Chapter 31

[||||=LEVEL 31= ||||]

[|| =!BONUS LEVEL!= ||]

A happy fairy tale

I never really realized it but my sister's never called me a hero. I was always 'little bro' or something of the sort. Now they do. Violet slipped and mentioned how heroic I was when I beat Coral for the first time. Not that I was supposed to hear. I was, uhm, standing nearby at the time.

Mom winced at the word 'heroic' and glanced over to me standing by the doorframe. I glanced away and left. We never spoke about it.

I remember, with piercing accuracy, the Villain's words to me.

"You should cry, young man, but you'll probably rejoice. You get to be a hero."

And I did cry… in joy. When I had everything revealed from magic to Ozpin to the family semblance I went into my room and cried in joy. I could be a hero! I could be strong and save people and become a huntsman and just be useful!

And then I saw Lavender. The only sister of mine that's younger than me. She was… Traumatized. Therapy sessions became a once a week thing, she, Azure, and Verdant were put into therapy (though Vere was out within a month) and as for me I had training every day beyond what I thought was reasonable.

But the training wasn't a big deal. I nearly liked the aching of my muscles. That meant I was getting stronger, apparently, according to mom.

With home life… Settled in a way, I tried to figure out just what I really wanted to do. Everyone was in full agreement of one thing at least. I couldn't do nothing. No way.

The Villain had showed that we couldn't be weak but mom was strong. She was a huntress on par with the top ten percent. She was one of the best and still had years to get even better. But while we were strong as a family and people we were weak on our own.

So… We had a small choice to make. Go to Salem and pledge our loyalty, which was hardly an option, go to Ozpin and pledge our loyalty, which everybody hated the idea of, or… Find someone else.

Ozpin and Salem weren't the only powers apparently. The Villain was just one example of the monstrously strong people in this world. One of the people I was quickly becoming. So… We don't like either option at all so what to do?

Mom reached out through some old friends and found a few people. A cult of magician's in Mantle. The city, that is, but they were pretty weak. Stronger than us by far - strong enough to level valleys - but not strong enough.

There was an old dragon, a sentient one in an isle of Mistral, that offered sanctuary if we offered our mana to it. Mom was really torn but declined it.

However, Coral accepted an offer behind her back and left to train with the dragon and do… Something. Mom swore at her worse than I've ever heard but in the end Coral left to serve under the dragon. I just hope she comes back when she's supposed to.

So we took the only option left. We aligned ourselves with Ozpin. I go to beacon and my family is safe. That's it. No pledging our souls or blood ritual with the blood of lambs. I just go to beacon.

What's the downside again?

Mom relented and the wizard agreed to defend my family and that was that. He sent a box with a sheet of metal inscribed in a pattern of some sort. It allows him to teleport here. He tested it and mom talked to him in private.

But with all that done there was nothing left to do. So I kept training my hardest in my semblance, the Villain's ability, and anything and everything in fighting I could.

But maybe I've trained enough to just be a hero a little bit.

"Jaune… Do you want to come with me on my next mission?" I looked at Crimson in surprise but I felt a massive grin form on my face. I know I'm doing that thing where my eyes shine, as my sisters say, but who even cares.

Crimson looked a bit awkward asking me. Her red hair, the only redhead in the Arc family, shined a little in the dim sunlight as it often did but the uncertainty in her dark grey eyes seemed to overshadow it. I suppose most people don't ask fifteen year olds to go on missions with them. But anyways…


[|||| == ||||]

"Be careful with the ursas. They're the most dangerous thing you should be facing." Crimson looked at me sternly from her horse. I patiently waited for her to finish talking. The trials of being the youngest…

"You packed everything? Toothbrush, clothes, motion sickness pills, sword polish-?"

"Blanc lumiere doesn't need sword polish or a whetstone or anything like that." I huffed. Lumiere is awesome! It's going to be the next Crocea mors I just know it!" Crimson smiled just a little bit but turned away to hide it from me.

"Uh huh. But… Did you pack your safety blankie?" my eyes widened a little. Uh oh… It's going to be a hard night's sleep for this budding hero.

Crimson laughed at me and reached into the left pocket of her horse. She pulled out a somewhat heavy blanket with knights and defeated beowolves on it. I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pack, which was mounted on the right side of my horse's saddle.

"Hail the conquering hero." Crimson said with the playful snark only an older sister can use. Believe me I've tried to do the same. I apparently only have a special kind of annoying that they find adorable in small doses.

"Well I'll, uh, conquer… The grimm!" I stumbled over the words coming up with a decent comeback. Crimson snorted and reached into the saddlebag again, pulling out a pillow of the same design as my blanket.

"What Grimm? The ones in your dreams?" she tossed the pillow ag me and I caught it as I started sulking. My greatest defense. The guilt trip.

Immediately the guilt trip started working. I really played it up and shot some sad glances put towards the foliage on my right. "Yeah." I said glumly. "I guess I won't really be THAT good against gr-"

"Oh fine! You'll be fine against Grimm!" Crimson looked annoyedly at me and muttered a few colorful words about me and my so-called puppy eyes. "Good Grimm, Jaune, you'll probably defend half the village easily." I smiled at my victory, albeit a minor one, and looked proudly forward.

"So… What's the mission?" Crimson turned her head slowly towards me with that dangerous look on her face.

"Why dear little brother where were you when I gave you the briefing to the mission? Oh wait! Right in from of me!"

"I mean… Uh…" I tried to come up with something to say that would help but I would never claim to be socially competent so I just tried my best. My best puppy eyes that is.

Crimson ignored my futile attempt at a guilt trip and her eyes narrowed like a predator getting ready to attack. Luckily I was on a horse and it's not like sis is going to jump out of the saddle to tickle me to the ground or anything. Azure would but not Crimson.

Big sis growled in irritation and I inwardly cheered at my safety. "We're going to Damas, which is just two days of travel away. Dad goes there for trading sometimes. They have a hardware store where Ansel doesn't. They also have a gunsmith that can work basic mechashifts."

"The reason we're going to Damas is because the Grimm presence has been steadily increasing lately. But… We have a trump card." Crimson had my full attention and she knew it.

