Deadly Sweet Taste

Avians car went to the building where the FoodST Company event was held, where it was already crowded with many people. Both children and adults as the event was open to the public.

"Wow... It's amazing! This place is like a candy world!" said Jaqueline in awe of her surroundings. This was the first time she had come there and was immediately greeted with such an incredible sight.

"Right, even the smell of this place is so sweet."

"Welcome." A woman in a cute dress approached them and handed them a paper bag with a picture of candy and gave it to them one by one. "Happy collecting sweets here."

"Let's go around to get the food!"

They eagerly went around each game to get sweets such as bread, candy, snack bars and other products from FoodST.

Jaqueline was so excited to get them all, she even sang cheerfully to reach the highest point and get a package of sweets.

Everyone looked around to see Jaqueline singing.