Embark on a thrilling journey with Jin, an enigmatic omega vigilante known as 'Alastor,' navigating a city ruled by the powerful Ryu Mafia. In a society where omegas are seen as mere objects, Jin takes justice into his own hands, targeting alphas who prey on the defenseless.
Caught in the crosshairs is Kage Ryu, the alpha leader of the feared mafia. Stirred by the escalating casualties among his ranks, he becomes determined to capture the elusive vigilante. However, this pursuit takes a dark turn as Kage Ryu's obsession intensifies—he aims not just to subdue Jin but to claim him as a mate, forcing an unexpected alliance that threatens to reshape their destinies.
"Heh, what a dumb omega. Can't you see how special you are right now? A strong pure blooded alpha about to mate a low life like you and still refusing? You're much more disgrace for the omegas." Kage gripped Jin's broken arm further to see the omega vigilante's face contort into pain, yet he can see the strain of determination on his face as he bit his lip down to induce his scream.
"Jokes on you brat, I'd mate you by the day we burn together in hell!" Jin bellowed at him, with a determined grit to take the alpha down.
Good writing! I like the grit and the anger of the main characters. I wish to see more of Kage's possessiveness gosh..🥰🥰🥰