"But I suppose it doesn't really matter if you know or not until we get there." She said dismissively. Of course…

"I'll make breakfast." I relented. I mean I was going to anyways but it was the triumph of it that sis wanted. She grew a small grin as I gave her what she wanted.

"Of course. Now, we have red bloom sap. Also called a few other things like red sap but people have been getting more specific recently for reasons you don't need to bother about. Red bloom sap attracts Grimm. We refined it every which way so that it's Grimm attracting effects are REALLY potent. I mean like a sixty mile radius potent. But we're not stupid enough to bring that many grimm in so we have a twenty and forty mile sap too. We'll be using the twenty then the forty then the sixty in three consecutive days. The town will be free of Grimm for years after that."

"Whoa…" I said with wide eyes. I didn't know you could attract Grimm…"

"And that's why you need field experience." Crimson said with some smugness. "And aura attracts them too but it's not as powerful as the sap. Well unless they have absurdly huge aura like you do but even with you I doubt you could reach over twenty miles being generous."

"Yeah…" I muttered. "But why does the sap attract Grimm?"

"I have no idea." Crimson said bluntly. "But they like to eat it. They take it from the trees in forever fall if there's a particularly sappy tree."

"Hm...alright then." I shrugged it off. I don't much care about the why's of it. If it works it works. After all, Dad makes a living off plants and he barely knows a thing about the intricacies of it. As he always said 'you don't have to be a scientist to farm.' so I don't have to know why Grimm like red sap. Just that they do.

"Now come on. You can fill me in on what's been going on since I left last time."

"You didn't talk to mom about it?"

"I figured you'd want something to talk about."

"Oh! Well Azure destroyed Verdant's clothes. Or at least cut the strap on one of them. She wants her to hurry up and ask Shamrock for a date."

"… Has Azure done this sort of stuff a lot?"

"Azure destroying stuff or getting V to ask her current love interest on a date?"

"Getting involved in romance stuff in general."

"Azure's just trying to encourage V to seriously date a guy, her being late twenty two and all. Sure Azure's nineteen but she's dating apparently. I don't get the big deal about it but to Azure it apparently is."

"Hm… And what else has been going on?"

[|||| == ||||]

"You're up to par at least." Crimson said, frowning down on him. I didn't resepond but continued gasping for breath. "But mom's clearly been slacking." Crimson continued.

"Your swordsplay is fine for maybe a third year at Signal, which is when combat training actually begins, but it should be better. Maybe halfway through my fourth year good. Oh, and I was called a prodigy in my time at beacon so I'm not saying you're weak… just not as strong as you probably should be. And your stamina is okay but you're a bit less strong than you should be. And your agility is horrendous. How are you so slow? Did mom just not break out the whip for you like she did for the rest of us?"

"She… she has a whip?" I panted out.

"Yeah. She would whip our butts, and I mean that literally, if we were too slow. It was good training."

"That's… sadistic!"

Crimson grinned. "No. I'm sadistic. I was actually Miss Goodwich's favorite. Since it was her first year teaching I helped her out and got a position as assistant teacher. She's really taken after my teaching style."

"I remember she used to use a sort of wand for her semblance, telekinesis, and then she changed to a riding crop to scare her students and make an example of the bad ones. I'm really proud of her. I mean, I'm technically younger than her but I taught her to teach."

"I can't wait." I was a little less gasping now but I felt dead on my… well I'm not on my feet. I'm on my face in the dirt. This feels a lot like my first days training with mom.

"OH! That reminds me! In about a year and a few months I'm getting a job at beacon! I was actually offered right out of the gate since I knew about magic and such and I'm an Arc but I declined because that's basically pledging allegiance to Ozpin. But now that the family's allied with Ozpin I can teach at a huntsman school without consequences!"

"I'm taking Glyn's job as a combat instructor actually. Glynda leads enough other things from management to paperwork that Ozpin is supposed to do to… well keeping beacon running at all. It was a madhouse before she joined. She's a fantastic secretary but calling her that is just a little debasing so she's being promoted to a manager of staff as well as vice-headmistress. I mean she basically had it already but you can't have two combat instructors, of course."

I imagined being taught like this for my four years at beacon… "Oh dust just…. Just end me."

"Of course not." Crimson smiled down on me and crouched down closer to me. "Now I'll give you a minute to rest as I quiz you on what mom's teaching you. So what's the oldest kingdom in remnant and how did it deal with the grimm?"

I racked my brain…. Uh, uhm… oh! "Mistral!"

"Wrong!" She smiled happily at me. "That's another round then! Oh, and it's Mantle but it fell a while ago. About seventy-ish years. It's a little sketchy when exactly since contact with Mantle was scarce with no radios and such properly installed but it IS technically the oldest. Mistral is a very close second but they go through dynasties every once and a while and the one right now is relatively new at one hundred and sixty-something years old. Mantle, however, still lives on in Atlas in a way. Officially at least since the Atlesian revolution instituted a change in capital and reforms but not culture or population."

"Ugh." I acknowledged her, face still on the ground.

"Now for the next round of sparring! You know what… my summer is actually free this year. I think I'll devote it to making you suck a little less. I doubt mom's had any time to catch up with her quota and V and Coral need to catch up on huntress work. They mentioned that teaching you made them fall behind a little bit. Aren't I generous?"

If possible my face sunk further into the ground to escape my natural predator. Sisters. Crimson giggled at me - this is not a joke. It's a cry for help - and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up to my feet. I tried my puppy eyes again.

"Nope." And with that my last hope is demolished. That usually works. Maybe I'm getting too old for that to work effectively…

I'm so screwed. Crimson smiled as she grabbed Lumiere and handed it to me.

[|||| == ||||]

"Ready, Jaune?" Crimson said over the radio.

"Ready." I said. I had some snipers at the wall behind me and the region of the wall supposedly to be less intensely attacked by grimm. Sis would dump the refined sap on the ground since apparently that's enough to attract the grimm and I would defend the wall with the militia watching my back. She only had two gunners watching her. I had nine.

The other two sides of the wall were covered by a nice older married couple named Plum and Geo. Crimson had apparently met them before and trusted them to hold their walls with four gunners each, which was apparently a bit generous but they didn't mind the extras.

For two hours I fended off beowolves of all sorts, two taijutsus, a leotine, and even a deathstalker.

