The Fumbling Fool

[destruction of Starmori]

As the wind blew, injured people began to rise with the help of others who were also wounded, amidst the devastation caused by the blue alien.

However, the colorful heroes were shocked to hear news of a new threat. Suddenly, approaching footsteps could be heard as several individuals in suits, both men and women, approached.

The blue hero, feeling a surge of anger, demanded, "What do you guys want?" The woman, named Ren, crossed her arms with a smirk and replied, "We came to give you another report on the next disaster threat in a different town."

The blue hero, consumed by anger, rushed towards Ren, grabbing her collar, while the red and yellow heroes exclaimed, "Wait, blue!" The blue hero declared, "It's time for you guys to stop orchestrating these disasters. You're the ones who brought them here, causing the deaths of innocent humans and peaceful creatures. I won't allow it anymore."

Ren's smirk widened as she raised both hands and retorted, "I'm just trying to make a living. I stick to business, not courage." Enraged, the blue hero attempted to throw a punch, but the red hero swiftly grabbed his hand, shocking Ren. The red hero stated firmly, "Enough is enough."

The blue hero gradually calmed down and pushed away the red hero's hand, saying, "Okay, then." The red hero turned to Ren and warned, "Don't mess with my friends, you villain." The red hero walked off, followed by the blue hero, while the yellow hero inquired, "Hey, businesswoman Ren! Where is the location of the disaster threat?"

Ren adjusted her suit, pushed up her glasses, and replied, "It's near the town of Lanris, quite a distance from here. But you guys should hurry because more lives are at stake." The yellow hero responded, "I don't need more words, just the location." With that, the yellow hero joined the red and blue heroes to complete their mission.

As Ren turned around, she commanded the business suit-clad individuals, pointing at them, "Check on the civilians!" They bowed and replied, "Yes, ma'am."


In the chaotic streets, amidst the destruction caused by an invisible monster, there was a Catman known as Zunter. As people ran, injured and dead, Zunter wielded his gun and menacingly approached those desperately trying to save their lives. With a cold and callous tone, he uttered, "Goodbye, mates. May the afterlife welcome you." He opened fire, ruthlessly taking lives, and tauntingly added, "You too..."

However, in the midst of his laughter, Zunter's attention was abruptly diverted as the invisible monster hurled a large car towards him. The car narrowly missed, instead striking a young child nearby, trapping their left leg amidst the rubble. Zunter turned, irritated, and warned, "Watch it, mate!" Just as the situation seemed dire, the Red Hero swiftly intervened, blocking the car and rescuing the child. Tears streaming down the child's face, they sobbed in the arms of their savior.

Observing the child's pain, Zunter raised his gun, intending to target the Red Hero. Yet, before he could act, the Blue Hero lunged forward, delivering a powerful punch to Zunter's face. Blood spurted from Zunter's mouth as he fell to the ground. Meanwhile, the Yellow Hero worked tirelessly to evacuate civilians from the wreckage.

Slowly regaining his footing, Zunter muttered, "Darn! I can't believe you horrible bastards have come to ruin my day of fun." As the Red Hero carefully placed the child in a safe spot, a surge of anger ignited within them. They charged towards Zunter with incredible speed, striking him in the stomach. Zunter coughed up a substantial amount of blood, collapsing to the ground amidst the vehicles.

Landing against a car door, Zunter clutched his head, noticing the blood, and called out, "Hey, Invisible Monster! I need your backup!" Responding to Zunter's command, the invisible monster ceased its destruction and leaped to Zunter's aid. Witnessing this, the Blue Hero approached the Red Hero and questioned, "So, are these our allies now?" The Red Hero, determined, replied, "I already expected that there would be another ally with Zunter, but he's a villain who needs to face the consequences... the hammer of justice!" The Blue Hero nodded and said, "Let's go."

As Zunter struggled to rise, he exclaimed, "Go finish off those guys for me. They stand in the way of our mission to eradicate our foes."


As Glitzo slowly opened his eyes and rose to his feet, he found himself uttering, "Where the hell am I?" Just then, out of nowhere, a woman named Murrin emerged from a gust of wind, appearing larger than life to Glitzo. Perplexed, Glitzo managed to mutter, "Is this real?" Murrin responded, "Yes, it's real, boy. You have been summoned to the portal fields, where you will encounter your inner spirit, which is me, Murrin, the daughter of Tanrigoad."

