Chapter 9

The auction house’s atmosphere was quite lively at the moment as people started to grab their seats. There were people coming from different places, even those who came from out of town were here as well. From what he could see, there must be at least a thousand people here. Having so many people like this was a good thing for Arias, as more people meant more competition, and more competition could mean a higher price for his elixirs.

Finally, the auction began. On a stage at the center of the hall, there was a wooden stand used for displaying the goods. There, on this same stage, stood a woman with the kind of beauty that attracted the gaze of almost every man inside the auction house, making her the center of their attention. She had a sensual and alluring smile, and her figure was slim while her skin was white like a pearl. The red outfit that she wore hugged her body tightly, showing off all her curves. Her rounded bosoms were just the right size, and together with her curvaceous hips, it made her figure look very attractive.

Her name was Cara, today’s auctioneer. Normally, there would be other auctioneers to conduct the auction. She only appeared when there were precious or rare treasures up for sale. Not only was Cara a beautiful woman, but she was also one of the Hargen family’s prominent mages.

“Oh…my lovely angel. Still beautiful as always. I would give my life away if it meant I could have her in my arms.”

“If they put her up for auction today, I would spend every Coin I have to bid for her.”

“Do you know that I’m at the auction today just for her? Look at that big bust, it’s an enticing sight.”

The whispering of lustful men could be heard all over the hall. Hearing this, Arias could feel his disapproval rising. ‘The way these people make no effort to control their lusts,’ he shook his head. Although he thought she had an attractive body, he was able to control himself more than those perverts.

Suddenly, one of the guards walked onto the stage and placed the first item on the wooden display stand. The item was hidden under a bright red cloth. Although there were some who tried to inspect it, they found themselves unable to do so with their power. This cloth was certainly not an ordinary piece of fabric.

“Apologies for keeping you waiting.”

Cara’s beautiful voice rang throughout the hall. She slowly lifted up the cloth. Under it was a single-edged sword that was about three feet long. The blade of the sword was made from precious metal. The sword was exuding strong power and even had magic circuits engraved on it.

The difference between magical weapons and normal weapons was magical circuits, as only magical weapons had magical circuits engraved on them. Magical circuits helped with the flow of energy, and they were engraved on weapons and other items. There were patterns of the magical circuit including ones that were used to increase attack, defense, speed, and many more. The strength of a magical circuit would depend on the skill and power of its engraver. However, not everyone who learned about the patterns would be able to engrave magical circuits. Magical circuits engraving required both expertise and the highest concentration. It might not take long to engrave an ordinary circuit on a weapon. But for a powerful engraving, that might take years to be created.

“I hope you’re not disappointed with our first lot. This “Pyro Crystal Sword” is a mid-level weapon, skillfully crafted by Bernier’s famous weaponsmith, Master Rocco. Although it is only a mid-level weapon, its power is on par with high-level weapons. The forging material is a precious metal, fused with quartz from a volcanic crater. The sword was then engraved with magical circuits to enhance attack speed and power. The opening bid is fifty thousand Crystal Coins. The bidding starts now.”

“I’ll give sixty thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Sixty-five thousand, I’ll give sixty-five thousand Crystal Coins for it!”

“Seventy thousand Crystal Coins.”

A high-level weapon was considered a precious item. The Pyro Crystal Sword, although only a mid-level weapon, had an amount of power that was almost on par with high-level weapons. This was the reason why people were fighting over it.

“Hundred and fifty thousand! This sword must be mine!”

That caused quite a sensation at the auction house. All of a sudden, a bidder increased the price dramatically. The hundred and fifty thousand Coins bid came from Bidder Number Three who, like Arias, was inside one of the Exclusive Chambers.

“A hundred and fifty-one thousand.”

Rang a nonchalant voice of Bidder Number Ten who was also in one of the Exclusive Chambers.

“A hundred and seventy thousand!”

Bidder Number Three announced stubbornly.

“A hundred and seventy-one thousand Crystal Coins.”

“I will give one hundred and ninety thousand.”

“Two hundred and ten thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Are you making this a challenge?!? Two hundred and fifty thousand!”

Bidder Number Three cried angrily. After that, no one could be heard calling out any more bids. In the end, the Pyro Crystal Sword went to Bidder Number Three.

“If you want it that much then take it, Amando. As an Air-Wielder, I don’t know why I’d want a Fire weapon anyway, hahaha!”

Bidder Number Ten laughed, the sound of his laughter still mixed with mild amusement.

“That voice…Lucias, you!”

The furious voice of the one called Amando’s could be heard from Chamber Three. He suddenly realized something. The truth is, this sword shouldn’t have been worth any more than two hundred thousand Crystal Coins, but he was tricked into buying it at two hundred and fifty thousand Crystal Coins. Although he realized he was tricked, it was probably too late to do anything now. He could only accept the sword with fuming rage.

