Chap 5: Normal day in crazy universe

[Mount Justice, 4th July]

So Santa Priska happened, it actually went the same as in canon, only small changes here and there the team was better prepared, had more team work, there indeed was this small leader scuffle but got handled fast and as expected Aqualad became the leader, i left the topic out on purpose it's better if they figure this one out themselves and they did. I won't say the mission went bad but not that good either, meh they will be better with time.

I am actually starting to enjoy this 'job' being a teacher, training and seeing your students get better is really satisfying is that how masters feel when they see their pupil's improvement? Should i get myself a direct disciple too haha!

Batman is actually soft, surprising to discover truly if it was me i will be harsher on them. They may see him intimidating and commanding but that not how i see him.

"I didn't expect them to do this good, they seem better more focused and it's obvious that they are closer to each others" speaking of the bat after he told the team good job and whatever now we are alone reviewing the mission report.

"Nothing small training won't do, neither of us had anything better to do and they were getting restless waiting for missions so we started doing it whenever we had time, i mostly focused on team bond and building, small advices here and there, their weaknesses and how to help each other cover them nothing much, it was fun." i said with a small smile facing the bat, his expression didn't change much but the air around him got lighter for a moment there, he seems relieved.

"By the way i will be getting more out, figured i should let you know." he just kept staring for a moment, nodded and left.

I didn't really need to inform him or anything, i am sure he still sees me as suspicious or something, probably already started some contingency plan with kryptonyte in it or something, i would love to see his schocked expression when he discovers that neither that nor the red sun have any effect on me. I can actually also absorb the red sun power the same, i am not limited to yellow and blue i can even absorb nuclear radiation, i still don't know how powerful the effect compared to the normal sun yet but one day we'll see.


I normally go around Happy Harbor, but today i decided to go see the other famous cities and Star city is what i have in mind for a while now main reason Starlabs. The amount of shit, accidents and kidnapping that go around these labs is quite ridiculous. But they have good scientists so i will just go scout the place and look around for now, visit some places and just be normal, i want to enjoy my time you know.


*Sigh* ofcourse clichés have to happen when one is just relaxing doing nothing, bank robbery! Seriously!! In broad daylight!!!

Haaah... human stupidity is really immeasurable, Einstein was right.

I am still were i am, but i am looking at the place with my vision just couple morons with weapons bombed the safe of the bank and preparing to leave, the police really sucks in this universe, these guys are almost finished and leaving and they will need 10 minutes to catch up to them, a car chase then! Huff nevermind, i quickly changed to my suit got there in under a second karate choped them all then gathered them in front of the bank where the police is supposed to arrive and went back to where i was, normal clothes again. Everything took about 25 seconds, now that's what you call efficient. People were running around now just standing there stupidly not understanding what happened. Hahay their expressions are really funny .

I just left and continued doing my things, went to the library found some books i didn't know about yet, visited some of the known colleges to see if there are some professors with exceptional knowledge maybe. But sadly it's a bust, it's seems these super geniuses are either villains or work for some villain company or whatever.

Couple of weeks went by like that, i visited multiple cities but didn't go to Gotham yet, i don't doubt Batman is already watching my moves through satellites or face recognition or something so let's not give the man more reason for now.

Metropolice was nice, clean and peaceful i mean peaceful as it gets there are no morons attempting a bank heist atleast. They probably know that Superman will be on their asses as soon as they attempt one but i noticed something in the more desolate places like abandoned buildings and slums.

The walls contains leads in them to obstruct superman vision he probably didn't notice them because he focuses more on crime than looking around. It's kinda disappointing that everyone already knows how to go around him even these petty gangs.

Even though these places are the most suspicious places of all anyway after my vision adapted to the lead i saw what being hidden there. Gangs, intergangs more precisly their gears and equipments are more advanced than it should be.

So i obviously went there for some investigation of my own, beside some crime plans and some not useful information they had nothing even their equipment are all on weapons, no fatherbox or a new god around, yet.

So i gathered their stuff and some documents they had around made an anonymous call from one of theirs phone to the cops and left before they arrived. They had nothing i would need nor can i take them with me anyway, but i did play with some of the more dangerous stuff, opened it tried to see how they work and only left most of the guns intact. And so i continued with the usual, library and colleges met the professors in guise of asking questions while browsing their mind, all because i notice superman flying around some time now. Now that definitely not a coincidence nor because the gangs, probably. But i'm sure Batman already informed most the heroes that i am visiting their cities and to keep an eye on me, oh well doesn't matter.

Central city is also somewhat cool it has a long history of superpowered villains and advanced technologies. But it's nothing like the one from the flash tv show in the Arrowverse, a little bit similar but different at the same time. Different villains and themes but the flash is really loved here, i remember his wife is also Iris West but she's nice here not like her counterpart from the show, never liked that one, 'We are the Flash' bitch please.

