_ Jealous Man

When he got to Isleen's, Rhett approached the window. He jumped like he did the last time, feeling like a criminal.

He gently placed his hand on the windowpane, feeling the cool glass beneath his fingertips. He longed to go inside, to hold Isleen close and assure her of his protection. But he knew he couldn't.

He listened out with his elevated hearing to know how many people were in the room or if it was safe to linger around the window. He heard one heartbeat.

His joy knew no bounds as he thought Isleen had come to her senses and had sent Liam to sleep in her male roommate's room but then…

… he heard it. Faint and far but there was another heartbeat in the room. He had no idea why it sounded so far though.

Hence, he peeped.

What he saw wasn't what he'd expected. Liam wasn't in Isleen's roommate's bedroom but in hers. He, however, was in front of a door, bending and peeping through the hole in the doorknob.