“Amando…could it be that Johanness heir? These children of the great clans sure have plenty of money to spend.”

“And the other one is Lucias, isn’t it? He must be that magical genius, the only heir to the Muller Family and the future clan leader. Damn it! How could I win an auction when these people are here!?”

Once they heard about the identity of those inside the exclusive chambers, the people glanced in the direction of the exclusive chambers in awe. These two were the future leaders of two great clans, the presences which they could not even look at directly.

“What a heated competition, and that was just the first item. But this Amando person sure is a fool…falling for this kind of cheap trick. Is someone like this really one of the heirs?”

Thinking about how witless Amando was, Arias could only shake his head.

“Now, for the next lot: the Water Jade Ring. Although it is a low-level magical gadget, it has the ability to create a magic shield. All you need to do is wear this ring. The bidding for this item starts at ten thousand Crystal Coins.”

Cara described the ability of the pale green ring in her hand.

“Twelve thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Ten thousand Crystal Coins!”


“Twenty-three thousand Crystal Coins.”

In the end, the Water Jade Ring was sold to a female mage. There were dozens of other items up for auction: magical gadgets, elixirs, and even strange items unknown to people. Although there were some items that Arias was interested in, he did not have the money to compete with others. When he looked at the way Amando and Lucias were spending hundreds of thousands of Crystal Coins, he felt very bitter. Was being heirs to the great clans the reason those two could have that many Crystal Coins? Then, who was he? He was an heir to the Scarcia Family who did not even have a Crystal Coin on him. This was not even remotely fair. It made him think that the old man really was not generous with him.

At last, the moment Arias had been waiting for arrived. The auction to sell the Moon-bathed elixirs.

“These are high-level elixirs, the ‘Moon-bathed elixirs’. They have the abilities to replenish magical power and treat injuries. The elixirs were created by a master potion-brewer. Dozens of kinds of herbs that had been used to make the elixirs were all precious herbs. We will have seven lots of three elixirs up for auction, and the bidding starts at thirty thousand Crystal Coins. You may start bidding now.”

About the information of the elixirs, ‘Did I ever give that kind of information? How cunning…this auction house.’ He was actually quite impressed by the auction house’s sales strategy.

“What!? High-level elixirs that both replenish magical power and treat injuries…I must have them.”

“Since when did we have a master-level potion-brewer in Bernier?”

The explanation from Cara caused a sensation at the auction house. The Moon-bathed elixir was an elixir that no one had ever heard of, and people had never heard about a master potion-brewer in Bernier City before as well. The ranks of potion-brewers and weaponsmiths were separated into six ranks which were low, middle, high, master, sage, and deity, according to their level of competence. The highest-ranking potion-brewers in Bernier were just high-level brewers. Saying that these elixirs came from a master-level brewer caused quite a commotion.

“Forty-five thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Fifty thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Fifty-five thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Sixty-five thousand Crystal Coins!”


“Ninety-five thousand Crystal Coins.”

In the end, the first lot of Moon-bathed elixirs were sold at a price as high as ninety-five thousand Crystal Coins and the six lots that remained were sold shortly after. The prices were beyond Arias’ expectations as well. A while after, a servant came to give Arias his money. After the commission was deducted, Arias was left with as much as six hundred and thirty thousand Crystal Coins. In a day, he was already able to make a substantial profit.

“This sword was discovered in an ancient ruin at the heart of the Dark Forest. It is believed to be the weapon of a terrestrial-level mage from the past. However, because it had been damaged, it turned into a mid-level weapon. We will start the bidding at fifty thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Heh…a rusty old sword like that was a terrestrial-level weapon? From the power it emits, this sword is almost a low-level weapon. Isn’t the opening bid too high?”

“Did you not hear? That sword used to be a terrestrial-level weapon. If you have a weaponsmith study it, you might find out about something.”

“It’s still useless and much too expensive for me! Didn’t you see its blade? It’s almost completely rusted out.”

As soon as Cara pulled out an exquisite sword, it created an uproar and caused people to make their criticisms. Even a high-level weapon would be considered a rare item in a city like Bernier. As for the terrestrial weapon, it was unheard of. Even though this sword used to be a terrestrial-level weapon, it caused quite an uproar. The sound of bidding began to fill the hall.

“Fifty-one thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Fifty-two thousand Crystal Coins.”

“Seventy-five thousand Crystal Coins.”

From one of the Exclusive Chambers, Bidder Number Thirteen called out and made a sudden increase in the bid price. All eyes turned to look at that Chamber, making guesses about the identity of the person inside. Arias who was sitting inside the room did not pay attention to them. His focus was fully on that sword. He stared at it, not taking his eyes off as if afraid that someone would come and take it away. His heart was filled with excitement. He was going to get this sword no matter what.