-| After the horrors I saw... |-

We walked to the bottom of the stairs, look behind and saw nothing but darkness. As we looked at the door before us we could see a bit a light emeting from what I could thinks was the very end of a hallway. We opened the door and here it was a creepy hallway with nothing but still air and ominous pure non present of light. I looked at the end of the hallway, saw that the light was coming from a crack on a wall and was pratically eated by the darkness of this place. We started to walk, the sound of our shoes echoing trough the hallway and the multitude of room. We looked at one room and heard something inside, as we reach for the door John stop me saying no with his head. I was confused then he pointed his finger to a wall we walk pass by, it was just on the left side of the door. I looked at it closer and realized what he was trying to tell, the wall wasn't a wall but a glass, cover with a red dark matter, which was clearly blood.

" What the fuck...!? " I whispered

John kept his head straight and continued to walk as silent as possible in this hallway. I follow him and realize that every room has that same red dark matter all over there glass. As we come closer and closer to the source of the light I fealt it even more, the pressure, the sound of our foots and the the sound ecoing from the end of the hallways, I could feel more wind blowing from there, like something big was breathing. 

Finally we were in front of the source and... it was a crack in the wall, I tried looking inside it but there was to much light that I was pratically blind. I looked at John we told me that the hallway continued even more on the left. So he lead the way while I watch over our back. We walked for I don't know how long, going left and right until we arrived at a door which was the last one, no hallway after that. John tried to open the doors but failed. I then kick open the door and saw that it lead to some refregerator thing, you know the one like in butcher shop. Fucking creepy.

We walked in into the place, nothing of course, just table and equiment left there untouch. But this equiment don't fucking look man made, I don't even know what those was. It was alien shit.

" Bro your seing what I'm seing ? " I said

" Yeah, there nothing interesting here why did we come here in the first place ?! " he said

" No you fucking idiot ! The tools there ! Or whatever they are ! " I said

" Yeah, they look strange... and ? " he said

" W-what..! Whatever ! Lets just continued ! " I said

So I did, I walked in this place, more and more strange looking stuff everywhere. At one point we arrived at some kind of lab door, that opened by itself.

" Automatic doors like that goes crazy " I said

" Shut the fuck up " he said

" Nuh huh " I said

I walked in and thats when I saw it. Twenty maybe even more glass tank with the things from oupstairs, well they looked different. Like a bit less, docile and more agressive looking more like real alien animal, yes I know what I'm talking about.

" You sure do not " John said

" Shut up " I said

We walked again until I spot some kind of terminal, I walked to it and press the big green button which started the machine. There was some screen that show some text I wasn't able to read before but somehow I managed to make an audio play.

" What the fuck your doing bro ?! " John said

" Shut the fuck up the audio is playing " I said

Day 1, the specimen of [Censored] Type-6 has arrived from the main facility in [Censored]. The group transporting the sterile speciment said that they were very agressive and they were right. As soon as one was place in sleep to be placed in a tank, the alpha, seing its female in that state successfuly brook out of containment but was quickly put down by the B.I.S.O.N units present. So were are down with one male which, as dr.Kibar said: "With only that much male DNA and gene, they can't get to much possibility of perfectly healthy [Censored]. " In other term, there will be a massive DNA problem causing the speciment to mutated uncrontrolably which isn't good since we need to keep control over them.

Day 6, everything is going on smootly, dr.Kibar finally succeed to make the perfect non lethal planet destroctive weapon APRA needed. As he stated [ ...Censored... ] but It doesn't really matter now, the main objective of this lab is over and the new mutated specimen can be sown to the main facility, although It may be important to note that the speciment have a even more precise cycle of mating when they get very agressive toward anything that doesn't have their gene of isn't like them. The cycle of docile end usely at a very precise moment of 3 am and 24 minute each day, and they became docile again after mating for 4 hours. Now the director wants us to focuse on something more, deadly in a instant way. He wants to make some kind of super serum, one that could pontencialy replace the robotbuild part that every APRA soldier and staff use. He wants to create something more than just a super soldier serum, he wants to create a perfect being of symbose and raw strength that could rival even the B8-T.I.T.A.N or Agent [Censored]. Still would need to create that serum.

I tried to run the other audio fill but I can't, like I don't know what the letter means and If anything they don't want to open. I then realize what the things just said, 3.24am. I remember we drove to this place at exactly 3am and then we arrive at like 19.

" Oh fuck we nearly lost our life dude !! " I said

" I know ! I realize it now too ! That was good luck that we didn't arrive much later or stick around and go kill " John said

" Bro we have to wait four hours until they stop fucking ! Thats just great ! " I said

I then clicked on the most recent audio in the files, I think thats the most recent? Or the files ? Whatever that's the last audio there is to listen.

I don't know what day it is but this is the last audio I will ever make in this facility or in any other. The Inter-Conector have found out about our secret operation in this universe, we have to leave, but I can't do that !! I can't let my creation go to wast !! I'm gonna put on the greatest fight I can to protect my work MY WORK !!! THEY WON'T GET IT NOW, NO ONE WILL !!!! I MADE THE SERUM !! I MADE THE TWINS !!! I'M NOT GOING TO LET THOSE EXCUSE OF SCIENTIST TAKE IT FROM ME OR I'M NOT DOCTOR DIRECTOR ADVERTSON MARKWELL !!! THIS IS MY FUCKING LIFE WORK PROJECT !! I'M NOT LIKE THE REST OF THEM !! I DIDN'T LEAVE AT THE FIRST SIGN OF DANGER !! I STAYTED AND I STILL WILL !! THE IN-VASIVE type 8 are free and they are violent now. I won't even to lay a finger to kill them... but if they manage to get down there... if they make past everything, they will find nothing more than coorrupted audio files and non usable folder and rooms tide shut with the synder !! LIKE I SAY I WON'T GIVE THOSE BITCH ANYTHING !! COME DOWN THERE AND FIGHT ME YOU FUCKING BITCH ASSHOLE !!!

And thats how the audio finish...

" Well I can say thats a very determant man " John said

" Yeah... yeah John ? " I asked him 

" Yes ? "

" Lets go take a look at his office " I said

" But where even is it.. " John tried to say

I pointed at the ceilling and surely enough there was marking telling where to find the importnat part of the lab and one was mark: director office.

" Well we have four hour to waste, lets see whatever they tried to make here " John said