I let out a sigh at the fact that every woman I set my eyes on after getting the hypnosis app has something wrong with them.
There is Aisaka, who cuts her wrist. Honma, who is stalked by a creep, and Wagatsuma, who is in front of me, whose father is violent towards her.
"What about sexual violence?"
"That one is still fine."
"Still… fine?"
The way Wagatsuma says it, there is a possibility that she might be attacked in the near future.
Well, it's true that if there was a girl with such an erotic body, it's even possible that she could be attacked sexually.
"Just as I thought, you have a beautiful face, huh?"
Wagatsuma, with a bangs, hides a beautiful face.
It's just that the lack of an expression spoils everything, so much so that it's similar to Aisaka's, but the darkness of the expression is worse than hers.
"Since when?"
"…The violence started when I was in high school."
"You've been enduring it for a long time?"
"Yes. I didn't have anyone I could rely on."
Again… this feeling again.
I felt this with Aisaka too, but while I was enjoying my life with my family and friends, there are people who are going through a hard life as a matter of course.
For a child, family is the most reliable and familiar existence, but to be violated by such an existence must be too painful.
"…Do you want to die or something?"
It was a dreadful question.
At my question, Wagatsuma fell silent for a bit, but nodded with a kokkun.
"If I can't rely on anyone, if no one can help me, then I wonder what's the value of my life. It would be easier if I just disappear."
Wagatsuma looked down.
That's not to say that she's ready for it, but she exudes a fragility that suggests that with just one more push she could really depart from this world.
"My father's grandparents are good to me. But at the same time, they care about my father and would probably be sad if they knew he was violent. So I don't want to bother them."
"…I see."
A dilemma, you say.
For someone who says she can't rely on anyone, she does have someone she can rely on, but she can't take the first step because if she does, she'll make them sad at the same time.
However, if they care for her that much, there is a possibility that they will take in Wagatsuma because they feel they can't leave her by their side…
"Damn it, these problems are too difficult for a mere student, aren't they?"
I scratched my head.
At the time of Aisaka and at the time of Honma, in the end it was a power technique relying on hypnosis, and I don't particularly think about what happens afterwards and think that it doesn't matter.
"…My mother doesn't come home much these days. My father is late, but today -"
When Wagatsuma said that much, her phone trembled.
When I ordered her to answer the phone, as she stared at me, she picked up the phone.
"…Yeah… yeah. Ok."
"She said she's not coming home today."
I'm not coming back, normally you would be sad, but the fact that she sounded somewhat relieved can't be my imagination.
If you can feel relieved by not coming back like that, you should rely on your grandparents
"…Well, it's easy for me to say that because I'm not the one involved. To be honest, I feel sorry for her, but I don't fully understand her feelings."
The gap between happy people and unhappy people, and the sense of feeling between the two, must be really big.
Nevertheless, as for Wagatsuma's unhappiness, let's forget about it for a while – remember what I came here for, Kai!
"Wagatsuma, come here."
Wagatsuma sat down right in front of me.
The moment she sat down, her breasts swayed and bounced, and they were still tremendous.
I swallowed hard and stretched out my arms.
"… oh, it's amazing after all."
The feeling of touching her live is still wonderful. The softness and warmth as well as the smoothness of her skin is irreplaceable.
I completely forgot about what I had just heard and became captivated by the big tits like the gravure idol, and kept on rubbing them like crazy.
I was not satisfied with just rubbing them with my hands. I buried my face in them and enjoyed them to my heart's content.
And I was so used to ordering her to do this by now that I lay there and told her.
"Now you're going to do exactly what I tell you to do."
A few minutes later, I was very satisfied.
There was a different kind of goodness to Aisaka and Honma, and the sight of Wagatsuma, who was not looked up to in class, serving me was the most satisfying thing I'd ever seen.
"Well, after all, it's wonderful to be served by a girl like this. Hey, Wagamama, let me spoil you some more."
On the bed, which is kept clean, I hug Wagatsuma with all my might.
I'm clinging to her body as much as I can so that I can enjoy her as much as I want, and the sight of her incredibly soft body contorting against my chest is enough to bring back the excitement that should have left me once before.
Oh no, this is truly a drug.
It feels so good that I don't want to leave… I think the same thing when I'm with Aisaka and Honma, but Wagatsuma may be a step above them all.
"…Hey, Wagatsuma."
That's why it's a shame to try to die. Wagatsuma.
Until a while ago, my head was filled with worries because I wanted to taste Wagatsuma's body as soon as possible, but now I'm thinking very clearly because it's a wise man's time.
Well, Wagatsuma's body is so attractive that it will come back to me soon, but I still have to say everything that needs to be said.
"You said earlier that life isn't worth living?"
"How can it not be worth it? You've made me so happy, you know? You're worth a great deal."
No, everything I'm saying sucks, seriously.
I mean, I'm saying that your body is so good that it's worth it.
"I know that's a fucking outlandish thing to say, but seriously, your body is good. So don't tell me it's not worth it. If you want to find so much value or something, then live for me."
"…For Masaki-kun?"
"Oh. You know, I need you."
"…You need me… me…"
Wagatsuma, in a hypnotic state, mumbled for a while.
I'm thinking, somehow, that I'm pretty much getting off on having my way with Aisaka and Honma as well as with Wagatsuma in this way, but I'm well aware of that myself.
"When this hypnosis is lifted, you won't remember anything, but I'll still say it. I don't know how much I can do, but I'll do something about the situation."
Saying this, I took Wagatsuma to my chest and stroked her head.
She had long hair, but it was smooth and well groomed right down to the tips, and although I was touching it like this to stroke it, it had a really nice touch.
I thought something was warm around my chest, and then I saw that Wagatsuma was shedding tears.
I was a little startled, but it seems safe to assume that my words had echoed in her hypnotised mind.
I had also caught a glimpse of her looking slightly relieved same as at the time of Aisaka, so there should be no doubt about it.
"Don't cry. You'll be surprised why your eyes are red when the hypnosis is lifted."
Wagatsuma didn't say anything, but I was a little flustered by the way she was crying now.
I had never said this to Aisaka or Honma, and I had never ordered them to do it. But I was so excited that I made this suggestion.
"Wagatsuma, let's kiss."
Her reply was very quick.
I brought my face close to Wagatsuma's and sucked on her lips.
—Wow… This is kissing.
My first kiss, I don't know for her, but if it's my first kiss, forgive me, I apologize lightly in my heart.
"… my heart is feeling warm, it's strange."
"Oh, yeah. That's good."
For a moment, really a moment, I thought Wagatsuma laughed.
After that, I was relaxing with Wagamama serving me once more… when I suddenly remembered my phone and looked at the screen.
"Yikes, I've only got ten per cent left!"
That was close, if I had been a little more engrossed, I would have been in complete trouble.
"I'm going home soon. Um, where's the jacket…?"
"… are you leaving?"
Wagatsuma was holding the hem of my clothes.
I laughed at how cute she was and gently removed her hand.
"Well, don't worry, you can rest assured it's only temporary and of course I will continue you do whatever I want to with you again. And I ain't lying about everything I said earlier. I don't know how it's going to turn out, but I think the environment will be better than it is now, at least, okay?"
With these words, I walked out of Wagatsuma's house.
As I left the house, I released the hypnosis and blurted out.
"…I wish I commit all three together at once as I please."
No, everyone imagines multiple play, being a man.
"Well, I can't do it today, but I'll do my best."
But after all I've done, when I'm refreshed, everything I want to say comes out… the wise man's time is just too strong.