The Crash

I hugged him back, before I snuggled up against his chest, and said, "Can we go to my bedroom so I can shower, my love." Damien chuckled and said," Of course, my love you can go to your room." We left his study he carried me through the mansion, he said, "I think your friend Niki wants to talk with you." As he was finished telling me that Niki came around the corner and said, "Where have you been Crystal?"

I looked at Damien and said, "Love, can you put me down now, if you can, please give us a few minutes alone." Damien nodded and said, "Come get me if something happens and Niki please be gentle with her she just came back to us." Niki looked at him with a glare and said, "If you protected her more carefully then she would never be having these issues." I wanted to tell her to be less of a bitch and said, "Niki, please stop it is not his fault for what Sania did to me," She looked at me with a gentle tone and said, "Crystal, what did that Sania do?" 

I hesitated but I knew she would do anything to help as much as she can do. I said, "She made." I started to cry and Damien hugged me and said, "She had made her go through the same thing you went through Niki. Where you got raped she had gotten raped by two men and they were planning to sell her to the black spiral dancers. Including making her become a breeder by force which would kill her in the end." Niki was getting pissed and she said, "I would never forgive her for what she had done to Crystal. I bet Crystal you want to take a shower to get everything off you?" 

I shook my head and said, "I want Damien to be with me, I don't feel comfortable with a female protecting me. Just yet because watching Jura get shot in the head by a male and I fear something like that might happen again, I am sorry. Plus it was started by a female with whom I had no issues and yet she found a way to start trouble." Niki was surprised and said, "I am sorry Crystal that you have been that way but did you forget what your family has done to me yet you are the one who wants to forgive Tina, and how come we have not seen her? What if she is the one who is causing all this?" 

I was getting angry because Niki did not understand why I was pushing some females away from me right now. Not only that she didn't understand why Tina wanted to turn a new leaf. I said, "It is not Tina she is at the Silver Forge right now, getting purified like Spazz told us he was going to take her. Why can't you understand people change Niki for the better?" Niki looked at me and said, "Look just because you have forgiven Tina that doesn't mean I have forgiven her. Plus on top of things Damien and A'kreath should do everything in their power to get you out of trouble!" her demon eyes started to show.

Damien walked up to me before putting his hand to block me from Niki and said, "Enough, Niki going back and forth like this is not healthy for Crystal right now. You can yell at me or A'kreath about this but starting to yell at Crystal is a no. Kitten go take a shower and like I had told you call me when you are stressing out." He watched me his eyes gentle as he then looked back at Niki.

Niki glared at us as her demon self was starting to show, I turned to the door of my bedroom, before walking inside, and closed the door behind me. I fell on the ground in front of the door and started to cry because the past was coming back already. 

I could hear Niki outside my door. "You were supposed to protect her you bloodsucker! She was harmed you managed to do nothing but get her hurt like I knew you would! You wanted nothing to do with her truly, you just see her as a fucking toy!" I shook hearing her yell at Damien, I heard Damien calmly say. "Niki enough. I did not want this to happen to her, I was asleep during the day, and I am not a day walker. And no I do not see her as a toy, I would appreciate it if you would not say that again." I heard his hand on the doorknob before hearing the sound of flesh on flesh, it sounded like someone struck someone else. " Stay away from her you fucking monster!" Damien's hand on the doorknob slid off from the sounds of it, and said to Niki. "you get one Niki, you will not strike me again like that, now I will have to go get cleaned up before I go in to see crystal." He said before walking away from the room. 

A few days later, I had been staying in my room trying to avoid everyone, but Damien came in multiple times a night to check up on me and take care of me, today I thought it would be a good idea to go out and try to socialize, as I walked downstairs I could hear Niki yelling at A'kreath. "What do you mean Sania has been taken care of?! I want to see her dead for what she did to Crystal, now go get the bitch! Do your fucking job for once you piece of shit! be the supposed leader of this damn monster's nest!" I heard things in A'kreaths office fall onto the floor as I approached the door that was open.

I saw A'kreath sitting at his desk looking calm but annoyed. " Niki as I have told you, by the laws set forth here in this place I can not bring Sania here, she has been punished and is being punished even still-" Niki cut A'kreath off. " Oh don't give me the bullshit of the Elysium, I drew blood last night and nothing happened from it." I watched as A'kreaths eyes narrowed and glared at Niki. " You did what?!" His tone was firm and I felt the predatory aura exuding from him. " What of it bloodsucker! going to kill me?" A'kreath gripped a fist and slammed it into his desk. "you know what if you think you could lead this place better then please go ahead and do it bitch, I would love to see you fucking fall on your face terrified. " He said before walking out of his office and Niki seemed to have a proud smirk on her face. " Good, there will be a lot of much-needed changes."