chapter 4

C h a p t e r 5

Before I condemn him, I wanted to bring him in. I w anted to ask before I hate you. I want you back. I wan t to get back what was once my life. however....

"S i s t e r."

An unfamiliar call was heard. Only then did

Seo- rye ong realize that she was standing in front of a statue of the. V i r g i n M a r y.


T h a t' s strange. She paused, blinking her eyes rapidly. I felt like I could see the statue, which should have been blurry.

I think it will look much better if you get closer....

It was the first sensation I had felt since the

sympt oms began. 'I think I can see it'. I was shocked.

Still, it was a strange feeling, so I rubbed my eye s

a nd walked closer.

"S i s t e r, your nose is bleeding...!"

T h e old priest' s face turned pale.

"a h.."

She reacted blankly, then quickly ripped off the adv ertising flyer attached to the Virgin Mary statue and ro ughly wiped her nose.

"My face is very bad. Oh my, this is so bad...

"It' s okay, t h a n k you."

She turned around in a hurry. T h e n she tapped h e r stick and looked at her old bride agai n.

"F a t h e r, do you really believe in invisible

t h i n g s?"

T h e old priest was not embarrassed even though h e w as asked various questions. It w a s because Seory- reong, whose lips

w e r e quivering, was so thin and pal e. Nevertheless, his upright posture w as amazing, so I kept looking at him.

"I' m sorry to say this, but you may be deceived. "

D o n 't be a fool like me later and open your eyes

q u i c k l y."

"S i s t e r, you don' t have to look to know."

"It could be a d e l u s i o n... "

"Do you really need a reason to believe

s o m e t h i n g?"

She gasped and nervously stroked her flowing hair. The anxiety and disbelief that had been clinging to he r for some time,

I d o n' t know how long ago, exploded out of nowhere. I couldn 't stop her mouth.

"I don' t know, I' m like this because I don 't

k n o w...!"

Seo- ryeong held onto the stick and folded her back halfway as if she was retching. Her dry throat burned as she coughed.

"I fell in love without knowing his face.... It was the warmest and biggest hand I' ve ever held, and I thoug ht it would be my salvation. I couldn 't get along witho ut liking it. of course...! I used to just hold the hands of irritable patients, and it was my first time holding h ands like. t h a t... !"

"T h e r e was no one like this in my

w o r l d...."

She wiped her eyes now, not her nose. The inside of her eyes burned hot. At the same time, words that could not be uttered anywhere poured out.

"Did I sleep well and did I chew my food? I guess t hose were the only things I was curious about as a gr own woman. "Even if I look a little tired, I d o n 't know what to do."

"To me, that person w as a m i r a c l e."

However, I have lived for too long forgetting that lif e can be thrown to the ground in an instant.

"He disappeared.... He disappeared as if

e v a p o r a t i n g...."

S e o- ryeong let out a self- mocking laugh. I have n o w become quite used to the constant throbbing chest pain.

I want to find you. I d o n' t think I can ever give up an d end it like t h i s.

"Somehow it came to me so easily."

The colorless face was still blank, as if it couldn't be lieve reality. Leaning on her only stick, she lost her w a y.

"But, s i s t e r. "Today' s coincidence may be God' s w i l l."

The old priest, who was quietly listening, took the I eaflet S e o- ryeong was holding and unfolded it with s i n c e r i t y.

"M a t t h e w 7:7, keep asking. Then you will receive it. Keep looking. Then you will find it. Keep knocking.

T h e n it will o p e n."

While listening to the priest's holy words, she suddenly took the l e a f l e t.

It w a s n 't an i l l u s i o n.

It was still hazy, but for a moment the fog in my v i s i o n seemed to disappear. She blinked her eyes incon fusion.

[We will find anything. Money/People/Things ★

Reasonable Price Perfect Confidentiality★

☆※It is not an illegal intelligence agency A c o m p a n y run by a former National Intelligence Service e m p l o y e e [0 1 0 -X X X-X X X X X]


After going through several devices, a round penlig ht finally illuminated S e o- ryeong' s e y e s.

The ophthalmologist kept tilting his head as if it wa s strange. She hugged her head and even groaned, m a k i n g a sigh.

"Patient, y o u' v e been seeing objects for a

f e w d a y ."


"It d o e s n 't make sense.

She also couldn 't understand this situation. When s he was first diagnosed with hyporetinal dysfunction, s he said it could be hereditary, or it could just happen. She felt sad that illness did not come with warning,

b u t she could understand it.