Not that I actually fought the deathstalker. I just ran around and kept it's attention on me while a guy with a mortar rained a shell of incendiary and explosive dust onto it.

The leotine I just kept facing the wall until someone put a bullet in it's face and got lucky enough to put an assault rifle bullet into it's eyes.

I killed the first taijitsu on my own through my semblance and pumping aura into it and the second by channeling lightning dust into Lumiere and paralysing it's black head so that the wall could shoot it.

I think I could have handled plenty more if I used my gift, which is what everyone calls the Villain's markings that make me faster and stronger than anyone else even if I don't use aura (but I can toggle them off luckily), but with aura it gets way better.

With my semblance amplifying my aura's property to enhance me I get stronger and faster too but it compounds with the gift. Instead of being twice as strong with just one or the other I get four times stronger with both of them activated. That's the basics of it anyways. There's the trump card but that's… complicated.

Anyways, I had done that… all of that… by myself. All three waves of grimm from all over gone. I heard people laughing and breaking out beer while a few who had drawn short straws pick off any stragglers… while smoking a cigar of chewing tobacco of course.

In all the laughing and cheering for the first time it wasn't the words of others that made me think I was a hero. For the very first time I was certain of it down to my bones. I'm a hero.

[|||| =NEXT STAGE= ||||]

Learning to fly

I remember the first time I met my nephew. Summer's funeral. I had known Summer had a little protege, of course, since I keep an eye on everyone through my portals except for Ozpin. Just small ones that I peer through to look at people.

Abyss had stood there for three hours just staring at Summer's grave with Ruby. For a time I wondered how he could stay so long.

Ozpin had stayed so long as was polite and respectful. He was numb to it.

Taiyang had stayed only until Yang had to go to bed. His own way of moving on I suppose. He loved Summer but he was always a little more pragmatic than he seemed. So he would focus on Yang to heal… But he left Ruby. That bodes badly.

Qrow was the last to leave. I know there was a time he cared for Summer as more than a friend but he still left. Summer was an inspiration to him. His closest friend and a person to strive for. But he left. The job was more important to him than waiting on a dead woman.

As for why I stayed… Summer was my ONLY friend. She was strong though she stayed with the wizard. I respect her despite her affiliation with him. Besides, I want to meet her little protege.

So I met him. And he seemed, while strong and smart for his age, still a child. So we talked and I… Let my emotions slip. A rare sight for me. He gave me books for magic. I knew that I might harm my tribe by practicing or myself if I do something improperly.

Time passed and I slowly started to see Abyss for what he was. A monster. Not in spirit but in strength.

He couldn't fight nearly as well as I but he was so much more versatile. Teleportation especially would make him able to strike at me. And you can't block a tornado.

More importantly were his morals. They were the strongest I have seen. He firmly believed in pessimism, family, strength, and freedom to the point that without trying he tainted the morals of others.

I myself was affected, even. Not so much as my new niece since we believed in nearly the same thing but not an unnoticeable change.

I learned some more of what my new nephew had done in the past. Vacuo's deserts. Traveling with Summer. The slaughter of the gangs. And finally his deal with the wizard in his tower. I didn't begrudge him any of it. I had done worse.

His reasoning for the gangs is hidden, however. I don't know why he did such a thing though I trust he had at least one good one… Ah, there's his influence again on me. I would have inspected him more critically had he not gained my trust.

When he brought to me the option of moving to Vale I didn't even think. I rejected it. But then he explained himself and I saw his method of attack. My tribe. They did not fear Ozpin as they ought. They respected his power but they did not know it.

Abyss promised that I had protection from the wizard but that was never an issue. The problem with Ozpin was being controlled by him. But I realized that Abyss was offering something he did not have himself. Freedom.

With a larger presence in Vale Ozpin could not remove me and to control me he would have to control Abyss' new organization. Abyss would control Vale to a larger degree than Ozpin ever could.

It was funny to me that Abyss was growing his influence as Ozpin had. Through others. Perhaps it is hereditary among wizards.

Whatever happens my monstrous nephew is my nephew. One of the family. I will stand by him. The same goes for my niece, obviously. My tribe is simply an extention of myself. They will survive so long as I am alive.

[|||| == ||||]

I walked down the abundance of cliffs that define Mistral. Ruby followed nervously behind me. Her hand strayed towards Rose Eclipse more than I had trained it to.

She was nervous. Not exactly surprising with all the shady characters nearby. I glared a few away and let my hand stray towards my sword. The street was more empty after that.

I stopped when we arrived at the information brokers house. We had to find out where Dianthus Null, the winter maiden, was. Roman had found out that this broker knew.

I walked inside somewhat casually and scanned the room as soon as I entered. Two people were nearby. Not threats. One was an amateur huntsman with a basic mechashift and the other a civilian that thought a revolver would help him. Both easily dealt with.

The two turned towards me and seemed to both realize that I was a far bigger threat than they could handle. They trained their eyes down to the ground and I suppressed a smirk.

Without trouble I walked through the door. I don't really care if I burn a bridge here or not. The broker will answer my questions one way or another.

"-east." I caught the tail's end of a conversation. The broker presumably. He was young in a dull green jacket and black pants. Next to him was an older man in plain brown clothing.

"Thank you sir." The older man said. He didn't notice me, having entered silently. I like to keep the muffle part of Abyss' runes on at times like these. It's intimidating.

The older man turned towards the door, which I stood in front of, and stumbled backwards with a small gasp. The broker turned quickly and stiffened at me and avoided eye contact. So he knew who I was then. To be expected.

I walked towards the broker with Ruby behind me. "Out." I commanded the older man. He left quickly but not without a glance at my ass. Yes I know I'm beautiful you don't have to tell me.

"R-Raven Branwen." The broker's calm face was betrayed by his stutter.

"Dianthus Null's location. Now." As soon as I finished his eyes widened.

"No… Please no… what do you want with her?" I looked at the man intently.

"That's none of your business." The man seemed to have more backbone than I expected.

"She's paid for my protection. I'll not sell my clients." I frowned slightly in surprise and not the good kind. That may be a problem.

"You are an information broker. So give us the information. If price is an issue then name one." His teeth clenched.

"What do you want with her. I won't answer until you tell me." I narrowed my eyes at him slightly.

