Chapter 115; Are you done?

"All right my dear, just be careful when you go out there, here is the Silver card for your shopping errands, don't overspend unnecessarily, shop diligently, I don't want your father to have a reason to scold you, you do know how he is..." They took the stairs down to their sitting room before heading over to their dining room.

They hadn't had any breakfast, they had just woken up and gisted in Su Qing's bedroom... In each other's accompany arm by arm, they settled down at the dining table as the maids hurriedly served them their usual breakfast meal.

"Have you packed and covered that food I instructed you to cook very well and it won't spill along the way? We ought to be careful when transferring it from one place to the other destination..." Su Qing lifted her head and asked the maids who were serving them.

"Yes, we did..."