Chapter 167; Stop rolling around...

"Okay, we will go there, don't worry, everything will be fine, you just need to forget about that man, he has powers but you aren't his match, you would end up being eaten with all the power wrangles happening, he also has a lot of enemies, I will find a better man for you..." Huo Shen was a bitter soup to women, it was sour and tasteless unless you knew how to handle the sourness, it's just that only Su Wei Wei could.

They got over to the highway and stopped a few vans that could carry many people at a go and some were cabs, Mo Zi Xue stopped a cab for her parents and a van for the maids and all the servants.

"Mommy, Papa... I'm going home with Huo Dong, I will call you once I get there, good night mama, Papa... See you tomorrow..." She sweetly pecked their forehead before getting into another cab with Huo Dong, Huo Ting and a few of his guards, the maids took a van back to the old Huo mansion.