momentum and good habits and she took off into basic ballistics of guns in her third grade.

I didn't just teach Ruby math either. Well, some math. I just never taught her algebra since I'm terrible at advanced algebra and even the most basic of calculus is beyond me. I taught science. Lots of science. I was a chemistry nut in high school so I taught her all of the basics of that and biology and physics. We were getting started on them at any rate. It was still middle school stuff. Nothing insane or high school level.

Physics was just applied mathematics so of course Ruby ate it all up like candy. It was kind of absurd how much Ruby loved to learn. Then again, we lived in a world with people like Oobleck and whatever kind of super genius professor Poledina was so it wasn't too out there for Ruby to be stupidly smart.

I hadn't focused on english or the arts at all. They were the more fun classes in my opinion. School had to teach her SOMETHING at least. I couldn't be bothered to teach her everything and my personal biases leaked through into what I was teaching sometimes. Ruby has never and will never learn of significant figures. I hate the rounding rules with a passion. Calculus as well. Only the very basics of it.

She had barely even touched on it before deciding it was way too advanced for her. But she still drooled over the textbook equations before scribbling in her algebra one book.

I liked math but advanced algebra and calculus just… ugh, that's a different conversation. Ruby agreed with me on calculus at least. She was skeptical on algebra. I didn't stop her from learning it herself though, which she did. Nerd. I didn't make her a lunch that day.

Oh right! The soul space. I actually tended to use my bodie's inbuilt soul space since it was superior to my personal soul space. It was just like a very large house with three floors and an attic. Gas stove, wood fireplace, heated as hot or as cold as I liked, beds made perfectly, an aisle of guest rooms like some sort of hotel with nice and teeny tiny rooms, couches super soft, a TV and games console (I stole the console and games), and a hundred other things that made it the best house ever. I let Ruby inside sometimes.

She loved it and had a slumber party. It was great. We made s'mores with strawberries and I got some cookies as gram crackers for Ruby. I made it cold enough that we had to huddle under blankets together by the fire. There was something about cold air and a warm fire that was just nice. She stayed in my physical soul space, as I called it, whenever she was feeling down.

Through our shared souls I felt that it felt more like a home than her own house. I didn't have the heart to take that away from her. It would be cruel to give her a place that feels like home and then take it away.

Sometimes I wondered, though, if it was crueler that I was taking Ruby's family from her emotionally. She never talked with her family. Ever. They didn't either. I expect her to move out when she turns thirteen and goes to Signal's high school portion, which was more combat intensive than their middle school division. She doesn't have to but… why would she? The house only reminds her of better times with Summer.

In the normal reality Ruby held the family together. She kept Yang in the house to face her problems and she came out better for it because she needed all family close. She kept Tai from falling deeper in his depression by needing a parental figure. She kept Qrow around more to teach her the scythe and take the pressure off of Tai since she was needy when she was vulnerable and heartbroken.

Yang got into fights more often now. She hung out with friends so much now that she wasn't there for dinner sometimes.

Tai had fallen into an emotional depression. No Summer. No kids. Not even Qrow dropped by often. When he came home he didn't often see me and Ruby doing our own thing since he oh so often came back to an empty home house. When he took on missions again leaving me in charge it sealed where he was in my mind. That he also still had his job at Signal meant he was barely ever at the house.

Qrow, at least, dropped by occasionally. Roughly once every few months. Partly out of his semblance but that was more of an excuse than anything. He never came back because there was nothing to come back to. Everything came apart when Summer died and separated with my influence taking Ruby. Then there were his missions to take care of as well.

Ruby didn't hate her uncle or anything though. She still cared for him plenty. He hadn't ever wronged her. He just… didn't come around. Ruby did, however, harbor some very extreme disapproval towards Tai-Yang. He had basically dumped her with me to escape his problems in his work like Yang did. She told me that she planned to just ignore them, calling that punishment enough. I agree. However, I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for this.

I had brought Summer back home to die in front of her family. Tai had lost the second woman he cared for right in front of him this time. Ruby still had nightmares if I wasn't sleeping in the same bed as her and she clung to me and treated me as the only true family she had besides maybe Raven. Yang had nobody holding her to the house and nothing but bad memories of better times there.

