Painful Desires

"Nope! Nope! Nope! Need To Breathe! Damn! Did Not See That Coming!" Shana punched a wall dressed in combat boots, shorts and a tanktop as her skin kept flashing different shades of red, "Damn It! Why Him!"

"Madam? Would you prefer a refreshment or a bathing setting? The hot spring feature was fully unlocked and you have yet to give it a go! Also detecting your pheromones are on the fritz… did you find yourself a mate?" Oran asked as he prepared to teleport her to the hot springs to relax and to offset the effects of her 'Heats' in an easier manner.

"Yes! But NO!!" She said as she punched another spot on the wall as she walked in a circular spiral pathway that led back to where she was, "He's almost 18! He's a kid!!"

"Are you not his age as well?"

"I… I… don't know! There's No One To Explain This To Me! AAAARG!" She slammed her face into the wall as she tried to focus.

Her body temperature kept fluctuating and changing colors as the Heat washed over her in waves as her eyes kepted becoming unfocused. She slammed her head again to clear her head so she could think.

"Madam to be fair, it is within the society limit by 1 year! The two of you are technically 3 years apart! Yet if you take into account that you have been alive for 50 thousand 7 hundred 24 years! His new genetic makeup puts him at 3 years of age!" Oran stated the actuality as he got notified of a question from the one in question, "Madam? Permission to hack humanity secrets to retrieve information on the Spartans?"

"Aaaarg!" Punching another wall as skin broke and blood soon coated her hand and forehead, "Don't! Need! Permission!"

"Understood!" Oran replied as he easily pulled destroyed documents and found what was asked. Making a copy of himself to reply to the soldier as he focused on keeping his master sane, "This is interesting!"

Gritting her teeth as she took another jog around the circle, "What? Is? It?"

"They marked him as dead! He no longer is registered as alive! So you would be mating a corpse!"

Shana stumbled to the ground baffled.

"He also seems stunned at this news! Maybe talk with him about the effects? He was acknowledged as an adult at the age of 16 and tomorrow he will be 18 as your total physical state will be that of 21 but you stopped growing at 16, the legal adult age, would put you two within 1.5 years or 3 years or 50,524 years apart."

"SssHhhud!" Shana sat on her butt as she whacked her head backwards as she tried to stay conscious, "Why! Him? He! Don't! Know! Basic! Aaarrrggg! Hhrrnnn! Why?" Tears flowed down her face, "Why does it hurt so~ ba~d! There's! No! One!" Shana let out a guttural cry as she sobbed like a kid and rocked back and forth as stronger waves of heat kept rising from her body in closer succession.

A deep soothing saddened voice sounded near her. A voice so close shocking her awake and to her feet in a defensive stance, "There's always me!"

Not far away stood the Spartan looking even hotter in his new uniform, ruby red eyes that seemed rejected until he fully saw the state she was in, eyes flashed with the urgency to protect her as he saw she was covered in blood.

Her pale skin shivered, hands bloody from punching the wall, bleeding scratch marks along her arms, multiple streaks of blood dripping from atop her head, and foggy emerald eyes glassed over as tears fell down her cheeks.

Fresh blood trickled down her face as she stood rigid and unfocused and confused at his angry eyes yet soft looking face under his hat.

"What Happened!" He declared as his voice shook with anger that she was this badly wounded.

Oran replied nonchalantly, "This is her confinement chamber! She comes here every time she feels in Heat! Afterwards she goes to the hot springs to wash up!"

Breathing deeply, he tried to control his new raging emotions.

Shana whimpered, "Why?"

His one job was to keep her safe… Yet here she is… Harming herself to keep herself from what?

What is supposed to be a natural feeling and occurrence! And she doesn't believe that he could help her?

She repeated again with more fear as her body shook, "Why?"

He spoke slowly so as to not frighten her in a deep calming voice, "You need me!" Placing a hand on his chest and one out towards her he locked eyes with her, "You called out for me, so I came!"

"Nnmm! D…don't! Cumnm! Heeer!"

Her raspy voice pleaded and her unfocused eyes looked at him in pain and pleading.

He took quick large strides towards her, so fast that it seemed as if he had teleported, as he grabbed her wrists in his hands tightly yet carefully so as to not break her bones and gently pulled them above her head doing so had rebalanced her.

He said loudly in his deep tone that slowly became saddened and made her pause and shiver as he spoke, "You! You never said what you wanted… What do you need from me?" He pleaded as his body now registered and responded to her pheromones now that he was so close to her.

"Pleeease!" Her pained voice longing pleaded as she tried to stay focused, "Don't… die… on… me! I… sorry… pwez… don't… hate… me… can't… con…trol… it!"

"What?" He asked as she didn't make sense, "What do you need from me?" He asked again more softly as he pulled her closer wrapping an arm around her waist and the other hand caressed her face as he checked her head softly for bleeding only to notice that her body temperature was too high.

She leaned into his hand with a relieved expression, as if it was helping the pain go away, she softly purred as her body gave off a new scent that made his body shiver in pleasure. Confused at the new sensation he spoke softly yet loud enough for Oran to pick up.

"What was that?"

Oran scanned the room before replying, "That would be a natural response… Though I am detecting that your genetic makeup is… adapting to fit her… request?"

He looked back down at her now calmed face with eyes closed as she rubbed her face into his cupped hand, "Natural… Response?"

