The Greatest Archer is Me

Blood poured out from the moonbird’s wound like a flowing river. Its pale-yellow feathers now looked like a canvas that had been painted with red. Blood from the wound on its chest dripped down onto the three eggs and filled the nest with the stench of blood. The silver arrow was still stuck deep in its chest. It was in pain, yet the moonbird did not stop trying to remove the arrow using its beak.

“Don’t pull it out!”

Arias cried out in an attempt to stop the moonbird. It was never a smart idea to pull out an arrow, no matter where it shot you. Most arrows had a broadhead tip. Once it got in, it was almost impossible for it to come out on its own, and pulling it out would only make the wound and the pain several times worse. The best way to remove it was with magical skills or by cutting the wound open and removing it while using healing spells at the same time.