This kind of thing 'j u s t' happened to me

t o o.

But what is t h i s?

"T h i s... "I think we should report it to academia f i r s t."

"T h a t m u c h?"

"Y e s, this is my first time experiencing something li ke this in my career as an ophthalmologist."

It happened over several weeks, but my vision, whi ch had been blurry, was gradually improving.

It really w a s n 't an illusion. Even at t h i s moment, the doctor's facial features were clearly distinguish able.

I think I would somehow see better if I wore

cor rective glasses. Her pulse was beating rapidly.

At one p o i n t I thought the world was falling into the abyss, but this time it was turning upside dow n.

My husband disappears, the fog in my vision dis appears... tal. It was too elaborate to be c o i n c i d e n Was there really a God who gave us bottles and medicine equally? And did he take back the bottles and medicines that were given to him?

"Is it possible that my eyes are n o t diseased?"

Seo -ryeong opened her mouth without even k n o w i n g what I was asking.

"What does that mean?"

I don't know either. It was just that my husban d' s disappearance and this incident seemed to ove rlap with inexplicable logic.

What does this eye have to do with his

disappea rance?

However, hyporetinal dysfunction came suddenl y and suddenly disappeared.

That was exactly like Kim Hyun. Because he app eared when I was most unhappy, and the light is c oming back when I am most frustrated. These day s, my head is full of these absurd thoughts. At this point, the police officer 's warning to go to the hos pital somehow felt like useful advice.

"When I was first sentenced, they said it wouldn 't get better."

"That's right, this disease is close to incurable.

L ooking at the patient' s chart, the progression rate was rapid. "He is now recovering again."

The doctor who was rubbing his chin spoke care fully.

"It was two and a half years ago when I was firs t sentenced."

"y e s."

"It seems as if it was temporary."

Seo -ryeong looked inside the treatment room w hile listening to the doctor, who looked very suspic ious.

"This is a point that requires research from acad emia... "It is not completely incomprehensible in theory if the functions of the optic nerve and ret ina have stopped and are returning to their original state as some kind of paralysis is relieved."


"But as a doctor, this is a case I have never h eard of. First of all, it is quite difficult to 'temporarily' paralyze the optic nerve. It would be easier to go

b lind. This means that the optic nerve is touched

pe riodically-"

The doctor lightly lifted his shoulders.

"It' s malicious, no matter how hypothetical it is."

however...I guess.

She quietly grabbed the stick.

Putting eye drops into my eyes once a week wa s my husband' s sole responsibility. Because he wa s there, I didn' t feel unfair and I wasn't lonely. As s oon as he blinked his eyes so that the eye drops w ere evenly distributed to the whites of his eyes, a kiss landed on them.

"If you have this level of recovery, you will be able to regain your old vision without any problems. Let' s take a look!"

The doctor clenched his fists in excited

determi nation. Seo -ryeong asked after touching her eyes for a moment.

"By the way, has my teacher changed?"

"O h, t h a t' s...!"

The doctor spoke brightly, raising his glasses as if he had forgotten.

"I' m sorry for the late explanation. I took over

Te acher Park 's position. A great opportunity came to Mr. Park and he was appointed as a professor at

j obs Hopkins University starting this semester."

My husband did not disappear alone. Strangely, when he disappeared, many people disappeared w ith him.

Is this also an absurd idea?

Now she wanted to know the answer. She want ed to hear an accurate answer, not guesses and

a ssumptions. She wanted to find a clue to connect all

t h e scattered pieces together.

But it occurred to me that it was not the police

o fficer, the priest, or the doctor who could tell me

a bout all these mysteries.


"They say the name is fake, the company, and t he license plate number are fake. So the resident

r egistration number is also useless. It 's fake

anywa y. They said there was no C C T V inside the villa or i n the alleyways. Even the healthy neighbors who li ved in the villa suddenly disappeared, leaving no w itnesses. "Can you still find my husband?"

The voice that recited only the absolute facts wa s dry.

The errand center employee immediately opened his dazed lips into a smile. It was a cynical tone t hat seemed to have no expectations at all, but the somewhat desperate expression aroused interest. The employee' s torn eyes without double eyelids s parkled with the spirit of victory.

"It will be difficult, but it will definitely be fun. "I 'll start with 4 m i l l i o n won, is that okay?"

Seo- ryeong just nodded, unimpressed.