There are many who stand against the world and for them the world is different. A hot-blooded youth finds that the world is a dark place. His parents and elders stand above him and he is weak to stand against them. The world and the government is something that they cannot face and when they reach the top, they have already become someone else. They only have some ideals left that they identified in their youths and is a dead corpse that is rotten to the core. They are nothing more than an artificial intelligence rather than a true conscious being as they cannot understand the world. The most important thing for a being is to stand against themselves and live alone. What a sad fate? The consciousness of humans and their ideas came into being due to formation of a society and the security due to society and free time and happiness due to society. They can learn about the ideas and they form a consciousness and their consciousness is bound by the world. There are very few who are able to get out of this trap and not be bound and suffer by the society. They are the sages like Gautam Buddha.


Roger looked at the knights that had come and the new knights that were sent by the Count. It was interesting to find them strong and it was interesting to see them brainwashed to this extend. Even the nobles were brainwashed to accept this world and its rules and so were the ones at the top. This all started with a few people whose origin is not traceable. They are the people who created the biggest and first pyramid organization named humanity. They created moral and ideas. They are the biggest motherfuckers ever since the humanity of the species named homo sapiens came into being.


Humanity is nothing more than a virus that keeps hold down all the things in the world. The ideas of detachment and enlightenment were broken down by the virus such that the ideas of Taoism and Buddhism were broken down. The ideas of great sage of India was more related to the society. The ones who really understood his own worth and became a king was forcefully bound by politics and morality. No matter what the idea was, they and their ideas would be modified to become that of the version of humanity. That is the truth why the sages cannot teach their disciples. Only the one who created can be a sage and others can only be guided to become one.


Roger knew the truth and did not care about the world. Roger looked at the knights and asked Henry, "Get them under control and fire those who do not listen to the orders."


Henry said, "It would be barbaric to burn those who do not listen to your orders sir."


Roger said, "That would be problematic. You should have learnt it from me. The meaning of fire them actually means to let them be relieved of their duties. Or more like sent them back as we do not like to hire them."


Henry said, "Yes sir."


Roger said, "Make sure that the they are obedient. What a noble need in his subordinates is both strength and loyalty. The strong like me may not care about loyalty as they would be under me for ever but the truth remains the same."


Henry said, "Knights can be believed."


Roger did not say much. No one can be believed. Roger returned to his home and started calculating and learning the maps he got from the traveller. He had to learn for the war. The rabbits were given and he had got his mirrors. He decided to go to the land to familiarize with the battlefield situation himself. He had really prepared for the war and if the war does not occur, he will personally kill the kings of both the countries, leave this land and take over a third kingdom and destroy both these kingdoms. Roger was a vengeful person.

Roger looked at the lands and decided to return. He saw that some of the people were following him and he looked at them. Roger looked at the knight at front and asked, "Who are you?"


The knight said, "I am the Sir Henry under Count York. Who are you and why are you here?"


Roger looked at them and said, "I am baron Speed-son and is here to look at the battlefield. I have to learn how to fight."


The knight said, "This is a restricted area, do not come here."


Roger said, "Who decided that?"


The knight said, "The King."


Roger said, "Okay."


Roger left without paying much attention to them. It seems that the progress to become the king as to be forwarded, Roger returned to his land as he was really angry. He decided to let the world be burned in fire. He wrote a letter to his friend who was a grain merchant. He decided to start the economic warfare early. 


Roger looked at the merchant Paul who sat in front of him. It was interesting to find that he had three knights under him. The whole kingdom only had a few hundred knights and he could take down the higher power. Roger looked at him and said, "You can get all the food from me at one-fifth of the price."


Paul asked, "What are you planning? Are you trying to amass more money?"


Roger smiled and said, "I have no such interest. I do not want the poor to suffer. I will only allow you to sell it for one-third of the price."


Paul asked, "Sure. I will make it be done so."


Roger said, "Also spread the information to all the merchants and your friends that I will remain the same. I need it to be exchanged for iron ingots."


Paul said, "Iron is a restricted resource."


Roger said, "I am a noble."


Paul thought for a long time before he decided. "Sure. I will do it so."

Roger had started spreading the power. It was time to make more alliance and let the nobles come under him. He had decided to show off his power in the warfare. The food will speed up the resources for the kingdom and the war will begin soon. The customs between the kingdom had blocked the trade and the other kingdom will not be able to have food. He had thought about letting the food be given during the war to get more credit, but the fact remains the same that in front of true power, the morality and justice, philosophy and politics is nothing. 