I had broken the family. Shattered it into pieces so small that it was unsalvageable. I had stolen Ruby, the next centerpiece of the family, from her home to bring her to what I call a better life. I still believe it is. For her and me. I had stolen her when the other two needed her most and they had payed the heavy price.

I don't regret it. But I'm sure that Summer would be crying in her grave. I'm so sorry. But I will have your daughter survive and become strong. No matter what she will not die. Even if the world is against her she will stand tall with me at her side.

[|||| == ||||]

"No thanks auntie. I got it."

"Alright Summ-"

"... I'm not my mother auntie. I can't be her."

"... You're so much like her. It's in your eyes."

"What about Abyss? He has her eyes for real."

"No. Those aren't Summer's eyes. When I look into his eyes I see myself in so many ways… He acts like me but he acts partly for the reasons Summer would do things. Like acting on kindness as well as cold logic. I don't understand it. He makes so much sense but when you think about it nobody understands how he thinks."

"I can understand him."

"... Interesting. So you do. That's a valuable power, niece. Abyss is the strongest person I know, as I said before. He is not burdened with the fates of others like I or Ozpin. If he wants something he takes it, which is a power few have. In remnant there is not a single enemy I would fear more than him. He could burn my tribe to the ground if he desired to and I could not stop him or get any form of revenge.. He wouldn't be able to kill me but does that matter? He knows that I cannot kill him and that he can destroy what I hold dear. It is why he does not fear me as I sometimes wish he would."

"He wouldn't kill your tribe unless you did something to make him really mad. And why wouldn't you just take me hostage if you wanted to get to him?"

"Destroy the lineage of the silver eyes, Summer's daughter, and my niece? Do you recall me being a monster? I am cruel and I know it. I am not a monster. A monster doesn't know any better. I know better than to always act cruel."

"Oh. I still have a hard time understanding others."

"So do I and so does Abyss. Summer could only see the best in people. Her only flaw, in my opinion. I would say that's a flaw in understanding others."

"Maybe it's a good thing mom was so kind hearted."


"Would you really want to live in a world where everyone was cruel?"

"... No. In any sense of the question."

"There was another way of interpreting the question?"

"You're so hopeless, Ruby. I'm a bandit. I'm a person. Two different meanings for my two different jobs."

"I wouldn't call it a job to be human…"

"Then you're a good person. Being human comes easy for people like you. Enjoy that you have a kind heart… I believe it is time for you to go."

"Oh! The portal! Bye auntie Raven!"

"Goodbye my niece. Remember to think twice before saving kittens from trees. You can slip and snap your neck so easily."

[|||| == ||||]

"Soon adults will stop patronising you and actually treat you like you're not stupid. Well, maybe fifth grade. People teach you like you have a brain around third through fifth grade. Then they teach you like an idiot in need of their holy guidance at middle school and finally in high school they work you like a slave. Well, that's how civilian schools are. Now quit your whining. I don't want to take the test either."

"Aren't I already working like a slave?" Ruby thought sarcastically. A bad habit she picked up from me. At least she got my work ethic. To everyone's relief her time around Raven hadn't given her her morals. I had a nightmare about Ruby spouting Raven's 'weak die, strong live' philosophy. Then she was super buff. Weird dream though it might have been more like a nightmare.

"You're working like you seriously want to be a huntress." I snarked. She rolled her eyes. My bad habits again. Maybe Summer's habits having a resurgence.

Ruby and I traded words as she entered the building's playground. I actually thought it was an awesome playground for a kid. It was also good for Ruby to use to mess around. She gets enough training as is.

"Hi Ruby!" A brown haired kid with bright green eyes shouted cheerfully. "Hi Jam!" She shouted back. Jam was actually one of the few kids I remembered. Both because of his memorable name, my high INT that made me remember nearly everything, and that he was one of Ruby's really good friends.

"Ruby!" Another kid, a girl this time, with harsh black hair in contrast to her lightly tanned skin and orangish red eyes shouted again. "You're almost late!" This girl was Pepper. She was the only other person I could call Ruby's friend.

"I would have been fine." Ruby dismissed out of hand. She smiled slightly and shrugged. I glanced at the clock. Eight fifty two. We still had two minutes left and I had two teleport markers on campus. One in the bathroom supply closet and one in a little hidey hole on the roof. You couldn't get up there unless you were strong, which I was in my physical form. I flew when I was lazy. My wings were almost my favorite enhancement. Super silver eyes took the cake.

