Amid All of These

Bonifacio High.

It has operated as an independent school since the implementation of K-12. In contrast to other secondary schools, which typically require six years to complete high school, Bonifacio High School has a unique structure where students study for only two years.

However, per the law, one must complete primary and secondary education–totaling 12 years–to gain entry into tertiary education. Furthermore, with the addition of an extra year in the education system, secondary education has undergone a division. The first part, Junior High, encompasses the initial years, while the second part, Senior High, comprises the final two years.

So, the creation of Bonifacio High is solely for Senior High only. However, to enter Bonifacio High, students, including Adrian, still need to complete their four years in junior high.

When it comes to Senior High, it goes beyond being a mere extension of high school; it offers a distinct type of education compared to the rest of high school. Senior High resembles a lower version of college, introducing features like courses, referred to as strands. Each strand has its unique characteristics, much like individual college courses.

There are different tracks to take with strands. One way was the Academic Track, and next to that was the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track, the Art and Design Track, and last was the Sports Track.

Tracks might appear less diverse, but it's important to note that Tracks and Strands are different. A track serves as a pathway for students aligned with their career goals. Under these tracks, students can choose from various 'strands' that concentrate on specific specializations. However, it's important to note that only two tracks have strands: the Academic Track and the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track.

Bonifacio High currently offers only two tracks, namely Academic and Sports. The Sports Track is particularly renowned at Bonifacio High. Unlike the Academic Track, the Sports Track does not have strands.

The Academic Track has four strands. The 'Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand,' the 'Humanities and Social Science Strand,' the 'Accounting, Business, and Management Strand,' and the 'General Academic Strand'.

"You all picked GAS." Ma'am Miranda said.

GAS is only short-term for the General Academic Strand. To other strands as well. STEM, HUMSS, and ABM.

"To be honest, I wasn't expecting all of you." She disclosed something so surprising that the entire class couldn't fathom what they had just heard.

It was only the first day, yet it felt like the teacher harbored a grudge against them. Uttering such words seemed unprofessional, but the students hesitated to voice their concerns to avoid potential conflict. After all, landing on a teacher's unfavorable side was more daunting than any other social challenge in high school life. However, one thing lingered in the minds of the whole class: THIS TEACHER IS HARD TO DEAL WITH.

"Anyway, I'll repeat what I said earlier, just for those two guys confused. I'll be teaching two subjects in this class. The first one is from way earlier, the subject of Discipline and Ideas in the Social Science. This time around, it's Homeroom." She repeated while looking at Adrian and Jose.

She explained what to anticipate in Homeroom, covering many topics such as career paths and self-discovery. It was the typical introduction to the subject, following the same approach she had employed for the earlier one.

"If any of you feel doubtful about this, believe me, you will all have fun during my class," she said with a grin, dropping some words that felt like a jack-in-the-box. The class shivered as they heard it.

How can some words feel intimidating even though it's not a provocation? Mere words that have an impact, even if it's not big, can cause anxiety to those students.

Noticing their discomfort, the teacher dispelled the tension by clapping once. "Don't feel intense, class. Just chill. There's nothing to worry about."

What a surprising twist. A cheerful voice, resonating with a friendly tone, can instantly put someone at ease. And guess who it belongs to? None other than Ma'am Miranda herself. It's as if she's skillfully mimicking the persona of a friendly figure through her voice. It may sound absurd, but surprisingly, it worked like a charm.

Upon hearing it, some students in the class immediately felt at ease. The looming sense of danger they associated with the teacher dissipated, and their impression of her quickly shifted from the worst to not bad at all. However, not everyone in the class shared this sentiment. A handful of students remained unconvinced by the sweet talk, maintaining the belief that Ma'am Miranda was difficult to get along with. This perspective was shared the same by students such as Adrian and Jose.

Opinions aside, the teacher is still brimming with a friendly aura. She continues that act by explaining the matter for homeroom.

Soon after, she revisits the topics discussed during the orientation a few weeks ago, an orientation designed for incoming first-years seeking insights into the school.

During the orientation, they delved into the story and history of the school, drawing connections to national hero Andres Bonifacio. They also reference Jose Rizal, another national hero, to provide a broader context.

