45. Odd But Beautiful

"Hey, Yuyu, Lulu, stop running before you fall down and hur..." Wang Ting didn't even finish his sentence before his secondborn started to cry.

"Heeieieihaeee." Lulu cried after falling down the veranda. He was chasing after his older brother Yuyu in a play between the two of them.

Tingting rushed over to his son to brush the dust off him, while Yuyu also came to check if his younger brother was okay.

"I've told you to be careful when playing in the house. You could've hurt yourself!" Ting chastised his little may son.

"Dada!" Lulu, who was crying from falling, shouted, and he wriggled his tiny frame out of his mother's hold and ran to his father, who was now entering the compound. 

Yuyu too follows suit in similar fashion. 

"Hey children! I've told you not to run in the house. You'll hurt yourselves!" Tingting said, but his kids didn't hear a word.