Chapter 7; Aren't you?

"Okay...." She got off the bunker bed and walked over to the iron bars, the warden stretched her hand and handcuffed her before opening the door to let her out.

They strode through the long hallway that contained only cells full of prisoners before they took the stairs down to the ground floor as the building was a huge flat.

She escorted her over to the visitor's hall, but there was another place that had secluded and private visiting rooms, she was directed there as the doors opened and she got in.

She scrutinized the entire place and could see the two men seated on the wide comfortable couch facing the door, one had a huge scar on his face, and another one, was wearing a mask with only black clothes from top to bottom looking like he was attending some funeral.

His body had lean and proportionate muscles and his hands were covered with gloves, after that short scrutiny, she hid her fangs and settled down on the empty seat leaning on the table weakly.

She didn't say a single word and they also didn't say a word, they were stuck in this cold quietness for a few minutes before Huo Qi decided to speak up.

"Miss Su... Good morning..." As much as he wanted to sound gentle, his voice was naturally low, deep, and rough, it sounded like an angry roar, and most people were easily frightened away.

"Just call me Wei Wei... What can I do for you Mr?" She lifted her head, and this time, her eyes were purple, the dark glowing purple.

They were surprised as it was the first time they were seeing such kind of eyes, they would always misbehave with her emotions and that's what she had noticed after contemplating the occurrences of her past life.

Because of her weakness, everyone stepped on her, everyone used her, and her marriage fell into shambles.. just everything had gone against her.

Her tragic past wasn't gonna be repeated no matter what, she would fight through fate to change her destiny, and one of them was being strong.

"We just heard that you killed your family nanny a week ago..." He spoke up eying those purple eyes, she didn't look flustered nor worried, she had a calm aura around her.

"So?" She leaned back on the couch crossing her legs while fiddling around with her fingers, she didn't pay much attention to them but rather, was trying to recall where she had seen them in her past life and what kind of encounters they had.

"Did you do it?" Huo Qi went straight to the point, he didn't see any reason to run around the question, Huo Shen has been quiet watching Su Wei Wei and her every little move.

"What if I did? What if I didn't do it?" She slightly smirked as her eyes immediately turned dark green, which immediately surprised them, it wasn't normal for a person to have two kinds of eyes alternating between green and purple.

"You just need to answer the questions... I don't need to hear your questions..." Huo Qi was infuriated with her nonchalant attitude, it didn't look like whatever was written on the register was true.

'How was she a weak woman? How was she sickly? How was she dumb?' he inwardly cursed those idiots.

"What do you want?" Huo Shen mumbled gazing at her green eyes intently that immediately turned purple as they rocked their gazes.

She stood up and strode over to where he was sitting and she settled down on his lap with her hands handcuffed.

In the prison they took showers, and of course, she wasn't smelling fresh but at least she wasn't that dirty.

Huo Qi stood up and immediately attacked her, but Su Wei Wei dodged him as she bent over before rolling her body onto the table and turning around kicking him with her left leg.

She was wearing orange prison trousers with a yellow t-shirt, and on her feet, she was wearing black rubbers.

"Huo Qi..." Huo Shen roughly mumbled and Huo Qi immediately stopped but he immediately realized he wasn't her match even though she was handcuffed.

She sat down on the table and rolled back onto his lap, Huo Shen had a severe germaphobe OCD.. but he hadn't reacted to her sitting on his lap.

"Mr, you are so handsome, may I?" She turned around warmly eying him, her enchanting smile was alluring and so were her purple eyes.

Huo Shen didn't respond but rather let her do whatever she wanted, seeing he hadn't declined, she lifted her handcuffed hands and removed the mask carefully without messing around with his hairstyle.

"You look handsome without this purple mark, too bad you got poisoned! What a handsome face you got here..." She slightly sighed her tone sounding like she was pitying him, the huge purple mark around her cheekbone, was spreading and enlarging onto his face.

"Aren't you?" He was surprised that someone could tell it was poison, yes, his body had been dwindling little by little... He could no longer feel like he was himself.