Chapter 1: A Knight's Quest Begins
The dawn chorus of songbirds stirring in the forest heralded the rising sun over Eldoria. Sir Gavin, Knight of the realm, opened his bright blue eyes and surveyed the picturesque woodland glade where he had camped for the night. After saying a prayer of thanks for deliverance from danger on the road, he broke his fast with dried meats and cheeses from his saddlebag.
As Gavin made ready his steed Valor, a loyal chestnut stallion, his thoughts wandered to the people of Eldoria settling down for their morning routines. Families waking children, farmers readying crops and livestock, and shopkeepers readying wares for customers. All trusting in Gavin and the kingdom's forces to protect them from the threats that lurked beyond the borders.
A glint of morning light reflected off the polished silver cross shield strapped to Gavin's back, emblazoned with the symbol of his undying faith. For five peaceful years, he patrolled Eldoria's emerald forests and azure rivers, keeping darkness at bay through prayer and righteous action. But recently, shadows were gathering on the horizon once more, omens of a menace poised to befall the peaceful realm.
Last month, terror spread through a remote hamlet tucked within the rolling Misty Hills when a creature of flame descended from above in the dead of night. Witnesses spoke of a winged beast unlike any known, with crimson scales that glowed as if aflame. Its roars shook the ground, and its fiery breath reduced homes and barns to ashes within moments. Dozens perished in the inferno before the beast took to the skies once more.
The remaining villagers fled in panic to the capital city of Arundel, spreading word of the tragedy that befell them. King Eldred himself summoned Gavin, impressed by the knight's stalwart reputation, to trace the monster's path and dispatch it before more innocent lives were lost. For three days, Gavin tracked scorched earth and ashen ruins through the hills until he located the creature's volcanic lair high amid smoldering peaks.
Peering through an aperture in the cavern entrance, Gavin beheld the beast at last, exhaling long tongues of flame that ignited stalactites hanging from the vaulted ceiling. Its crimson scales did indeed seem aflame even in darkness, and cruel light glinted within its reptilian amber eyes. This fiend bore no resemblance to any natural creature; it was a demon sent to wrack Eldoria with loss and anguish.
Gavin sensed a profound evil radiating from the creature. Its very presence seemed to suck warmth from the air as a cruel mockery of the life it snuffed out. Readying his shield and longsword and remembering the word of God is his ultimate weapon. Gavin steeled his nerves and advanced into the lair unflinchingly.
"Foul demonspawn!" Gavin's voice reverberated around the cavern. "By order of King Eldred and in the name of the Lord of Light, I command you to cease this onslaught against innocent lives!"
The beast's hackles rose as it spun to face the intruder, unleashing an ear-splitting shriek that blew fierce gales across the chamber. Smoke billowed from its snout in rage as amber eyes glared with primal hatred. Its monstrous form blocked the sole exit, trapping Gavin before an inferno of malice and malevolence.
"Your pathetic God will not save you from me, human!" The creature seethed in a guttural tongue only Gavin seemed able to comprehend. "I am Inferno, herald of a new age where all will succumb to fire! My Master, the Dark One, will rule this world!"
With that, Inferno unleashed a gout of flame that engulfed the chamber, bathing stalactites in an instant melt and bathing Gavin's armor in hellish light. Through the scorching veil, their first epic battle had begun. Gavin steeled himself to withstand the onslaught and emerge victorious—or perish—in defense of all he held dear. The fate of Eldoria had been set in motion.