
Three level ups in one go. That was a new record for Zane, and he had the achievement system to thank for it. Specifically, the more sinister achievement that he unlocked fairly early on without realizing.

But Zane did not contemplate further on the ramifications of these so called "Hidden Achievements" but rather instead quickly began to allocate his points to the desired attributes.


[User: Zane Graves]

[Race: Human]

[Subrace: Living Dead]

[Level: 8]

[XP: 2,500/7,500]

[HP: 12/12]


[Strength: 14 +/-]

[Dexterity: 13 +/-]

[Constitution: 12 +/-]

[Intelligence: 10 +/-]

[Wisdom: 10 +/-]

[Charisma: 10 +/-]

[Attribute Points: 6]


[Dead Man Walking – Tier II]
