Chapter 92; They do?

...if you want anything, I'm very certain that he would buy it for you if you want to go on a vacation, he would make proper preparations for that! Maybe he isn't trying to control you, but rather just trying to make sure you are within his reach..." Nanny Wei softly giggled seeing her confused look.

"Nanny..." Su Wei Wei softly whined pouting her lips as her adorable eyes gazed at her.

"You know, dealing with businesses, you have to travel all over the places, you have to meet people of which he would lose track of you, and if it were you going shopping by yourself, something might happen and get yourself in danger without him knowing your location, he is trying to eliminate the unforeseen events that could lead to danger ... Just be patient with him." Nanny Wei tried to explain it to her, Huo Shen had lost his mother while he was too little to understand anything and maybe he is afraid of losing her too.