Constant Frustration

Amy began carving magical inscriptions as a way to calm down these days. The death toll is increasing, and she still has no leads. She looked at the map on her wall which is marked by spots where all the killings took place. Whatever is happening, the Ripper is extremely selective in the victims. Some monster settlements are affected but strangely enough, all of the monster species affected are ones that are able to have children with humans. It is uncommon but it happens.

It is hard to track when they are all over the place, picked randomly into different areas at different times. It is unpredictable, quick and done cleanly. 

How is the investigation going? she thought after she finished carving a rune.

"Not quite well. Commoner backgrounds are quite harder to track than a noble's background. Not to mention, there are many deaths. It will be hard to establish a connection."

Any sign of a curse? Perhaps an ancient one?

"Unfortunately, no. Which is quite unusual because even curses leave clues or signs. Whoever is responsible for this cleans their tracks well. I am checking out the nobles and their connection to each other. It might take a couple of months though."

We need to hurry. If necessary, we need to ask the Witch of Endor.

"The witch well..." he says hesitantly.

We are running out of options. We haven't even figured out the connection much less the motive or the killer. They bypassed one of the most secured places in the world. They could also enter the academy and kill everyone here if they so much as want to, Alabaster.

"I have to agree with Amaryllis on this one. All three of us already have our own issues to deal with and I can see that you are working on some advanced magic." Boris said to Amy.

Amy looked at her latest creation. So far, she has created small wooden marbles engraved with earth magic runes. She has begun to go forward with the small projects she is unable to do last year but the frustration is getting to everyone. Selim admits that he is disappointed that the Founder's festival is now restricted to Team Moon but will wait for the next one.

Also, with Rufus taking over the club, he doesn't externally show his frustration, but she could tell that he is less patient than he used to. She decides to keep a closer eye on him just in case he tries anything drastic. If he's like what Viola described him in her letters, then she will need to watch out.

As for Leon, well... to say he is taking it well would be lying. He wrote almost daily to everyone. He is taking private lessons in the palace as he is staying close to his parents instead of the annex he lives in. Leon wrote asking Amy to give him instructions on how to use the tomahawk and slingshot and complains that this situation is driving him crazy. Amy made sure to reply otherwise he would get too lonely. He also notes that he has been hanging out with the foreign exchange students though he finds their company boring except with Claudia whom he sees as the only person worth his time.

The fifth years a probably taking this situation even harder than others because they are at the age where they could prepare to debut into society. One of the privileges for the fifth years is that they could leave the academy for a quick leave to have a taste of high society before officially joining it. Officially, students and all nobles at the minimum age of fifteen back then would actually debut at the Blue Rose Ball at seventeen or eighteen where ladies would introduce themselves as new debutantes to the queen. The boys would introduce themselves to the King. The social world is full of competition and gossip. Even if it is for one day, it is one that many usually look forward to as it is not only the age where they get married but also a coming-of-age rite. With these restrictions since the Ripper appeared, the entire event is now cancelled, and no one would show off their new dresses too.

Amy finished her fortieth marble and placed it aside. She was about to think of something else until she heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in,"

The door opened to Amelia Licht and her smile is surprising to see.

"Our Representative has an announcement to make. Let's go to the lounge together."

Confused, she got off her seat to follow her upperclassman and the other students followed. After everyone head to the lounge, they see Killian Aegion, Team Sun's representative standing on a higher ground as he is ready to make an announcement.

"I know with all these new rules, none of us fifth years could prepare to debut into society. Everyone looks forward to that day for a long time."

There were a few nods in response.

"Just because the event is cancelled, doesn't mean that we couldn't try making our own debut party." He said, "After seeing that the Damat's Founder's festival isn't completely cancelled, I was thinking that all of Team Sun could prepare our own Blue Rose ball for Team Sun."

Then there was a lot of murmur. Amy thought the idea is good. The event can still take place in the dorm, it has its own Ballroom after all. There are plenty of people here in Team Sun that could make up a party. With magic, they could easily prepare food, music, and decorations. All they have to worry about is clothes, but a little magic wouldn't hurt to modify their outfits to look like ballgowns and suits.

"One question! Did you ask for permission?" a student asked.

"I did," he replied. "We can start preparations tomorrow morning. I need everyone's help tomorrow. We are thinking that the party starts in two weeks. That is roughly around the time that the social season starts anyway."

Everyone started to murmur excitedly. Even the boys were excited. It is not every day that students like them could prepare a ball. 

Amy felt someone grab her hand and look to see Viola squeezing it with an excited look on her face. Everyone who is younger than fifteen in this very room is probably feeling more ecstatic than their fifth-year counterparts. While she is not personally looking forward to parties like this much less the social season, planning and preparing a party like this might be interesting.