Accepting a New Member

Madison was nervous. These people were, after all, murderers, and apparently slavers, as well as she now had a shock collar tied to her neck. But she knew that if she did resist their interrogation, she would most definitely be in pain again.

Thus, she stumbled over her words as she properly introduced herself to the group.

"M… Madison… My name is Madison… Madison Harrison…"

Zane nodded his head silently as an acknowledgement of the girl's identity before asking his next question.

"So Madison… What skill did you awaken?"

Madison was nervous. She knew very little about this skill, or the system that seemed to be constantly in the back of her mind. But these people seemed to know what all of this meant and thus she answered the question, hoping they would be able to answer some of her.

"It says I awakened an uncommon skill called Force-Field Generation…. I can apply force fields to myself or others. I just don't know what that means…"