Not to Take a Leisure Trip Part I

In the blue sky too high for any hand to reach, the sound of a giant bird’s cry echoed throughout the sky. Hearing this sound, the people below couldn’t help but look up with interest. Beautiful wings flapped in the wind. Pale yellow feathers with a sprinkling of black caught the light of the sun beautifully. Its long tail fluttered in the wind as it soared. Due to its huge size, together with the beautiful colors characteristic of a moonbird, people couldn’t help but wish to own this beast.

A mage readied his bow, intending to shoot the moonbird out of the sky. However, the mage had to change his mind when he sensed shocking waves of powers radiating from the moonbird. Taking a careful look, he then noticed that there were two mages sitting on the back of the moonbird. Sweat dripped down his forehead even though it wasn’t really a hot day. He put away his bow and wiped off the sweat on his face, relieved that he hadn’t released the arrow. He almost did something stupid.