In a blur of movement to him I appeared with my sword pointing through one of the gaps in his ribcage towards his heart with my hand gripping his throat. His aura was broken in a single strike. I could feel his heartbeat pound under my hand.

"… I want her location so my niece can meet her." Technically true but not the whole truth at all. The broker's eyes flicked to Ruby for a brief second. "Yes she is my niece."

"Ni… Nights edge. An inn at Mantle in the wilderness." I released the man and he gasped in air.

"Good doing business with you." I said. It occurred to me that the broker might inform Dianthus of my hunt for her. That won't do.

Without a word I put my foot on his throat and sheathed my sword. A stomp left him gasping and choking and a harsher kick left him unconscious. Before I unsheathed my sword I glanced to Ruby, who was looking sadly at the me. I made eye contact and we had a moment of nothing occurring.

With a frustrated sigh I took my hand away and glared at the broker. Old habits die hard… I'm getting soft. "If he wakes up and warns her it's your fault." I mutter. Ruby smiles in relief at me. Summer's smile. Damnit…

[|||| == ||||]

The flight to Mantle and the rush to the inn was harsh. I stole a civilian ATV, wich was akin to a car with treads, them being more common in Mantle due to the seasonal snowstorms, and we took turns driving.

Ruby was almost good enough to drive so long as I kept an eye open. We were offroad since it was quicker. The land in-between Zero, a small city south-west of Atlas that we landed in, and the inn was tundra with few obstacles. If it wasn't so flat I doubt I would have allowed Ruby to drive. That said I took the last hour of driving on a main road.

After the fourteen hour flight as well as eight hours of driving took us to the inn, where we disembarked. I entered alone while Ruby refuelled.

Inside was… rather nice for a rural inn. It was clean and somewhat brightly colored in reds and greys with scattered darker colors with some yellows. Nobody was there but a receptionist, however.

"Excuse me." I said calmly. The receptionist looked up in a little surprise at me. "I'm looking for my sister, Dianthus. Do you know where she went?"

"Oh of course. She's a good friend of mine, being a regular." The receptionist smiled brightly. It was fake, obviously. A regular, hm? This will be tougher than I imagined. "Do you have an ID? We're required to have one before giving out personal information." No you're not.

"Of course." I resisted rolling my eyes and considered how to do this. Bribery? It may work. She doesn't seem the dirty sort though. And with Dianthus being a regular it would be somewhat difficult as well.

Persuasion… no. Taiyang was the only one ever good at that. Intimidation may work but I can't risk leaving her conscious but she would alert the authorities if still awake. So perhaps…

I took out my old huntress ID. I still keep it since it's not slated to expire for two more years, though it wouldn't pass an electronic scan. This will do. I'll simply lie and let this make her trust me. "I suppose this will convince you that her life is in sufficient danger?"

The receptionist's eyes widened in alarm at the ID. "What's happened this time?! Is it gnags? Grimm? Classified?"

"Ironwood needs her. Emergency mission. I'm sorry but I can't tell you why." I lied smoothly. It sometimes disgusts me how easily people accept aid from huntsmen and take their word for the truth. Ozpin truly ran a magnificent campaign to idolise huntsmen.

"Of course!" But then something seemed to hit the woman. "… Wait… Is she actually your sister?"

I made a show of hesitating and made something up. She was a maiden so I'll show some facts to help. "It's complicated. Cousins specifically but we had a… falling out. She had to leave to wander a long time ago and left some… anyways, it's very personal." Quick thinking is the greatest skill Summer ever taught me. I doubt she intended for it to be used this way though.

The receptionist blinked. She frowned a little more and opened her mouth but the sound of the door opening alerted us both. I turned my head and saw Ruby with her cape around her and an innocent expression on her face. Her eyes were widened and her weapons hidden. What the-?

"M-mommy? Is auntie Dia here?" Ruby trembled a little. With the cold outside and her rather light clothing it was likely due to that but it did make her appear weaker. I glanced towards the receptionist and saw her look adoringly at Ruby. Why… oh. Sympathy. I always forget about it.

"Auntie…" The receptionist mumbled. She looked to me and my thoughts stalled for a second before I faked embarrassment.

"My apologies. She gets rather curious."

"Oh no! It's fine!" The smile was genuine this time and she hastily tried to gesture something but failed. "Dia is curious too. Um… she left north about ten hours ago. She stops at Winterhold every once and awhile. It's this little village that makes these amazing sweets."

The receptionist glanced towards Ruby, who perked up a little at the mention of sweets. "Just follow the main road and get off at the G2 highway."

"Thank you." I forced a smile, one of the few things I was poor at faking no matter the practice, and the receptionist took it in stride.

"Of course!" She smiled at Ruby. "Good luck finding your auntie! SHe's a wonderful person!" Ruby's smile almost faltered at that but she kept it up.

"Thank you miss! I'll give her a hug for you!" Is that?… Did my heart just melt a small bit? Oh. No. It was just a little amusement. Safe.

The receptionist smiled brilliantly and hummed happily as she got to some work. I made my way out with Ruby. She happily hopped, nearly skipped in fact, towards the ATV until we were out of sight, where her shoulders fell and a somewhat guilty and haunted expression went across her face. I was silent for a moment.

"Thank you." I said. Ruby looked to me in surprise and a small tired smile went across her face. She leaned over and wrapped me in a hug, which I didn't respond to as usual. Ruby stayed there for a moment and collected herself, which I allowed. She let out a shuddering breath and sat fully back into her seat.

"Alright… Winterhold."

[|||| == ||||]

"I'm looking for Dianthus Null." I said to the woman in front of me. Even with my very light ability to detect mana I could find her. She had a large amount of mana and it wasn't hidden like mine or Abyss'. She had very light purple hair to the extent to seeming almost white in thinner places. She wore green and dark purple, giving her a flowery appearance. Her bearing, however, defied her whole theme. She had a warrior's eyes and a rugged demeanor that betrayed her rather slender frame.

"You've found her. What do you want?" Dianthus bristled and looked suspiciously towards me with some steel in her tone.

"I don't want anything." I said smoothly. "My niece wants to become a maiden." Dianthus stiffened and her hand crept towards her waist's back on waht seemed like reflex, where her weapon, an automatic three barreled shotgun, lay. "I'm sorry." I said insincerely. I disliked such work as this but I would do it. Ruby had insisted that I offer her some courtesy. For a split second Dianthus's eyes became unfocused before looking in surprise at me.