"Sure you would have gotten here without missing anything but you know the missus has it out for you!" Jam said with a friendly smirk.

Ruby shook her head exasperatedly. "Let's go already." Pepper laughed and she and Jam walked to class from the yard. I didn't pay attention to the things they chatted about. Ruby always did a magnificent job of pretending that she knew what had happened in the class… would she be marked as present if her teacher knew she was playing video games in class?

Wow that's actually a really good question. On one hand, marking her as absent when she was sitting there was like marking someone as absent if they just weren't paying attention.

On the other hand, while Ruby's body is pretending to pay attention (I'm always so glad my parallels have muted emotions. They couldn't feel boredom like I could) Ruby's consciousness was getting homeschooled. Or playing video games. More of the first than the second, surprisingly.

I had gotten the acting skill from all my work pretending to be Ruby. It leveled up pretty quickly luckily for me. It helped a lot.

Ruby walked into her homeroom as the bell rang. The teacher, a mean younger woman with a permanent scowl, locked eyes with Ruby and attempted to telepathically communicate just how irritated she was that Ruby was almost late.

Ruby's teacher, Miss Riddle, was one of those people who were never really happy. She got the job by sleeping with the principal but despite many beliefs the woman was competent at what she does. Especially math. She was great at math. Really really good. I gained a level from her once when one of the kids brought a complex problem and she showed them how to do it even if it was beyond them.

She's fine for teaching children really. She doesn't swear, she doesn't lay a hand on children, in standardized tests the kids get fine grades if not the best, and she dealt with parents well.

If she was a nicer person she would have gotten her teaching license easily. As it is, though, she didn't like Ruby because she didn't pay attention. So I glanced at her computer password and changed Ruby's grades whenever I felt like it. I also attended the parent teacher conferences as Tai Yang with wind whisper and an illusion. I actually kind of liked the conferences. Everybody lied there. The teacher lied about the classroom and the kids in general and the parents repeated the lies their kids told them.

No, Tangerine wasn't 'dating' Todd. She just follows him around trying to make a friend. No, Aqua wasn't useful at all in the classroom. She was social and nice in her own way but she wasn't smart. No, Aero wasn't the cool kid in the class. He was more like the clown.

The teacher had once told me that Ruby was being a brat and interrupting lesson time with her two friends and I gave her the best 'are you an idiot' look I have ever pulled off. I pulled her aside after the conference and basically told her to not spread lies about Ruby with her lack of a teacher's license as a threat.

She tried to seduce me blatantly and I ignored her and walked off. She treated Ruby a little better after that at least. She still tried to seduce me though. Or Tai… Well, maybe she likes 'bad boys' or something. A shame, really. She's a fantastic mathematician.

I pulled Ruby into my physical soul space and I taught her more about electrical systems for a few hours. I didn't know the specifics but I did know that they graphed them the same way and wired them similarly to Earth. She and I did a small experiment where I let her make a graph and provided her the materials to make a system herself.

By the time we finished Ruby had gotten five systems set up with some dust and conducting wires. I also briefly taught her about a few primitive engines like the steam engine and the hand crank engine.

Outside Miss Riddle was teaching about basic multiplication and division. Ah, I remember that. I just did speed drills with Ruby and used cookies to motivate her. She learned her ten by ten multiplication tables and she did the rest herself in ballistics.

She still wasn't good enough at ballistics to really do them in combat but for something like a few minutes and a static target she could hit it. Not good enough for combat at long range but enough for now. I mean, nobody gets good at math that quickly. Ruby was a genius no doubt but she had a long ways to go to be a competent huntress in training even, which was setting the bar low with me helping her.

Finally recess came and Ruby played around with her friends while I put spatial resistance on her. She kicked ass in hide and seek where I blinded her and enhanced her other senses to their peak. She could hear the faster heartbeats and smell the stains on clothes. She wasn't to the 'feel the wind' point that Summer was at yet. I was because of my homunculus bonuses but Ruby was restricted to just her dulled and mostly untrained childlike senses.

The school days on Remnant were shorter on Remnant and even so Ruby's school was particularly short so she got out at two o'clock after some video games and lunch. The school didn't have a lunchtime. They had a snacktime before the fourth class period.