Andres Bonifacio stood as the symbolic figure of the school. Their emphasis goes beyond prioritizing athletes to embody at least a semblance of Bonifacio's traits and even adopt his last name to title the school. However, their focus isn't solely on athletes; the academic track remains an integral part of their school system, establishing a connection to Jose Rizal.

Being an athlete in their school comes with benefits, they said. Athletes can receive allowances and scholarships once they enter college. Furthermore, in some cases, athletes might be exempted from classes occasionally due to sports events. However, even if they receive an excuse from class, they are not exempt from activities within it. They still need to fulfill their tasks; otherwise, it will impact their evaluation.

Despite focusing on athletes, the academic track is also quite good. They still have the initiative to provide programs for those who choose academics.

Furthermore, they constructed several sports-related facilities, including Track and Field, a Swimming Pool, a Dojo for taekwondo, a Volleyball court, and a basketball court. As for volleyball and basketball, they're separated and covered. The covered court for basketball and volleyball is not groundbreaking or anything, but compared to other schools. Some of them are outdoors and share one spot between two sports.

Furthermore, despite their focus on sports-related facilities–they haven't neglected academic-related amenities. They've established things academic-related, such as a library and free Wi-Fi. There might be more as well.

Anyway, besides that, the orientation also covered the school's rules. These rules aren't different from those found in other ordinary schools; they're standard.

That's where Ma'am Miranda's recap comes to an end. She explained perfectly well what the orientation offered. She also added some of her comments regarding the orientation.

"Okay, that's all. I explained thoroughly the things discussed at the orientation. Any questions or clarification regarding those?"

The class hasn't uttered a single word. And Ma'am Miranda takes that as an answer, so she moves to conclude the homeroom.

"Once again, I'm Dolores Gloria Miranda. I'll be your adviser for this section. Nice to meet you all. And let us have a great relationship until the end of this grade level."

With a cheerful manner, Ma'am Miranda said that to the class. She still has that getting-along act on her. Others, like Adrian and Jose, might shiver; however, that's not the case for most of the class. Some of them already disregarded the idea that the teacher might be strict and moved on with a smile.

Ma'am Miranda left the room that way with a smile. It is still unknown whether she is acting or not. However, the class has now labeled her as a fine teacher. And yet, the only ones who didn't follow this idea were Adrian and Jose. They are still doubtful about her.

Despite that, it's not good to judge someone just like that. After all, it's only the first day, and it's too early to form a definitive evaluation. However, consider the senior advice—it might offer valuable insights.

Continuing with their school hours was the usual routine. Homeroom wasn't the end; there were more subjects to come. Each teacher introduced and explained their subject just like the others. It could be tiring, going through the same process repeatedly, but the only variation was the content behind it.

Soon, the first day finally came to an end. As the class dismissed, many students left the room, either with someone they had befriended or alone.

"Hey, Adrian. Let's go."


Adrian and Jose also left the room. Since their house is in the same direction, they go home together. That's also the same case when they're in junior high.

"Not to exaggerate, but the first day felt kinda hectic, don't you think?" Jose initiated the conversation as they left the school area and strolled along the sidewalk.

"Yeah, it did seem that way."

"We met Ma'am Miranda and got a glimpse of her personality. Also, we encountered some upperclassmen who are likely part of SSG."

"And they mentioned something about Ma'am Miranda."

"Yeah, what's up with that? It might sound like they're just trying to scare us, but it doesn't seem like that's the case. Turns out our adviser might be a bit of a hypocrite."

"That's a bit rude to assume so early. We can't be sure since we just met Ma'am Miranda."

"Well, you're right. But there's something off about that teacher."

"Off? Wasn't she nice just a while ago?"

"Yeah, but it feels a bit forced."

"You think it's a facade?"

"That's right."

Even after class, doubts lingered. They couldn't shake off what happened today. Despite Ma'am Miranda leaving a positive impression during homeroom, Adrian and Jose remained unconvinced. Yet, over half of the class had already fallen under the teacher's charm.

"Why does it feel like you're siding with her?" Jose asked, noticing Adrian's tendency to oppose his opinion of the teacher. "Didn't she make a fool of you?"

"Yeah, but I think she's just scolding me. Plus, I'm at fault in the first place."

