59. A Vague Plan

"Capping means lying. It's just a term for where I came from."

Tingting's cheeks were pinkish and hot. He nodded but averted his eyes from Yue Yan so he wouldn't notice that he was blushing.

Yue Yan himself felt hot, but his mind was on what he and his family could do next. "I want us to leave this place and go back home." 

Tingting's head snapped back to look at him in disbelief. "What?! Yue Yan, what are you even saying? You want us to go back to that house? How? Are you trying to get us killed again?"

"Wait. Wait and hear me out first." Yue Yan took one of his hands.

"Yue Yan, I don't get how going there is in our best interest in any case. 

See what we went through and are still going through because of my late husband's family.

I don't believe that this decision of ours is a wise one. Please change it to something else."

"Tingting, I understand what you mean. I really do. But what can we do in this situation?