And look and behold here he is running my direction, let's go up to meet him so we don't attract attention. He's actually fast, really fast i didn't have the time for my eyes to adapt to him, i can still see him but he disappeared from my vision really fast but still leaves sounds and air vibrations behind him and the red afterimage of his suit so it's not that hard to keep up with his location.

"Hey Zane didn't know you were here, whatcha doin?" said the flash with his iconic smile to which i chuckled softly.

"Hehe, it's better you leave the acting to Batman Flash it doesn't suit you"

His smile dropped a bit but he tried to show confusion" what do you mean i was just doing my daily..." he didn't get to continue before i interrupted him.

"Comon Flash i know Batman told you i am here and to keep an eye on me besides you are really bad at lying you know, so what's up?" Flash smiled sheepishly with a hand behind his neck shaked his head and sat beside me.

"Nothing man just the usual, heroes work never ends you know, and i am sorry about that i didn't want to but Batman can get a little bit.."

"Annoying, paranoid and control freak ?"

"Eh more like... insistent but yeah"

"It's fine i understand don't think much of it"

"Thanks man, i wanted to talk to you actually, i met with Wally couple of times and he told me about the training and stuff, and i saw some visible improvement so i want to thank you for that" he told me with a little smile but behind it was only seriousness and sincerity.

"Don't sweat it man, i did what i could he's a good kid i hope he will keep staying this hopeful and energetic in the future" i smiled back at him.

We continued to talk a bit more and i asked him for nice places to visit then he went to continue his hero work. And i went my way to continue my tour for the day.


[3rd POV]

In the city of Gotham underneath the Wayne manor, in a big dark cave with a lot of vehicles, devices and gadgets. Hundred of bats hung from the ceiling, and there at the front of all lies a giant screen connected to a high technological computer, full with pictures and videos about the same person.

Batman kept scrolling through the different pictures and footages about Zane, eyes glued to the screen in full concentration and focus trying to find anything no matter how small or insignificant about him.

"This is Batman, insert security level Omega, password: DeltaCharlie-31-12-1997.

Contingency plan code: Enigma, Zane Hunter"

Batman kept typing and revising his information and thinking and double checking anything he could have overlooked and finally after couple of minutes he stopped then started checking what he wrote and see if he missed anything.

'Contingency file name code : Enigma

The individual, now named Zane Hunter, physical clone age betwenn 26-29, possible kryptonian dna and a high possibility of some traces of a Martian one and it is unknown if he possess something else, a vast knowledge of martial arts current number unknown and not much have been shown beside his training footage with young justice where he demonstrated a number of well known but common styles, the individual seems to correct himself instantly upon any mistake if any where ever made, it was even shown once where he merged different styles with each other, the danger of such knowledge is amplified by his kriptonien/martian? physiology which can put him on Superman danger level if not even higher.

He has a sharp mind, super intelligence able to absorb knowledge like a sponge, and very sharp senses and analytical skills, his mind is also protected, very well according to what Martian manhunter have reported, it's yet to be known if magic can be effective or/and have weakness against him or not, further distant observation are needed.

His physical prowess level is not yet known but he is very fast and precise, faster than kid flash but not the flash level or that is only what is shown till now, proof can be shown in his footage of stopping some robbery and gangs crimes with minimal movement, very fast and efficient with no wasted effort, moves or time. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to help and only if it's in his vicinity or something he had no choice but to see or hear.

The individual doesn't show any wants or desire to be a hero nor he shows any villainous or crime activity, what's interest him till now is knowledge and information and has shown interest in mechanics and electronics. More observations are needed.

It is not known if kryptonyte, red sun and fire can be effective against him as even being a clone of Superman is still questionable. He require someone of the level of Superman and Wonder Woman or possibly both in a strength-base or combat-base battle to be defeated or subdued.

Any further conclusion require excessive but distant  observations to be made. A new possible contingency is arising as i have noticed that 'Zane' shows kindness to the young team and care about their well being or maybe have a weak spot to young people in general, if one were to use this relation in the midst of battle maybe it will arouse some emotions wich can be taken advantage of, more time and observations are needed to make sure.

But it is not advisable and is only possible after studying his state of mind, and if he does show care there is a possibility of a backlash due to emotional rage as he already stated indirectly that our methodes are ineffective which may push him to the highest danger level. Only use as a last resort.'

"Save and exit"

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Author here, just a normal chapter talking about what Zane does in his free time, i normally would like my chapters to be at least 2,5k and since this one is shorter you will get 2 chapters today. Enjoy🤙🏻