-| At 3 am... |-

While my bud John was driving us to that place I took my phone to see if anything interesting happen in the country. The first things I saw was another one of those big robbery by a supervilain guy, at this point It happened each month, this time It was this hologram mask guy, he's name was Namobot, yeah I did think It was a strange name but I assure It fits him well. After I saw again another one of those dude claiming the name of that one legendary vilain, is name was Agent something. Even at that time he or her was gone for atleast 10 years and now It's even more longer, but if I remember this Agent...things was a robot with immense power, and a unlimited intelligent that help him take control of the world by just fear, but after something called operation X he was never seen again, maybe he was defeated by a superhero which is unlikly since he had beat each grand hero at the time. So since he's disappearance many guy and girl tried to claim its title of greatess of all time without really great successe. And the last bit of info I saw was about again a vilain.

" Can't this country be more safe !? " I said

" Huh ?

" There is always more and more vilain in this damm country ! All fucking the same ! "

" Shut up you never saw a real vilain in your 18 years of life " John said

" Yeah but It's not like they are any different from old movies vilain " I respond

" The horror one or the really old crappy one where the vilain those some goofy shit to make fun of the hero ? " he asked

" Both. I mean like okay not every bad guy are like those goofy shit but a lot of them are " I answer

" Well if your talking about a guy like Deathfrier then yes he can be considere as a goofy vilain but if you take the Morbet gang for example then there are far from being classic vilain " He said

" Since when did those guys became serious ? Like when did we stop considering them as joke ? " I asked 

" Since the old leader got killed and replaced by a weapon dealer name Troshi Ashivoka " He said

" Wow don't tell me his russian ?! " I asked irronically

" He's from poland " he answer right away

" Ah ! Oh well "

For about 30 sec we didn't talk, it wasn't like a awkward silent, just we didn't know what to say. Well until I did find somehting.

" What do you think makes a vilain a great vilain ? I mean the memorable one " I asked

" Well I think any vilain can be memorable " he answer

" I think you meant to say anyone can be a great person " I jockly said

" No ? "

" Nah I know what you meant, it just looked like you were about to have that kind of sentence " I responded

" What kind ? " he asked

" Just focuse on the question ! " I said

" Okay...? Well what I wanted to say is that maybe every vilain is iconic at his own level, so one get to be remember for generation to come and other just get to stay 2nd player or myth. But I know that's not the answer you want to hear. Even why do you want me to give a opinion about that ? " he finaly anwser

" Cuz you know so much about vilain and evil in general "

" Yeah and you know so much about hero " he said 

" Give me a real answer ! "

" Yeah I don't think you know how to use your eye but I'm fucking driving !! " he responded

" Don't care ! " I said

" Okay... " he sign

" Well for me a really good evil vilain is the one that you really fear. When you see him you don't know if your going ro live to see another day. A great vilain is the representation of the oposite ideology of the hero, he's someone the hero has to fight both physically and mentaly. He enter the hero mind, play with him. Oh and his backstory mirror the one of the hero or is the same. That makes them either total opposit or very similar person. Two person having praticly the same history but It just this one things that makes them not the same. " he started

" Oh that very... " I tried to say

" Just one last things. I think, like I really think the most memorable vilain are the one who won against the hero, not in a fight nooo, but mentaly, a vilain who breaks a hero is for me the most memorable vilain of all. Just to think the incarnation of good can be mentaly destroyed or even become a vilain because of one evil person is a very powerful image " he continued

" Woah bro, you were right before, when you talk, you talk for real. Bro it looked like you were talking to yourself all the time " I said

" Yeah not sorry, you ask for my opinion on this " he responded

" And I do not regret It ! " I laughed

" Well I hope you do not lie "

" Oh and before we arrive at that APRA secret base things, where did you get a plan from the building ? " I asked

" From the internet " he answer

" Yeah like you could get that type of document in the labrary but seriously bro where the fuck did you get that ? " I asked

" Don't worry about that ! "

" Is it even the real plan ? Don't you think like it has change a little since it's close ? " I asked

" No I don't think It did " he respond

" How can you be so sure ? " I asked again

" Because we prepare everything we needed. You got the equipment and I got the map and the rest. So as long as we are fast and clever this will go smothly " he said

" But that...Okay if you said everything is prepare then It is " I said

In fact, it wasn't. As we arrive at the location we were wery sure that it will be like every last time. John park the van in a place only us we know it was there, well he hidden behind some tree and bush. Then all we needed to do was open the door, get our equipment and find a way inside the building.