Oran replied, "She can give out what is known as a System to anyone she wants, it helps gently alter one's genetic makeup to what they desire… She had mentioned before that there was a Husband System that had special requirements to be fulfilled before given… You might fit those requirements!"

"How do I fit those requirements to be her husband?" He asked as he made up his mind that he would do it if it would ease her pain so she wouldn' be in this state every time it occured.

Oran looked through his database before replying, "Two Arms! Two Legs! Genetics of Old! One D/i/c/k! You're the only one here with Genetics of Old!"

"Oddly specific… How would I go about triggering this Husband System if she's not in a state to give it out?"

"I am searching… for sapient mating rituals… Ah! Here it is! Love for Soldier Dummies! In order it is… let's skip this part… ignore that part… Umn… Flirt… Hugging or cuddling… Kiss forehead to soothe or reassure… Kiss mouth to establish mating dominance which releases natural chemical compounds in the opposite sex… Then follow the females' lead… Caution! Cuddles are needed periodically afterwards, and physical signs are noticeable!" Oran stated as he had gone through the shenanagin records he kept to expand his range of communication with his master if she was alone for too long, "You already flirted with her, that is why her face went red… You are holding or cuddling her right now… So~ kiss her forehead with your mouth for a few seconds? If that doesn't trigger it then kiss her mouth?"

Using his thumb from his hand on her face, he traced her lips which caused her to go rigid, her unfocused eyes flickered to his face but not reaching his eyes.

Like she was looking at his lips as he touched hers.

Unsure if he could do the simple non war task, though he had already resolved himself to do whatever it took to help her!

Taking a deep breath he gently pressed his lips on her forehead.

He registered how high her fever was, for his lips became hot, not noticing what Oran had mentioned he then tilted her chin up.

Her lips partially parted as if asking for something in particular. Moving gently, so he wouldn't harm her, kissed her lips which seemed to be the right location.

Fire surged through his face from his lips as he continued to hold the kiss. Every cell in his face screamed at him as the wave of fire reached his neck before he pulled away to catch his breath.

A light transparent blue screen with a progress bar appeared before him

[Husband System Integration Progress 10%]

[Do You Wish To Abort?]

[Yes / No]

Thinking no triggered the No button to activate.

[Survival Rate Of This Path Is Low]

[High Dexterity Required]

If one kiss did 10% then he would need to kiss her ten times… but the fire would be a problem…

Taking a painful breath as the invisible fire still raged across his face and neck, he placed another kiss on her and the progress bar began to move.

As the progress bar moved so did the burning sensation that his body was screaming as the line of fire progressed throughout his body.

He had gone through bone cracking, muscle tearing and rebuilding, as his genetics were twisted and survived… Yet this pain was something different… Worse even.

Like a cleansing fire that swept through his body, igniting every cell and destroying them to replace them just as quickly, took a toll on him as his unlimited stamina began to drop as if she was sucking his strength from him as he sucked the fire from the Heat.

[Progress 95%]

The fire was now down at his ankles. The fire burned every muscle and bones, no matter how small, vigorously leaving a painful trail for him to feel places he didn't know he had as his conception of his full body control became distorted.

As the burning sensation engulfed the soles of his feet the bar reached 100% and he had a larger impact on his body than he was prepared for as screens kept popping up before his eyes. Bearing with the pain, as he held her passed out asleep, staying as still as possible to prevent fire lash backs to ignite as he read the screens as quickly as they popped up.

[Congratulations For Surviving Phase 1]

[Engaging Phase 2, Alpha. Beta. Echo.]

[Overwriting Faulty Genetical Code In Progress]

[Fusing Armor Function]

[Engaging Subordinate System Function, Limit: Growable]

[Vehicle Soul Storage Available, Limit: Growable]

[Dimensional Pocket Enabled, Location Pending]

[Weapon Pocket Enabled, Location Pending]

[Communication Bandwidth, Size: Unknown]

[Subordinate Dimensional Barracks, Location: Unknown]

[Beast Form: Unknown]

[Vehicle Plexus, Relocatable: 3 Usage]

[Wife Status Locator Enabled]

[Fathers Legacy Archived]

[350% Boost To All Statuses When Wife Health Drops Below 50%]


[92% Complete…]

[Enabling Final Changes]

[ 3…]

[ 2…]

[ 1...]



[First Husband Is Awake]

[Recommended Sleep During Integration Process]

[Engaging Forced Sleep]

Spartan 053 flinched as a cold thick slimy feeling started to creep from the base of his skull as it slowly engulfed his entire head and a chilly misty feeling invaded his entire brain.

He had to shiver from the cold and in doing so ignited the resting fire in his body. Fire raged from his neck down, like it was hungrily searching for specific things, as his head was becoming groggy he had a new mission that he focused all his rapidly draining energy on.

Painfully leaning against the wall, with Shana still asleep in his arms, he slowly slid down the wall and moved her so she was in his lap.

As soon as he was fully sitting on the floor his head drooped as he finally lost consciousness.

Oran had recorded the whole thing and watched as the soldier's skin had changed colors as the same as his Mistress multiple times before.

Now his Mistresses color seemed to be almost normal as her body unconsciously cuddled into his, as his color looked like transparent lava flowing across his entire body as his breathing indicated he was asleep.