He looked at the setting sun. The king and the royal family are going to die. Roger decided to wait for them. Let the war begin. 

Roger looked at the Henry who had rushed towards him. Roger looked at him in annoyance. He was designing a wonderful dress that could be used for wearing in battle, in travelling and on the thrones. The dress was made of bear-skin leather and the armour was made of red colour using the chromium ore he had found. He had made hundred spare sets of the armour and weapons and 132 sets of the dress. He decided that one day he will go to the poles to hunt some polar bears. He decided that he will take their skins to make a wonderful cloak that he can wear while he sits on the thrones. He was fast enough to go around the planet in around three hours.


Roger looked at Henry, Henry was shouting at him as he was in a daze. Roger stood up in anger and his aura was strong enough to let the knight take a step back. Roger looked at him and asked, "What happened?"


Henry said, "The king's envoy has come."


Roger said, "Wait outside."


Roger looked at the mirror and sped his speed and laughed out loud. The sound of frequency was high enough not to be sensed and he kept laughing. Roger looked at the mirror and he started wearing the dress. His height of 2 meters was pretty long in this world. Roger wore the dress from powerful underpants with a metal safety protector under his testis. He also wore the inner armour he had created and wore the strong dress with the coat outside. He wore the armour and wore his bear coat and he looked like a fashion cross bred model between medieval knight and a western detective. He just had to find a pistol and a cigarette. He could only sigh in sadness and leave for the envoy. It is indeed a problematic factor to get a gun. He could indeed create gun powder but creating a bullet was much hard.


Roger looked walked outside with a fierce face. He was ready to face the king. This king seems clever enough to understand his plot and take the action early on. Roger walked outside and Sir Henry followed him. Now that he sees Henry, he remembers the other knight Henry he had seen. Roger decided to publish a name guide so that the parents can name their children batter. He was going to give the order to let the children be named along the dark style. He walked and saw that the envoy was standing in the castle throne room. Although he was a baron, his castle was worthy of a count. He had started decorating it a long time ago and had bought it from the Count in exchange for food and swords.


Roger sat on the throne and looked at the envoy. A person and three knights. He looked down at them. The three of them bowed down and they took a roll of paper and said, "I am the royal envoy from King Robert the gallant. I have bought his will and decision."


Roger looked at him in happiness. He just wanted the king to give the order to forcibly donate and he will be able to call on the right of the nobles to declare war. He smiled and spoke calmly, "Let it be read."


The envoy read, "Baron Roger Speed-son has helped the kingdom out of quagmire and helped the kingdom prepare for war while providing a lot of food in discount. For his contribution, you are granted the title of viscount and the authority to call on five hundred soldiers."


Roger looked at him. He had already called on more than 800 soldiers. What does he mean by saying he is allowed to call on five hundred soldiers. Roger looked at Henry and he took the paper and gave it to Roger. Roger looked at it and kept it at the side and said, "It seems that I have already training more than 800 soldiers for the war. It seems that the king wants to suppress me."


Henry said, "My lord. The soldiers here refer to the ones under royal government who comes from a long line of soldiers. Their only job ever since being born is to be a soldier and they train to become strong. You will be able to call on five hundred soldiers and they will be paid for by the royal government."


Roger said, "What is the difference between them and knights?"


Henry said, "They are given less salary and less food. They are not trained much and keep learning from their elders. They can only learn with wooden spears and during war they will be given better spear and some leather armour. They are the main elite force during the war. Many of the knights are chosen from them."


Roger asked, "How are they different from the soldiers I train?"


Henry said, "They are born soldiers and are isolated from the outside society. Their only job is to keep fighting. They may not be strong as the food and meat is less. But before a war they will be fed properly and they will grow strong. The difference between physical strength will not be much but their techniques are too much. They will be able to fight and win easily. Our soldiers are nothing more than peasants. If our army and the their army fight, out army will be squashed. I am training out soldiers with the method of royal training and it is not a secret to us knights but it will take a long period of time."


Roger thought and decided. He spoke, "Please send me the one with maximum potential. I will fatten them enough."


The envoy said, "Yes my lord."


Roger said, "Send my gratitude to the king and inform him that when I enter the land I will give him an unforgettable gift. It will be one of a kind. It will take some time to build it."


The envoy said, "Yes, my lord."


Roger said, "You can leave."


The envoy bowed and left.