"WHAT?! No! What the?! You're a maiden too! Why would you-" Ah so that's what she sensed. I don't care. With a practiced laido strike too swift to see even for myself my sword struck two times in under a quarter of a second. The first two depleted her aura and the second broke it. With a twirl I stepped forwards and stabbed her far into her lung.

"O… Why… you bitch…" Dianthus coughed some blood onto me and I quickly extracted my blade and pushed her down onto the snow, where she tried to lay with some dignity and a hatred in her eyes. She was fierce I'll give her that. Just not composed.

"Ruby come here." I ordered, my eyes still on Dianthus. Ruby appeared in a soft flurry of red and black rose petals. She looked at Dianthus sadly, which changed her expression to surprise but then to a far greater hatred directed entirely towards me. She calmed herself slightly and looked to Ruby.

"So you're the niece then." Ruby winced and her lip quivered. She swallowed her nervousness and nodded.

"I… yeah. I'm sorry auntie stabbed you but… well there are worse ways to die… right?" Ruby looked uncertainly towards me and as though I knew… I don't actually. Mostly out of not caring. Dianthus' eyes flickered with that hatred. Her powers were manifesting slightly out of raw emotion despite her dying soul. She looked towards Ruby.

"Fuck you." Dianthus coughed a few times and bloodied the snow beside her.

"Sorry… really I am…" Ruby's voice shuddered and she looked down at the end. Dianthus clenched her teeth to bear the pain of dying so slowly better. Enough of this. I see no need in letting an enemy die in pain when we can simply kill her.

"Ruby. Quit stalling. I know you hate this but you said it yourself. This is the only way. One day you will likely have to do worse." Ruby winced again but looked up somewhat.

"Y-yeah… I'm sorry…" Ruby sniffed and looked up at Dianthus. I don't know what happened to her. Perhaps she found some inner spirit to fuel her but her eyes gained that hardness every warrior needs and she drew rose eclipse as a scythe. Dianthus looked at the weapon acceptingly. She looked directly into Ruby's eyes unflinchingly. Whether out of mercy or hatred infecting her views she clenched her fist and gritted her teeth hard.

"… I hope this power is the death of you you little-" Ruby's scythe slammed downwards onto Dianthus. She never finished her final words as she was cleaved in half messily from the head to her right shoulder. Rose eclipse's red blade was stained in a fairer shade as the blood glistened in the dying sunlight. I looked at my own blade. It was clean. I had flicked the blood off by habit.

Ruby stared in horror at Dianthus' corpse in the snow and her hands slipped from her scythe. I watched in some faint sadness as the powers of a maiden were suffused into her. Her soul was merged with something primal. A raw collection of affinity and power with only the most basic sense of an aura that went dormant as soon as it was absorbed. It took only a few seconds.

Ruby's knees shook and she walked towards Dianthus in short and uncertain steps. I frowned but it didn't seem like she was without purpose. I stared sadly as she gripped Dianthus in a hug and gripped her like she was drowning.

As Ruby's eyes grew less focused I gently grabbed her and pulled her away. She didn't resist and I sat her in the snow and folded rose eclipse and put it in our inventory. I then made a portal to her room and picked her up bridal style.

I made sure she didn't see my mana as it reached out to Dianthus' corpse and attuned itself to fire. It burnt her to cinders in moments with ease since I poured a large amount of mana into it.

With a weary sigh I walked away from a stunned Vernal and entered Ruby's room. People almost made to talk to me or Ruby but instantly backed away with harrowed expressions when they saw the look on Ruby's face. The look of someone who had their first kill and needed time.

I stripped Ruby and tucked her in. With a frown I used a spell I had picked up from Abyss, wind whisper. It's so difficult to sense using wind that I hardly ever used it except for cutting and pushing attacks but now it began to show worth. I used it on whoever was listening in the common room.

"Get Ruby atrawberry and cherry hot chocolate, cookies, milk, and strawberries. Now." I ordered. Excessive perhaps but this was important.

I briefly sensed a few people get up and walk to the kitchen. Good.

I stayed with Ruby for an hour before Abyss came.

[|||| =NEXT STAGE= ||||]

Proud and honest hearts

I hate standing backwards. Everything about me is designed to move forwards. From my weapon, made to let me charge in and kick ass while I punch faces in, to my hobbies. Socializing to me meant getting right in people's faces, teasing them, and making them my friend. As with most things I don't really know how I do it exactly but I do know that I can.

I have good reason to hate people standing back. My mom did it when I was a baby and continues to stand back out of my life. Dad did it to my sister, taking a big step back and letting her live her life with the guy I almost saw as my brother though he would never admit to it. And worst of all I did it to my sister too.

But that's just the thing I hate third most. The thing I hate second most is when I do stand back. That just makes it worse. And it's SO much worse! It's not something I can joke about or just get over because I did that! It's my responsibility to fix it - step up and be the bigger woman! But… every time I try I step back again. And I did try once. To apologise to my sister. Not pump myself up to talk to her for real but to wimp out at the last moment since I've done that more times than I can count but to actually go up to her and talk to her. I still remember how that went.

"Hey, um… Sis?" I stood as awkwardly as possible behind my sister when she was at her locker. She snapped straight up and didn't move after I called her sis. That's bad. "Do you want to spend christmas together?" I forced out the words and barely made it.

"Uhm… sorry but I'm spending the christmas with my brother. I won't have any free time. Sorry!" She shut her locker and walked away somewhat quickly and I just stood there. I blinked three times and looked at her with an open mouth.

Did she-?! Did that-?!… well then.

And that was that. I put myself out there and I just got… yup. Me, the great Yang Xiao-long, social butterfly, just got - I dunno - dismissed? So I just sort of… stopped. I haven't had a chance yet since christmas break just started. So what can I do?

In the end I consider my relationship with my sister to be my greatest failure. My dad doesn't. He sees not being there for Summer to be his greatest failure. I wonder if Abyss feels the same way. He was as close to her as Qrow and then… she died. Four years of a team and more time after and she gets so close to one kid?! I mean I know now that mom was too open at times and did some, um, uncouth things with him but he was like a son to her! And a brother to me and Ruby!

