32. The Aftermath

As the years went by, all the servants in the Chen household were sacked and all their duties fell on Tingting.

The family needed more income, so they forced Tingting to work on their now infertile farmland, and after months of tiling the soil by himself, he was able to grow some crops.

Having to take care of his two year old and his newborn, plus the house chores and now th farm work, was very Hellish for Tingting, but he persevered. All for his family sake.

Soon the yields increased with his hardwork, but he and his family were never able to enjoy any. His in-laws would be keeping a keen eye on him everywhere he went, and as such, he couldn't keep anything for himself or his small family.

And on worst days, he would have to give them rolled mud to lick on, in order to survive the hunger. Seeing his little kids and husband eat mud always made him feel very guilty.