Episode 8 - Nobunaga begins to deviate from history as early as possible.

SIDE, Kazuma

 Two weeks had passed since I came to Owari.

 Nobunaga-san often comes to our house. The reason why there are so many deer, wild boar, duck and other meats as souvenirs may be because it is rumoured that the Nambans eat meat.

 Mr Ohashi also told me that if I wanted meat, just let me know and I would get it for you.

 The house renovations are going well, the vegetable garden in the garden is ready and I'm thinking about what to plant.

'This is delicious!'

'This tangy stuff is so addictive!'

 And Nobunaga and his friends, perhaps because we served them Daifuku the first time they came to our house, I feel like they've got a taste for good food when they come to our house.

 On this particular day, we're serving wild boar steak, and when we season it with pepper, it's very well received.

I seasoned it with pepper and it was well received. Taste it and eat it.'

 The food is basically cooked with el and ketty. We use spices such as pepper and chilli, as well as sugar, mirin and alcohol, which are precious in this era. So our food must be exceptional.

 I asked Elle if it was OK to let the Nobunaga-san and the others be so extravagant. He told me that history changes anyway, so there's no point in worrying about the details.

'Kazu. What's today's pastry?'

"Today's kumquat, sir."

 Ah, before I knew it, I started calling myself Kazu, after Kazuma. The most important thing is that you have to be able to see the difference between the two.

'Is this yokan? The taste is completely different. It's smooth, sweet and delicious. There's sugar in it too.

Elle made them. Elle can also cook Nanban and Ming dishes, so maybe it's different from the yokan in Japan.

 When Nobunaga-san comes to our house, he looks forward to sweets.

 He seems to have a sweet tooth, just like in history, so he especially enjoys sweet sweets.

 Today it's kneaded yokans. Didn't they have them in this period?

 I'm not sure, so I'll falsely say that Elle makes them.

'Great. Is trade that lucrative?'

'It is lucrative, but if your ship sinks, you lose everything. It's like a warrior fighting a war.

Is it still dangerous?

Well, yes.

 The Nobunaga-san, who ate barley tea and yokans for dessert, were full and were slowly relaxing.

 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your trip is to be prepared for the worst. He often wants to talk about Ming and Nanban from across the sea and trade.

 Moreover, Nobunaga-san is surprisingly knowledgeable about trade. Ohashi-san, who came to Tsushima the other day, told me that he is famous in Tsushima for wanting to hear about business.

 There were times when he told his father, Nobuhide-san, when he was in trouble, and he seems to be close to the merchants in Tsushima.

Kazu. Can't you, me and these guys make some money in Owari?"

'I heard that Waka-sama's family is wealthy. And you have a castle and a fiefdom, don't you?

The estate is managed by my grandfather. I have very little money at my disposal.

 In the Nobunaga Chronicles, when he was young, Nobunaga trained himself with horses and swimming, as I recall.

 And the young lord shouldn't be working to earn money, should he?

Shall I offer you some money?"

That's not the case. These are the second and third sons of farmers, and they have free time outside of the busy farming season. I was wondering if they could earn some money. You should have something to earn besides trade."

 I thought he was asking me for money in a roundabout way, so I thought I was being tactful, but apparently I was wrong.

 You're right, what you're saying is true. Real trade is risky and you'd probably want to earn other money too. So if it's also income for Mr Nobunaga and his playmates, everyone benefits.

 It's a good idea that benefits everyone, but it doesn't seem very samurai-like. But I heard that the historical Nobunaga-san also charged an entrance fee at Azuchi Castle and allowed people to visit.

'Hmmm... What do you have?

"Uh-huh. There is. Various things. Some take time, some don't. What would you like?"

 I was troubled by the sudden question, so I brought the tea to Melty, who was sitting nearby, and she smiled meaningfully and asked a question in the opposite direction.

'Is there so much you can do?

'Yes, there is. 'Yes, there is. If you start this time of year and can get the money early, how about making sake? A clear sake would be good.

Clear sake?

Sake that isn't cloudy. The rice harvest is coming soon, so if you buy rice cheaply and make sake, you can sell it in the new year. It's a good way to make money.

 Melty, you're encouraging children to make sake. Are you sure you're okay with that?

Sake. Sure, who doesn't like it?

It's something you drink and it's gone. You can sell as much as you want.

Good. Kazu. Start by pretending you hired these guys.

Are you sure? If you do anything too selfish, won't it damage your position?

 Nobunaga-san, you've totally fallen for Melty's story. But is it safe? A young feudal lord getting involved in business.

I don't care. 'It doesn't matter, even if you only look good and put on airs, you're no better than a baby tiger. I understand that from watching you. If you earn your money, it will help you.

'Well, if you say so. But are we, who have only just arrived in Owari, really allowed to do what we want?

'I'll talk to my father and Seibei. 'I'll talk to my father and Seibei. If we make it in Tsushima and sell it within Owari, there should be no problem.

 I wonder if it is safe for them to take our words so seriously, as they don't know much about us yet.

 It's true that winter is good for brewing sake, and we have a brewery in our house. With a bit of preparation, it will be ready in time for this winter's brewing.

'Melty. Are you okay?"

It's fine. Sake is made everywhere. The history of sake is not clear, but it has been around since the Warring States period. If we leave it alone, someone else will do it.

 Nobunaga-san seemed to intend to take the conversation forward in a concrete way and left with a number of yokans, saying he would take some home as souvenirs.

 When he comes these days, he wants to bring back sweets as souvenirs, so I'm making more.

 You didn't eat all of them yourself, did you? I taught him that overeating is bad for you.

Well, the warehouse is empty, so it's fine.

Ummm, you should sell your favours when you can.

Melty's a bit of a black sheep sometimes, isn't she?

 But still, he makes sake. The most important thing is that you have to be able to sell the goods when they're ready.

 The most important thing to remember is that the people who are in charge of the project are the people who are in charge of the project.

 I haven't heard too many details, but it seems he's really calling her a hussy.

 Is it rebellion?

 Hmmm. Even if Nobunaga-san and his crony Yankees get some money, will it have any effect on history?

 I'll have to ask Mr Ohashi to introduce me to a tub maker.

 I also need to ask the carpenter who comes to our house to renovate the inside of the warehouse.

 I was going to spend my days selling random things to earn money and dozing on the porch, but now I'm going to be busy.

 But considering our position, it's not a bad idea to cooperate with Nobunaga-san while we still can.

 We have no choice but to go to Ohashi-san's house.