Chapter 16; I have things to do!

Zhan Shan took the stairs up to the first floor, she knew where Huo Shen's bedroom was so she rushed over opening the door in a hurry...

Su Wei Wei was lying on the bed feeling a little bit weak and feverish and could hear the door opening even though she was feeling terrible.

"Oooh? What right do you have to sleep there on that bed? It should be me lying down there..." Zhan Shan strode over to the bed yelling out planning to slap Su Wei Wei, but she stretched her hand and caught it, she instantly nudged her away, Zhan Shan stumbled back accidentally getting a cut on her hand and roughly knocking against the drawer.

Su Wei Wei was weak and wasn't that forceful, she loudly sighed seeing Huo Shen and Huo Qi walking into the bedroom.

"Brother Shen...." Zhan Shan's eyes teared up like an aggrieved puppy shedding tears all over while she sat down there, Huo Shen rushed over and was planning to pick her up after placing the food onto the bedside drawer but recalled, he wasn't able to come in contact with any human skin and didn't dare have allergy attacks.

Huo Qi instead assisted her by picking her up taking her over and placing her on the couch, Zhan Shan felt frustrated seeing Huo Shen holding back and letting Huo Qi carry her instead of him

"What happened?" His hoarse voice rumbled as he glared at Su Wei Wei before eying Zhan Shan who was crying a river.

"I wanted to greet her but she thought I was attacking her, am sorry Huo Shen that you had to see this... I didn't mean anything and it isn't her fault!" She weakly mumbled while Huo Shen turned around waiting for Su Wei Wei to explain herself, but instead, she was yawning and getting out of bed.

"I have things to do, I will be moving..." She wasn't bothered with these white lotuses, after all, she didn't have any feelings be it for any man, she loathed them to the core and she knew from the start they were using each and each collecting what they needed.

And now seeing these scenarios happening in front of her, she only hoped that she would get her revenge as soon as possible so that she doesn't get entangled with these white lotuses.

"Stand there and tell me what happened... Su Wei Wei, when I ask a question, I expect answers..." Huo Shen was angered that she was so nonchalant and didn't even bother to defend herself, was she like this? What did her attitude signify?

"Nothing happened... She has explained whatever happened, go and take care of her and stop nagging me, the last thing I need is you getting invested in my life..." She was feeling slightly dizzy, she didn't give a damn about whatever went on with his life, all she wanted was revenge and to make those people who had hurt her miserable.

She had a goal and didn't have time to falter... She didn't have time to explain herself, men will always be men.

Men? They were all the same, they preferred the weak where their male chauvinistic worked and appreciated, she was like that in her past life, but still, nothing worked out for her, men? Weren't meant to exist in her life.

Her eyes were turning dark purple and feeling a weird surge of energy, she didn't know why and all she thought of was leaving that house.

"All right, I won't force you to talk, Huo Qi, take her over to the guest room and get a first aid kit to take care of that cut...." He caught her waist before she could move and dragged her into his arms hugging her, he picked her up and brought her over to the bed placing her down.

"Did she touch anything here? The covers? Or the bed?" He coldly mumbled gazing at the covers, the entire room was sparkling white even the carpet. He hated the most when women intruded into his private bedroom.

"No, she stepped on the carpet and sat on that couch..." Wei Wei who was feeling bad held onto him, she felt different with him close by and didn't know why, so she didn't let go but held on tightly. Something in her was calming with his close touch and presence.

"All right, let's go to another room..." To him, that was already contaminated, and was already feeling itchy all over, he picked her up and let the guards carry the bowls of food over to the other master bedroom, it was just the same, sparkling white in everything.

He placed her down before serving her some soup, but the moment that aroma hit her nostrils, she hurriedly got down from the bed staggering, and rushed over to the bathroom vomiting out.