Chapter 81 - Warning

After Nala finished reciting her oath, silence filled the room. Pauline lost her strength and collapsed to the floor as soon as Nala released her grip on her neck. Apparently, her consciousness was still intact, but for some reason, her entire body became paralyzed.

She couldn't move, even when desperately trying to stand up and move away from Nala. Fear consumed her, similar to sleep paralysis, but at this moment, the only thing causing deep fear in her wasn't a creation of her own subconscious; Nala was real and right in front of her...

Charline quickly noticed that her sister was not safe, both from Pauline's wide eyes and the intense, repetitive tremors her body was showing. Despite still being in pain all over her body, Charline didn't hesitate. She skillfully leaped from her bed and, with a somersault worthy of someone extremely well-trained, landed close to her sister.