Chapter Seventeen

I waited near the cottage for the day. I wandered a little and found a stream a little ways away to drink from. I sat there watching the water run for a while with my feet resting lightly in the water. After a few minutes, I got up and headed back to the cottage to explore some more. I stayed like that for the rest of the day wandering off to new places before eventually returning. I used the cottage as a beacon and made sure never to stray too far in case I got lost. When it was almost night I headed back to the stream once more. I grabbed a quick drink of water and sat down to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful sight full of pinks and purples and even some orange. When the sun was almost below the hills in the distance I finally looked away. I glanced down at the water and in the fleeting light saw my reflection stare up at me. I could barely recognize myself. My t-shirt was ripped and my long hair was tangled and looked like a real rat's nest. The only thing that looked the same was the flawless makeup Sam did for me every morning. As the final glimpse of light faded away I stood up and headed back to the cottage to meet Mary. She wasn't outside yet so I sat down by one of the walls and waited. I sat there for so long I thought she had forgotten when finally a long rope of some kind dropped out of a second-story window near me, almost hitting me in the head. I quickly stood up and watched Mary slide down. She gestured for me to follow her and led me off into the forest.