But I think of almost equal failure to me is less known. My relationship with Abyss. I mean it when I say he was like the brother I never really had. But when it comes to it I let him go too didn't I? When mom died in front of us he was the one who had to comfort Ruby. When we lived in the SAME DAMN HOUSE where was I?! I was off socializing!

I forced out of dad that once and only once did Abyss ever reach out and try to bring dad back into the fold. He made dinner for Qrow and, upon his suggestion, made one for Dad and uncle Qrow too. And what did dad do? He left and got so drunk he spent the night at the bar! And worse, he did something utterly unforgivable to me. He just… signed Ruby off to him. Abyss is Ruby's legal guardian and he doesn't even know it! I slapped my father that day and he actually accepted it. At least he knew he had done something wrong.

With Abyss I see him every day. EVERY. DAY. But I know for a fact that he just… doesn't care about me. He doesn't even notice a difference in combat class between me and the other kids. He just kicks ass and that's that.

So I worked harder. I demanded training from dad and uncle whenever he wasn't busy with sis. I got so strong I held a firm place at second tied to that damned Kerrigan guy. He's… friends with Abyss.

Still even with all my effort he doesn't so much as notice me! No matter how hard I try I can't even get his attention! I'm practically disowned in his eyes. Not family by any stretch of the word and I HATE IT!

I failed Ruby when I wasn't there for her. I was grieving too but that doesn't mean anything. I failed Abyss by not pulling him back in to be family. I still fail him since I see Ruby as more important as far as family goes. Worst of all, though, I failed myself. I'm the oldest! I should be the one protecting my family! I should be the one that draws everyone together! But I'm just… there! Ith the background stewing away doing nothing!

I think it was certain in every way that I took after dad. More than standing back. More than myself standing back at every turn. More than everything else…

I hate myself. But that won't stop me from being there when sis needs me. If she ever does. One day I swear to dust, grimm, and whatever happens that I'll be there for my siblings when they need me. One day I'll be there. One day I'll have my family back to how it was before. One day…

And now I'm standing back again with that 'one day' ursa shit… dammit. One day. I swear it.

[|||| =NEXT STAGE= ||||]

Fake gold

Being poor is a complicated topic for me. On one hand it made me who I am. It did build my character and I know for a fact that I gained something from it. A hardness that so many others lack.

But being poor took away a lot of opportunities too. There were things I wish I could have had. A childhood mostly. Playing in fields of grass and stuff while dad gets a beer and lays in the sun while mom reads a book. The peaceful, happy childhood.

Instead of that taste of peace and comfort I spent my days running from drunks, gangsters, and pedophiles. I stole for cash and food and a hint of comfort and searched through garbage for fun.

Not that I was in horrible straits. I have my mom and dad with me. I got food every night and had a home with a bed to sleep in. I even got an education. But that doesn't mean I was allowed to slack off on work or frolic or anything.

More than anything I found that two things helped me to live in peace. My tongue and my wit.

My tongue brought me to great places. If I needed something I could charm anybody to help me get it. From help me out to the more common use. Taking a fall for me.

I won't lie. I'm a manipulator and a cheat. But I'm in no way a natural manipulator. I learned from scratch. My first time manipulating others was a failure. My second a failure. My third a failure. And sooner or later I just learned a little. And then I went back to failure… but I got a little better each time. And now I can proudly call myself good at manipulating others. My most useful and definitely most earned skill.

I worked harder than most and climbed up on the backs of others I turned to me with my tongue. Ure they were bitter with my using them as I had but I wasn't too affected by them. My wit found me opportunities where others saw an obstacle. I eventually found myself training to be better. I wanted to get to the point where nobody could touch me. I found myself at Signal academy. I toughed through those three years of schooling and found myself at signal high.

"Subterfuge and investigation?… alright. I suppose I'll see where this goes."

[|||| == ||||]

The one with the grey hair and light blue eyes was sharkbait. He had a weak will so I could likely use him to help myself. The larger kid with the grey theme and hard complexion is more stern. I should avoid him unless I figure out more about him. The girl was quiet and observant. She was sneaky too. I had some trouble noticing her until I really looked. My eyes seemed to slide over her. A semblance, perhaps?

I leaned back in surprise as a tall young woman in dark clothes strode towards the front of the room from behind us. The door was creaky and we would hear so how the hell did she get there?!

The woman turned around and looked like she was about to speak when she stopped and looked confused. "Why are you all looking so confused?"

… Oh. She's messing with us. The lady stride up towards the front of the room and turned around with a little twirl. So this is the teacher, Bella Opaque.

"Okay. You weirdos suck at being perceptive so let's just get to it. Attendance! Um… Janice Beige."

"Here." I called with fake happiness. It was my 'friendly' mask. I've had a lot of practice in it. It makes me so much easier to befriend. "Just call me Cesium, my middle name. There's like eight different Jamies this year."

Miss Opaque smiled and made eye contact. Oh she looks really honest. I like this class. "Got it. Kerrigan Granite."

Attendance passed easily. The big guy was named Kerrigan and the sneaky one Ocean.

"Abyss Mavros."

"Here." I jolted upwards in my seat as suddenly a kid was in the rafters. What the hell?! I had checked those!

Miss Opaque's eyes flashed dangerously and her hand was suddenly in the air with a handheld crossbow. A bolt silently darted up towards the kid and I instinctively readied myself to move and catch him.

But in a blur of movement the kid moved and the bolt was in in his hand. He casually flicked his hand and the crossbow bolt was caught by miss Opaque.

"What are you doing up there?!" the kid didn't actually smile but you could sort of… Feel his amusement in the air. "I was behind you when you were playing militia up here. Killing off the farmer was a bad move. You should have moved the blacksmith to reinforce the dust miner."

Miss Opaque didn't seem to register that and acted without really thinking. J had done it enough to know how to spot it myself. "Shut up and get to your seat." She grumbled. The kid smirked and dropped down without a care in the world.

It wasn't long before my prediction held true. The kid, Aero, that was uncertain left when Miss Opaque gave us a speech about how we were going to be actually doing practical lessons and we would actually deceive people. Good.

It's not that big of a shock. Weapon planning and crafting made their in N weapons, survival really did do survival exercises, and so on. Of course we would do actual exercises.

