The Dance

Cecil watched as Cleo and Nathan walked into the Imperial Ball together. Cleo was wearing a long, sleek, silver, black and red dress. She was beautiful. She was perfect in Cecil's eyes. Everything he could ever ask for in a girl. If only he was good enough for her.

"I'll be right back...milady," Nathan said, gently kissing Cleo's hand before he was swallowed by the crowd.

Theo walked up to Cleo, scaring her out of her skin.

"Chill out," he said, nudging her. "Stop being so tense. Enjoy the party."

They looked at each other for a moment, then their eyes both wandered over to where Cecil was standing, alone, and as far as they could see, a bit depressed.

"I'm not going to judge your for your choices," Theo said, his face serious. "But there is one thing you should know."


"I think that each of us who transmigrated have kept one single aspect of the original character's identity, so the storyline can move in a somewhat similar way to that of the original novel. For instance, Marianne's personality, Madeleine's obsession with Cecil, and Rosa's way into Cecil's heart. All of these are pretty much the most important part of each respective character's identity in relation to the plot. So, in the book, what is Nathan's main thing?"

"It's-" Cleo stuttered. "But he's-"

"Think less philosophical. For all we know, he could have been like that in real life."

"'s dancing!" Cleo was very happy with herself. "Wait, how did you know that Nathan was a transmigrator?"

"I knew him in school. I would recognize his antics anywhere."

Cleo gave Theo a skeptical look. He shrugged and made his way through the crowd, and back to Cecil. Suddenly, an arm wrapped itself around Cleo's waist, sweeping her into a dance. She looked up at the person's face. It was Nathan.

"You are more beautiful than the evening sun, milady," he said, spinning Cleo around and catching her around the waist. "You shine brighter than a million stars in the universe. I am honored that you are mine tonight."

Cleo's voice caught in her throat. She was thrown back into her memories. Back to when she would sit and talk to him for hours, staring at the cloudless blue sky. Back to when she had believed that he was perfect. Oh, how perfect he seemed in this moment, spinning her around, his focused glued only on her. How could anyone else ever treat her the same?

"If you'll allow me," Nathan whispered, leaning in. "I'd like to take you somewhere special."

Something was wrong. Her heart did not skip a beat when she felt his breath on her skin. Her body did not freeze, relishing in every moment she could spend with this boy. She did not react at all. Instead, her mind flashed to Cecil. Cecil and his warm, strong, but comforting embrace. Cleo pulled herself back to the present. No. Cecil had betrayed her, and she would never trust him again. She nodded, agreeing to Nathan's request, allowing him to lead her through the doors of the palace until they reached a balcony overlooking the rest of the city.

" beautiful Cleo..." Nathan cooed, sliding a hand down Cleo's cheek. He pushed her backwards, all the way until her back was against the balcony railing. "It would be a shame if someone else got to you first, now wouldn't it?"

Cleo stumbled, barely managing to hold onto the banister with her hands. Nathan cocked his head to one side. His gaze was no longer loving. No, it was obsessive. He pried her hands off of the railing little by little, until she fell over the side.

Nathan caught her. His hand was the only thing keeping Cleo from falling to her death. She scrambled to grab the side of the balcony again, but he just pushed her farther out, away from the safety of the ground.

"Oh," he grinned, taking out a bracelet. He popped it onto Cleo's wrist. The humming of magic stopped all around her. She could not feel the world anymore. "Now you're all mine."

He leaned in, sniffing her neck and chest. His eyes roamed up and down her body, taking in her every curve, her every flinch. He reached her hand up the side of her dress.

Cleo screamed. Sharp and shrill, so quiet that barely anyone could hear it.

"Nobody will come. Don't you see? This is the furthest wing of the palace! Nobody can hear you!"

But the important thing was that somebody did.


Cecil ran through the palace. He knew this place, almost by heart. This was where he had grown up. He had lost sight of Nathan and Cleo a few floors down, but he was sure of where they could be. So he went up, and up, and up. As far from the festivities below as possible. And that was when he heard it.

He ran out the door, and onto the balcony. He immediately understood the situation. If Nathan let go, then Cleo would fall. But she could probably catch herself with magic. So the main problem was Nathan. He had to get him to let go. Cecil sneaked up behind him and grabbed him by the collar, flinging him onto the floor.

Nathan cackled. "You bastard! Now she'll just fall to her death! She can't use magic, you see. I blocked it!"

Cecil spun around.

Cleo was falling, faster and faster. Her mouth was open, but no sound came out. She knew this feeling well. When she was scared, she would scream. She would scream so hard that nothing came out. This was one of those moments. Feeling the air rush past her, only one thought remained in Cleo's mind: Was she about to die?

Closing her eyes, she waited for the darkness to come save her.