Finally after science class at the end of the day Ruby and I went to the possibly best part of the day. Battle block, as Ruby called it. It lasted three hours of Ruby and I tinkering with weapons, practicing weapons skills, light sparring (Light for me anyways), and quizzing each other on various things.

Sometimes we made a lot of progress. Ruby would dismiss a few ideas for her weapon and we would make a few more ideas to be considered for next time. We might find out some trick to the guns or something too. More often we had normal days. We would spar a little and drill our muscle memory (or skills in my case) to handle guns better.

I taught Ruby some stealth as well as refine my own. Ruby learned that somewhat slowly but soon enough she got the basics down. Weight spread in a certain pattern and legs bent just enough as well as developing the muscles correctly.

Sure, I could just cheat and fly a tiny amount off the ground or still the winds or some such but Ruby couldn't do such a thing. Besides, sneak had benefits other than just staying out of sight. Sneak could help my spells made as a surprise attack not be noticed until later or help me hide my presence better. Humans and faunus were instinctual things and as such could sometimes tell when a person was around even when there is no scientifically conceivable way for them to have detected me.

I had tried to sneak up on Raven once. I was invisible, didn't disturb the airflow at all, didn't smell, released no mana or aura, and didn't even have a heat signature. Despite this, though, Raven swung at me as soon as I was about to strike. That is to say, poke her in the side with a stick.

When I revealed myself and asked Raven said that she hadn't heard me, sensed a disturbance in the air, didn't even know you could sense mana, couldn't sense aura (apparently very few people could. That I could didn't surprise her), hadn't seen anything out of place, and all that. She had just had that gut feeling as soon as I stepped into the tent. She kept all senses on full alert and when I finally 'struck' her instincts blared and she acted without thinking.

I don't know how she did it. I don't know why even spatial presence negation, which literally makes me impervious to affecting space itself, doesn't work either. I don't understand it at all and I don't know if I ever will.

Finally at the end of battle block Ruby was teleported home since she's always exhausted. I send out my squad of parallels in avatars to do any chores and made dinner. By now it was about six or six thirty.

I and Ruby finally separated to do our own things. I might pop by Raven's for a chat or what have you or maybe Ruby will do the same. Ruby didn't often have homework since we tended to finish it all quickly at school. I might play around with magic or something or Ruby will read a little for leisure or meet with a friend. I might drop by Vale to restock on games to play or rob a bookstore. I didn't purge the criminal underworld. There was no need to. It might also change Cinder's plans.

Finally around nine or ten each night Ruby went to bed and I did as well. We often held each other. I sometimes slept or sometimes didn't. It depended on whether I wanted to do anything else that night. I rarely left the bed. Most things could be handled the next day.

It might be a slightly boring routine for some but I enjoyed the routine quite a lot. It was nice to have a time of peace in what had been a very tumultuous life so far.

[|||| == ||||]

"Auntie… Is Abyss my brother?"

"Not biologically of course. But as for how he acts… Well I can't say. I believe he acts like he is."

"He says he isn't. That we're beasties but not brother and sister. But he does all the things a big brother does. He makes me dinner, tucks me in, gets me up, and even tells me stories. He's even protective of me."

"That sounds like family looking out for each other."

"But he says he's not my brother…"

"Family. Not a brother. Family looks out for one another."

"That's dodging the question auntie."

"You never asked a question."

"But I implied it! Ugh. Why doesn't Abyss just admit that he's family and my brother? I don't understand!"

"Do you need to?"

"... No."

"Exactly. I don't understand Abyss. He confuses me often and has no apparent answers. But that's fine. People don't understand a lot of things. Grimm, aura, where life came from, how the universe as a whole exists… But we don't need to understand something to enjoy it."

"I know… But I still want to understand him. He's my family whether he likes it or not and I'm going to make sure he's happy. I need to understand him for that."

"Good luck with that. You'll need it if you're trying to understand somebody like him. I still don't understand why he helps me with my magic practice and I doubt I ever will."

"One day you'll figure it out auntie. You're really smart."

"Thank you Ruby. You're smart for your age as well. More importantly, though, you're mature. Be proud of that. It will get you far."

[|||| =NEXT LEVEL= ||||]


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