I was sure I wanted this class but I dont want the responsibility Miss Opaque emphasized. From a normal teacher it would mean nothing but from a teacher who teaches people to be what amounts to spies and assassins? I took it with weight and some of it slipped through.

"First, though, we have to get something down. Organization. Every month you will receive an objective. To learn all you can about a person, place, or thing and compile a report or abduct somebody or something like that." Fascinating. So it's like a class leader. I can use that. The boy in black, Abyss, seems to be skilled in stealth, and judging by his controlled face he's deceptive in person as well. I would put it between us two.

"The person who gives out these objectives is called the spymaster. It's normally me but if I see talent I assign the role to somebody." It might just be me but did I see a twinkle in her eye? "And that somebody this year is going to be Abyss!" Of course.

The boy in black kept on his calm smile and took it all in stride. He would do well as spymaster. However, I'd like that position myself. A look revealed Kerrigan as desiring the position as well. He had the greed in his eyes.

We immediately got started on stealth and persuasion exercises. I showed mastery of persuasion and fast talking my way around people though I didn't do well on the stealthier side of things.

Ocean, the sneaky girl, was fantastic at all things stealth related. Kerrigan, the big guy, was good at anticipation things and pretty good at being persuasive. He had an aptitude for thinking fast and flexibly. I didn't even consider a few of the things he did.

"Alright. That's all we have for today." Miss Opa- I mean Bella (she told us to call her Bella) said to wrap up the session. "Abyss, you got objectives for everybody?" with a pleased Cheshire smile Abyss nodded.

"They're in your pockets." I hid my surprise and felt my pocket. A note… Fuck me how did he do that? I scanned the note easily.

C - you are to acquire a key card to the forgery and deliver it to the subI room without being caught. I recommend that you convince an insider to do this. Acquire a contact for next time to receive a reward.

I didn't hide my smirk at the objective and Abyss' drama. I think I see it now. He's asserting himself. This is a message to us in more than just words on paper. He's better than we know and to bring his displeasure upon us would be… Bad.

I've learned when to not anger somebody. Either they have a benefactor willing to crush their enemies or they can do it themselves. Abyss is the second one. If Kerrigan can replete him I'll fight for it but…

A glance at Kerrigan showed a hint of respect and fear in his eyes. So he's not going for the throne either. I'll have to take it myself then. I'll continue observing Abyss and see if he has any weaknesses.

Class dismissed." Bella said with a wide grin. She looked to Abyss with something that made me reconsider my attempt on Abyss' position. Respect. If he has Bella's favor… Well being able to squash me and call on her to squash me would be the end of my ambitions. Though I doubt Bella will get directly involved in our internal affairs.

"This is looking to be the most entertaining class I've ever seen." she said with a smirk.

[|||| == ||||]

"You covered your tracks?" I nodded, still deep in thought. My father had been promoted today. It was because of the bonus objective in the assignment. I'm certain. The timing is too good and the circumstances too suspicious.

"I wore a mask, concealing clothes, all plain black, changed how I acted and spoke, and even got some fake contacts. I made my eyes blue. Melody doesn't even know my name. All she has is that she'll be contacted if you or I need something."

Ah, Melody. A more vain person you would be hard pressed to find. I had marked her as potentially useful the moment I saw her. Painted nails, light mascara on the eyes, and the latest fashion all while glaring venomously at another similar girl.

It hadn't taken much to draw her to the side of evil. That is to say, steal a key card. A whisper in her ear and some sweet words and manipulations to make her trust me and she was mine. I spent the day spreading rumors about one Tracy girl and a guy named Cash dating, thus Tracy cheating on her boyfriend, and done.

"And is she safe from any trails?" I considered that for a moment… She had worn a mask and… maybe the gossip could get us? No. The trail's too long and twisted. I spread those rumors two days ago. I've already heard a few alternate versions of my fake events spreading.

We spent a few minutes talking over the job making sure we had everything safe and sound for the two of us. When we were finished, though…

"I love this class." I said honestly. It's really the only class I enjoy in Signal. It's the only one I really learn things. The independence is nice too.

"I do too." Abyss said casually. "Say, you're pretty good at this whole making contacts thing. How'd you get good at it?"

A good question… Honesty has worked so far… It's rare that I don't have anything to hide.

Abyss hummed thoughtfully. "A good skill to have. Friends in places get you far." I kept my face clear. This sounds like a proposition.

"It depends on having the right friends and being able to reach those places though."

"I'm glad I have a long reach." He said with a hint of smugness. I looked at him consideringly for a moment. It hit me suddenly and I couldn't stop it from showing. He knew people. Big people.

How big they would have to get my father to a higher position in hours was… Scary. Sure my father is a smalltime worker but he's not insignificant.

I think… I think I would like to be that person. The person high up that can make things move. Abyss knows these people. I wonder…

"And friends in some high places." I said absently. Abyss hummed nonchalantly again.

Out of the corner of my eye I looked at Abyss again. Really looked at him. He was strong. Powerful. Connected. And probably in the favors of somebody big with weight to throw around. He's going places.

I know an opportunity when I see one. Abyss is a big one. An up and comer with nobody to really rely on. Maybe I can get up to the top with him.

I can only imagine the places he'll go. Senator? Probably not. Perhaps somebody like the next Glynda Goodwitch? Closer but… No.

He's going to be the next Ozpin. I think I'll be on his staff. Even Ozpin has his staff members.

[|||| =NEXT STAGE= ||||]

Black Rook

"EMBER GET THE HELL DOWN HERE!" Nope nope nope nope nope.


I yelped as a blunt glass spear flew into my right hand. I probably could have stayed on the chandelier if I had really held on with my left hand but the next spear flew into that hand. Sis knew me too well.

I dropped with a shriek and a pair of slender arms caught me easily. Two burning gold eyes (not like a maiden's but more like a mirror that's reflecting fire) glared into me.

"It's time for dust studies." She said flatly. I froze for a moment and laughed it off. I got out of sis' arms and met her eyes with my own. My more gleaming gleaming bronze eyes met her golden ones with the practiced ease of family.

"Oh really?! Sorry! I was busy practicing for acrobatics for training tomorrow with Tyrian! I got a bit distracted." I gave my best innocent smile. It had no effect whatsoever on Cinder's wrathful eyes whatsoever.

