Chapter 57

This summer holiday, I really think I've had a very fulfilling time. 

This is because I spent a lot of time with Mari, Emu, Saika, Aika, Fiana, and Konoe-san, who are all beautiful women.

Well, basically, it is in a hypnotic state that you can do deep things, and there is not much you can do with these girls who are in their normal state… but even so, it is a big deal for me.

"…So, what's this?"

Well, one day while I was enjoying these wonderful days.

I'm standing in a pitch-black space where I can't see anything, and I realize in an instant that this is a dream.

"I'm kind of scared… come on, wake up, me."

The feeling of being left in total darkness is not a good one.

I was sitting still in the darkness with no change in me like that, but a small change happened at my feet.


Suddenly, a wriggling object appeared at my feet.

It was a pink thread-like thing… and it was a bit weird to say this, but it was swaying like a sea anemone.


Just when I thought, "What the hell, this is gross", it attacked me at once, as if the thread had locked on to me… no, attacked might have been a bit too much.

"What the hell…"

Countless of those pink threads entwined themselves around my body and stopped jerking as if to say that they would never let go.

I try to somehow escape while thinking about my current situation objectively, as if I've seen it somewhere before or not.

"Eeeeee! There's no demand for male bondage play!!!!" 

That's really the only thing that's true when it's you.

After that, I tried my best to somehow manage the tangling strings, but to no avail.


While I was trying my best to struggle, I couldn't help but feel that the threads had subtly increased even more.

Threads that are divided into two types: those that make a thumping, heart-beating sound, and those that don't… and then -.


Another further change occurred.

A black thread appeared, this time so black that it assimilated into the background, right in front of my gaze, and it rushed at me in the same way as the pink thread.

But the strange thing about that thread was that it was malicious, or hostile, and I closed my eyes.


If it had continued with that momentum, it would have definitely pierced through my body, but the shock did not come to my body.

When I fearfully opened my eyes, I saw that the pink threads were protecting me from the attack of those black threads.


Some threads were bouncing back like whips, others were pinching and catching as if they were taking on a white blade, and finally, the pink threads were seen coiling around the black threads and squeezing the black threads as if they were snakes coiling around them.

I was shown the battle between the pink thread and the black thread, but the only impression I could get was, "What the heck is this?

"What the hell am I being shown…"

I was hoping that i would wake up soon, because I didn't care anyway, when a voice echoed through this place where I thought I was the only one there.

'That's quite a sight to behold. Is that how strong their feelings are?' 

It was a voice like a machine.

The sudden voice scared me, but I didn't expect anyone else to be there besides me, so I raised my voice.

"Who's there! Is someone here!"

In response to my voice, a smartphone appeared in front of me.

The phone was stagnant in place while emitting a suspicious light, and the dream was finally turning into an unintelligible dream.

Just as I thought the phone suddenly emitted a mysterious light, the pink thread that was holding me changed.


That change is the end of the thread.

A human shape gradually formed at the end of the thread that was binding me, and it became a figure of people that was familiar to me.

"Mari… Emu and Saika too… and Aika and Fiana?"

The girls suddenly appeared, staring at me without saying a word, and connected to their hands is a thread that is tangled in mine.

It's as if… it's as if the girls are telling me that they won't let me go.

Well, if anything, I don't feel bad if these threads were generated with that intention.

".... I don't feel so bad!"

In the first place, how could any man not like being sought after by beautiful women like these girls?

I don't know who doesn't like this kind of slightly horror-ish stuff, but even so, for me, it's totally possible, or rather, I'm very excited about it.

'Are you pleased? You have shown them hope. They've given you their hearts…, or rather, they've connected with you, to the point where they might break without you.'

"I don't really know what you're talking about…" 

I could understand the words I was hearing from my phone, but I didn't quite understand what it meant.

If the girls think they won't run away from me like this, they can rest assured, I can't run away from their tits either, can I? I'd rather jump in than run away!

'… It's interesting after all. What you do is not that different from what I used to do, but I didn't realize how much it depends on whether or not you have a heart for the other person.'

"So what did you say earlier…"

'Don't worry about it. You should be awake by now.'

The moment he said that, a light shone in the darkness.

I wondered who you were, after all, and before I could confirm that, my consciousness was at once brought back to the real world.


The moment I opened my eyes, what I saw reflected in my line of sight was the ceiling of my room.

I looked around as if in a daze for a while, but I had a memory that clearly remained in my mind.

"I feel like I was surrounded by Mari and the others in my dream… Fufu."

I said that it remained clear, but that was a lie.

The only thing I can remember is that I was surrounded by Mari and the other girls, and I never thought that I would be able to experience in my dream a situation where I was surrounded by five people, which has not yet been experienced in reality… Well, I don't remember doing anything in particular, so it could be called a boring dream.


There was something I was thinking about as I stared at my self-assertive self in the morning.

I can only do these things with the girls if I use the power of hypnosis, but as a high school boy, I also fantasised a little about being under the duvet when I wake up…

I've used hypnosis with reservations, but I don't know if it can be used across the day, so I can't even try it. 

"No, no, I read too many erotic manga."

Such things will be a part of my relationship strengthening when I have a proper girlfriend or something like that.


For a moment now, the moment I said the word "girlfriend", Mari and the others popped into my brain.

I feel ashamed of my lack of moderation when I think of more than one woman instead of just one, but… I wonder.

"I wonder if these women need me… No, how stupid I am to think that I am necessary for them."."

I know that the girls under hypnosis are relying on me, and the ones who are not under hypnosis treat me as a good friend.

Most recently, I told Aika that I would protect her, and similar things I tell the other girls.

"I know I won't be remembered, but that's why I don't like the idea of passing it off as a promise I made on my own…"

It was a strange feeling, as if something was whispering to me that I couldn't just do that.

I thought about it for a while, but then I felt a growling in my stomach, so I headed for the living room to see if I could find something to eat.

Then -.

"Oh, you're awake, Kai."

"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you."


Facing me in the living room were my sister and Konoe-san, the naughty sister next door.

(…I think the naughty next door is too much, isn't it?)

No, it's true that she's a naughty sister, and I've done a lot of things to her, but… anyway, rather than being surprised by Konoe-san's sudden visit, there shouldn't be anyone who can be angry at me for bending forward a little, remembering the memories of when I'd done it.