Rings! Rings! And More Rings

"Why is it shameful?"

Tang Xue Mei sat down back on the couch now that Leia was done with the dress, she still had some time to go home and rest before the party started.

"I had sex with my so called fiancé...when I'm married isn't it shameful?"

Tang Xue Mei shook her head, she wasn't the one at fault. She had lost her memory and he had purposely hidden the fact that she was married from Leia.

"He knew you were married, he still carried on anyways. It's not your fault and you did a good thing letting him go..."

Tang Xue Mei stood up and placed her hand on Leia shoulders.

"You'll be fine, it's wrong but it's not your fault...best to leave it unsaid for now but remember to tell your next husband or boyfriend what transpired.."

Leia nodded and asked Tang Xue Mei to head home, she looked at her phone it was almost time for her to take her medicine anyways.

"Ready to go home?"