"Was there dust involved in any form?"

"Of course!" Cinder's eyes narrowed. Bait… "The chandelier is really dusty. I keep telling Salem we need to clean this place." And switch. Cinder scowled at me.

"I'm sure you were studying it ardently." She said smoothly.

"Of course! Though I was already a prodigy, obviously." I reached back and twirled my dark hair to hide my nervousness. Dear sister, of course, knew that it was a sign of nervousness and zeroed in on it. Perfect. I fingered my surprise in my pocket. My only escape.

"I see. Oh, and we slipped into sparring class after your skipping. So what have we learned?" I smiled condescendingly at sis. It irked her so much to be on the receiving end of the smirks and taunts she practiced in the mirror for her 'future enemies'. It showed as her mouth pursed slightly. Hehehe.

"Oh that's easy. Dust is useful in all forms." With a fast thrust of my hand the dust I had collected earlier flew into my sister's eyes and face. She huffed and blew it out of the way but some got into her nose and she sneezed. In that split second of closed eyes I made my great escape!

With a leap of faith and a mischievous cackle I leapt towards the thick shadows that collected from my semblance.

A hand suddenly landed a grip around my foot and I reached out for the shadows. I saw that I clearly couldn't escape back to my nice dark shadows and whimpered.

"My my that is a VERY nice use of… Dust, Ember." I made one more quick snatch towards the shadows - sweet escape! - and my oh so kind sister's heeled foot trapped my hand by the wrist. "How about I show you another? "Damn it!

"No thank you! I'm happy with what I know!"

"Of course." Sis' pursed lips grew to a smirk with teeth showing. I'm pretty sure she hadn't had that smirk in the show. I'm so… Proud? Not really proud right now and more terrified but yeah good for her.

"But I have this wonderful new type of dust to try." I watched in horror as she grabbed at my waist to one of the pouches of dust. I sometimes take a vacuum and just clean the dust from everywhere before carefully emptying it into little bags for pranks and dirty tricks. I haven't ever been on the receiving end.

"Oh what nice hair you have. So unlike my own." Oh no. Cinder really likes her hair. So do I. I squirmed as hard as I could but couldn't break free. Just one thing to do then.

"Sorry sis but could you lose some weight? I'm trying to break free here and you're not helping." I'LL FIGHT TO THE END DAMN YOU!

Cinder's quiet snarl was enough to make me realize what a mistake fighting was when she had my little dust bomb.

[|||| == ||||]

Cinder's hair was still wet from the shower she had taken and I had gone to Tyrian's bathroom since we only had one per person except for Cinder and I. We shared a bathroom. Being sisters the mornings were hellish.

Salem didn't so much as blink at our appearance. No doubt she had seen our entire scuffle through her mysterious magic powers. She was looking through a seer Grimm to oversee something nobody really cared about. She was meticulous like that.

Hazel only raised an eyebrow at us when we walked in for dinner. He seemed a bit amused. I'm pretty sure I remind him of his sister. I met him when I was really young. She had been super peppy and upbeat as well and we had really kicked it off. Then she died.

Tyrian snickered at Cinder and I shared a small grin with him as we silently agreed to mess with my sister a little more. He had mellowed out a little. I still vaguely remember him stabbing a beowolf after brutally killing it in the show. I had spent a lot of time making him more crazy and less psychopathic. I hadn't even bothered to break him of his worship of Salem.

"So Cindy. Hehehe." Tyrian restrained a little cackle at her and she glared at him. He was completely unaffected. "How did your little - hehehe… Dust experiment go?" I snorted at that and Cinder rolled her eyes.

"It went fine thank you Tyrian." She said smoothly.

"She didn't notice the glitter in her shampoo." I remarked. Sis' eyes widened and she grabbed her hair, running over it with a critical eye. I smirked at her and Tyrian cackled as he pounder on the stone table a few times. It was only that funny to him.

After finding no glitter in her hair (I was saving it for our free for all training day so everyone sees) she sighed and didn't even bother to glare. I had been pretty hard on her today prank-wise.

Hazel got up and walked over to the almost-kitchen (It's basically a really nice campsite in an empty room. The tower of Grimm wasn't designed for humans.) before coming back with two more plates.

"Thank you uncle Hazel." I said with a smile. He nodded easily and handed me and Cinder a plate. Ooh pork curry.

"Ah yes." Salem said from the table. Everyone's attention turned to her. "Watts."

"Yes my lady?" Watts exited from the kitchen wearing his apron. I had knitted it for my eleventh birthday with the words 'Cooking is a science' on it. He had originally worn it to appease me but found that it was actually a really good apron so he used it.

It used to be weird that villains had such mundane appearances sometimes but they weren't always looking evil. They had lives too (Except Salem who was evil looking 24/7 and subtly proud of it). I hadn't really gotten that for a few years.

"You are to look into the company known as 'Nature's bounty'. I assume you know of it?"

"Of course. I shall begin tomorrow."

"Excellent." Salem turned from Watts back to the seer and that was that.

"What's Nature's bounty?" I asked. This was more interesting than teasing big sis again.

"It's a promising new company." Watts explained. "They figured out how to farm red blooms and while that is notable as they have a monopoly over the good they are far more known for the extremely powerful huntsmen Abyss and Mystic Mavros."

I blinked once. No that can't be right. Let's do it again. Perhaps a third time.

"What?" I asked. "Sorry you said Abyss Mavros?" Watts nodded. "I was supposed to find information on him over the summer. I couldn't even find him. You're saying he just… Appeared?"

"Rather suddenly but certainly not quietly." Watts appeared to be enjoying my shock. "He entered the Mistral Ian regional tournament and showed expertise in dust, his semblance, and his proficiency at the shortsword that is rarely seen. Especially in the youth. He almost won actually. He would have if he hadn't been trying to convince Pyrrha Nikos, his competitor, of something."

"He started a company and went to the Mistral regional championships after I couldn't even find him last year?!"

"Yes." I scowled and looked down at my pork curry. I swear my luck must be terrible for this to happen. At least I met Jaune. He was a pretty nice guy though I'd only met him briefly once. I hope that counts.

[|||| =NEXT LEVEL= ||||]


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