"True, but the way she scolds you makes it seem like she's labeling you an inferior."

"Hey, it's not that bad. Ma'am Miranda just scolded me for my wrongdoings, and I appreciate that."

"Okay…. But, her condescending attitude towards others, including you, appears unprofessional."

"Can't be sure yet. And rather than looking down, it's more like speaking facts."

"The things she just said, we already know that. And she can't just assume that we are some dead weight."

"Ah, let it be. Let's consider Ma'am Miranda as that type of teacher. Typically, we just go along with things now to avoid unnecessary trouble. Besides, didn't we learn to navigate such situations in our junior high days?"

"Yeah, you're right. It shouldn't be a big deal."

"Aside from Ma'am Miranda, what are your thoughts on the other teachers?"

"It's been good so far. There isn't much to evaluate yet since it's just the first day, and everyone has been nice from start to finish."

"Well, first impressions are important."


The notion that "first impressions are crucial" holds undeniable truth. People often try to show their best qualities, even if the situation suggests otherwise. The idea is to make themselves look good to others and leave a positive impression. Whether in personal or professional situations, it's a common practice to present one's positive side to create a favorable image and make a good impression on others.

A classic example is when you want to make a good impression on someone you're interested in, like impressing a girl you like by highlighting your positive qualities. On a more professional note, this approach is commonplace in the workplace, where employees commonly strive to be courteous and maintain a positive demeanor when dealing with their superiors. In both scenarios, the goal is to present the best version of oneself to leave a positive and lasting impression.

"Hey, my Timezone card is about to upgrade to gold. So I'm planning to go there. Want to join me?" Jose casually invited Adrian, momentarily putting aside their discussion about the teachers.

The Timezone was an arcade that served as their favorite arcade during their junior high days, a place they frequented for hangouts. Typically, Adrian would readily agree to join. However, this time, there was a slight hesitation in his response.

"Thanks for the offer, but I plan to go home for now," Adrian replied.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"Then, I'll be heading my way. See you tomorrow."

"See ya."

It was then that they split up midway. Since the timezone was in the opposite direction from their house, Jose rode a Jeep on his way there. And so Adrian, by himself, continued his way home.

The distance between the school and Adrian's house wasn't too far, yet it wasn't exactly close either. While a single Jeep ride could cover the distance, one might wonder why he didn't opt for that. It is simply that he just wants to save money, even for a little. He believed it was unnecessary to take a Jeep when the distance was manageable, thinking it was better to walk.

Having walked a considerable distance, Adrian eventually reached his home. Upon entering and securing the door, he promptly made his way straight to his room. Usually, Adrian would have an early dinner upon returning home from school. However, at this moment, he chose to recline on his bed instead.

"I know there's no food prepared," he muttered.

Saying this doesn't imply that they are poor or lack food. But the reality was that no one simply prepared meals. With both parents working, there's no one available to cook at this hour or even earlier.

It's disheartening to admit that Adrian often feels like a neglected child. Despite his parents' financial stability, both leave the house early and return late. Adrian handles his meals and necessities, from cooking meals to meeting school requirements. His parents provide him with what he needs, but it creates a sense of loneliness. Nevertheless, Adrian has grown accustomed to this routine, and it doesn't bother him anymore.

As for the food at this hour, why wouldn't Adrian just cook for himself?

Adrian appears to be distracted right now. He's finding it hard to muster the energy to prepare a meal and would prefer to stay in his room for now.

A lot of things happened today. He woke up in the middle of the class with an uncertain scenario, including having an unusual exchange with Ma'am Miranda. Moreover, later in the break, an unexpected meeting with the proclaimed people was part of SSG. Nonetheless, it's all about Ma'am Miranda.

Today was exhausting for him.

Struggling to make sense of everything, he released a deep breath. Soon after, he stood up from the bed and settled into a familiar gaming chair. He retrieved a notebook and pen, ready to jot down his thoughts.

"What was it again?"

He wrote off the things that happened and summarized them. He also wrote about the prior event before the first day of school. How he approached this reflection resembled the intimate style of a diary.


Clicking his pen, he carefully reviewed the details he had committed to paper. Gradually, he added more notes and refined his plans as if he were crafting a script for the next captivating chapter of his own story.