My kids are so cute

As the door closed behind An Yu and Leia, the house quieted down, leaving only the sounds of the twins' soft coos as they wriggled in the rocker. Tang Xue Mei smiled as she watched them, their tiny faces scrunched up as if they were plotting something.

"Well, young madam," Auntie Gu said with a warm chuckle, gently carrying Shenhua. "I think it's time to give these little ones their bath. And trust me, they'll put up a good fight today. Xiaohua here is already giving me that 'I'm not going down without a splash' look."

Tang Xue Mei laughed, stretching her arms over her head. "Bath time already? Oh boy, last time Shenmei nearly escaped my grip with all the kicking."

Auntie Gu gave her a knowing look. "Oh yes, they're slippery little things once the water gets involved. But don't worry, they'll grt used to it in no time!"