As Glitzo struggled to gather his thoughts, he raised his hand to his head and stammered, "Okay, uh... uh..." Interrupting him, Murrin interjected, "It's Murrin, the daughter of-" Before she could finish, Glitzo interrupted, saying, "Okay, I get it, but can you take me back to where I was? I don't want to be here." Murrin sighed and responded, "Didn't you listen? I am your inner spirit, and you are interacting with me, Murrin, the daughter of Tanrigoad."

Confused, Glitzo questioned, "Okay, but how did I get here?" Murrin explained, "You have just died, and as a result, you were brought to the portal fields. I allowed you to interact with me since you recently passed away." She grinned mischievously and added, "Well, technically, you are in hell right now."

Shocked, Glitzo exclaimed, "Wait, I'm in hell?!" Murrin chuckled and replied, "I'm just kidding." As Glitzo pondered his situation, he wondered to himself, "If I'm dead, what am I? Am I a ghost?" Astonishingly, Murrin responded, "I can hear you." Startled, Glitzo leaped up and exclaimed, "But how can I return?" Murrin scratched her head and suggested, "Well, perhaps you should seek out the summoner of the Portal Fields. If you talk to him, maybe he can send you back."

Considering her words, Glitzo inquired, "Okay, but there's one thing..." Murrin asked, "What is it?" Glitzo hesitated before finally asking, "What am I? Am I still human?"

As Glitzo impatiently awaited a response, he couldn't help but ponder, "Why am I so surprised? I just killed someone and now I've been brought to this place... Do people always react like this, or is it just me?" Murrin interjected, saying, "Well, you're a demon spirit... or at least that's what I suppose, based on the role of Kai."

Glitzo clutched his head in disbelief and exclaimed, "I'm a demon?!" Murrin quickly clarified, "I said 'demon spirit.' You seem to be forgetting the 'spirit' part." Glitzo paused, then slapped both of his cheeks with his hands and declared, "Okay, maybe if I knock some sense into you, you'll revert back to being human." Murrin erupted into laughter, tears streaming down her face. Glitzo skillfully dodged the tears and warned, "Hey, watch it!" He stood up and asked, "What's so funny? All I did was say..."

Murrin interrupted amidst her laughter, "I know, I know, but beating me up won't change the fact that you're a demon spirit. And if you're going to claim to be an evil person, well, you're not. Being a demon spirit is simply a deviation from God's word... and as for the 'spirit' part, your body is almost like a complete spirit."

Glitzo interjected, "What?! You don't make any sense. If I'm not a complete spirit, then I'm not a spirit, right?" Murrin explained, "Well, you're dead but brought up to the portal fields. It's just part of your role as a Kai, you know, a divine being." Glitzo retorted, "And you think that makes any sense at all, lady?"

Murrin continued, "And since you're here now, fulfilling the role of a Kai, you probably have some sort of super-abilities..." Glitzo whispered to himself, "Super-abilities? Like what?"

Glitzo eagerly inquired, "What kind of super-abilities do I have?" Murrin responded, "I'm not entirely sure, but hmm..." As Murrin contemplated, Glitzo whispered in his thoughts, "I thought inner spirits were supposed to know everything... but I'll just keep quiet." Irritated, Murrin told Glitzo to shut up and let her think. Glitzo retorted, "I just said I'm going to shut up, and I know you can read my mind. Besides, hurry up and tell me what my super-abilities are." Murrin snapped back, "Jeez, you can't even wait patiently. Such a rude attitude."

Glitzo defended himself, saying, "I mean, I just died, so I want to know what my super-abilities are as a demon spirit fulfilling the role of a Kai." Murrin finally answered, "You can nullify things and stuff." Glitzo exclaimed, "Wow, really?! Like what?" But before Murrin could elaborate, something began forcefully dragging Glitzo. He shouted, "Whoa, what's with this wind? It feels like I'm being pulled...?!" Murrin, also being pulled, shouted, "Wait, stop!" Glitzo questioned, "Why?!" Murrin explained, "This is the Next World." Glitzo exclaimed, "Next World?... Whoa!" As Glitzo and Murrin were being sucked into the Next World.

Murrin responded, "I've never met a boy who's so pushy before." Glitzo replied, "It's just because I've ended up in this place. I'm curious and I want to know more!"