Infiltration Mission

After the conclusion of the Fourth Great Ninja War,

Following Naruto and Hinata's union.

A little while later.

Before the two got married.

Hinata receives a ninja mission.

The mission she takes on is an infiltration mission.

The target of the infiltration is a certain dark organization.

Currently, a group calling themselves the Shuten Clan is expanding their influence in various places, causing concern worldwide.

The Shuten Clan uses a carrot-and-stick approach.

The stick used by the Shuten Clan is violence.

And the carrot is the entertainment provided by women.

The Shuten Clan, by dispatching women influenced by their own hands as prostitutes, continues to establish roots in the heart of power and the underworld, extending their influence.

Furthermore, the Shuten Clan's prostitutes act as spies, touching upon confidential information worldwide, continuously procuring materials for blackmail that the Shuten Clan can use.

With a terrifying speed, the Shuten Clan has extended its poisonous fangs to a fatally influential level before each village could take countermeasures.

(Doing something like this... absolutely unforgivable...)

Hinata is angered upon learning how the Shuten Clan procures prostitutes.

The Shuten Clan is under scrutiny not only for obtaining confidential information but also for their methods of procuring prostitutes.

The Shuten Clan kidnaps renowned beauties in various places, uses eye techniques to brainwash them, and further subjects them to physical modifications to suit their needs as prostitutes.

Thus, by utilizing these beautiful women as pawns favorable to them, the Shuten Clan expands its influence.

"Hinata, will you take on this mission?"


It was a perilous infiltration mission.

An ordinary ninja could easily be brainwashed by the Shuten Clan and used as a double agent.

Therefore, the chosen one for this mission was Hinata of the Hyuga clan.

With the Byakugan and her exceptional observational skills, Hinata could bring back information about the mysterious Shuten Clan's base.

In fact, the conclusion was that, at this point, only Hinata could accomplish this infiltration mission.

"Don't overdo it, okay..."

"Yeah... Thank you!"

On the day of the mission, Hinata exchanges words with her beloved.

The boy she once had a crush on, and now, in the near future, the one she is engaged to and will soon marry, Naruto, sees her off as she embarks on the mission.

Due to the dangers of the mission, if she feels any discomfort at all, she is instructed to leave the infiltration location immediately and return to the Leaf Village.

As the possessor of the valuable Byakugan ability, Hinata cannot afford to be brainwashed by the Shuten Clan.

Moreover, Hinata is on the verge of marrying Naruto.

It was a rule of the mission to consider Hinata's well-being, given her impending marriage.

"Are you Hinata from the Hyuga clan?"


Then, in the forest outside the village, Hinata meets a black-haired man prepared by the Leaf Village for the mission.

He is the intermediary between Hinata and the Shuten Clan.

The man, named Kijou, gazes at Hinata with cold, emotionless red eyes.

He'll do anything for money.

That's the man named Kijou, the Silent.

The origin of his alias, "Silent," is because Kijou is a practitioner of a ninjutsu that silences sound, making it convenient for him to infiltrate enemy organizations.

And because Kijou mercilessly eliminates those who oppose him, the area around him is always enveloped in silence.

"Nice to meet you..."

"This way."

Ignoring Hinata's greeting, Kijou begins guiding her to one of the towns where the Shuten Clan has established its roots.

Following Kijou in silence, Hinata runs through the forest.

Already, Hinata has heightened her vigilance to the maximum.

A solo mission.

The man named Kijou running in front of her is also not someone Hinata can trust.

(Naruto-kun... I... will definitely... return safely...)

Confirming her love for Naruto in her heart, Hinata vows to accomplish the mission.

And so, the solo infiltration mission of Hinata, who is about to marry Naruto, begins.