Chapter 18; I will check on her....

At that moment, a doctor walked into the bedroom accompanied by Huo Qi...

"Master Huo...." The doctor carefully greeted him before eying the woman on the bed who was sitting crisscrossed with some weird eyes.

"Check on her and see what's the matter?" He instructed him before walking out of the bedroom into the corridor worried, he truly didn't want to worry about her, but deep down, he was feeling heartache.

He had several jades of high quality he had acquired with great difficulty in his treasure vault, he wanted to get them before sending Huo Qi to find more in their various storage shops.

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The doctor got closer to her, bent over, and began testing her temperature and pressure, he only found the temperature was slightly high and was unable to rule it if it was fever as her body wasn't burning.

"Doctor, how is she?" Huo Qi worriedly inquired eying her, they finally found someone who could treat their Master, of course, they had to tend to her and make sure she was fine.

"Let's say, she might be experiencing a slight fever and nothing much so, we don't need to do anything, let's see how she fairs for the night, but, how about you take her to the hospital tomorrow and do a comprehensive health checkup on her? It would be better and rule out all the ifs..." He returned his things to the briefcase closing it.

"All right doctor, we will see how she fairs for the night...." He carefully escorted him out of the bedroom over to the corridor and found Huo Shen rushing over back.

"Master...." He worriedly called him seeing what he was carrying in his hands with a tray. They were the most precious treasures he had collected over the time.

"Go on, you can escort him out and make sure he gets home safely..." He worriedly mumbled walking back into his bedroom and closing the door locking it.

"Here, I have brought them..." He hurriedly spread them on her lap nervously, he didn't know what was happening and why she requested them.

"Hahahaha... Why are you even tensing? Don't worry, this lady here won't die before treating you, even King Yama won't welcome me.. hahaha! Men can only be good when they want something in return! Human hearts are fickle.... " she sarcastically mumbled receiving the emerald jade boxes and began opening them one by one spreading the jades.

" Wei Wei, do you think I don't care? I even don't know where you have been for the past two days, I don't know what happened out there! Do you think it's right to generalize everyone like that? " Huo Shen deeply felt hurt, he was genuinely worried and her words deeply wounded him.

He trudged out of the bedroom walked over to the corridor and met Huo Qi who was returning from sending the doctor away.

" Have you settled him? " He hoarsely inquired walking down the stairs and Huo Qi turned around and followed him.

" Yeah, I have... " He curiously eyed his master and wondered what exactly happened inside the bedroom while he was sending their guests away. He turned his head to eye at the master bedroom door but it was closed.

" Okay, and Zhan Shan? Did you settle her?" He walked over to the kitchen and headed over to the liquor bar.

"Yeah, I did, what happened? Did the two of you have a misunderstanding?" He tried to guess but he couldn't tell why his master was like this and even wanted to drink, it had been several years since he last had a drop of alcohol.

"Accompany me..." He settled down on the bar stool and poured a little whiskey into his glass... He felt like he needed a few sips to set his mind on the right track.

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With the jades closer, her eyes twinkled in excitement and all the magical energy circulating the jades rushed over into her eyes while they darkened and began feeling slightly better.

With all the excitement and enrichment of the magical energy, she fell asleep and slept peacefully.

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He took several sips as Huo Qi sat there and quietly accompanied him.

"I will check on her...." After several sips, he got off the bar stool and went over to the other master bedroom. He wasn't drunk, and he was still sober.

He carefully tiptoed over to the bed and nicely tucked the girl who was sound asleep with the jades surrounding her, Huo Qi was close by watching his master curiously, now he understood why he was acting like that...

He switched the lights off and tiptoed out of the bedroom closing the door before walking over to the corridor but he suddenly heard his mobile phone vibrate inside his trouser pocket.

He dipped it inside while going down the stairs, one of his hands was holding the staircase grill while the other hand supported the mobile phone over to his ear.