Chapter 190; So unbelievable!

Their movements were synchronized, their mannerism, it wasn't the first time he had seen Nanny Wei eat like that! He always brushes her off whenever he asks, but now seeing something common between these two, he immediately knew something was fishy! This comes with training from an early age on how to behave, and then, it's ingrained in their minds and body.

He jerked up stopping what he was doing and immediately got hold of Nanny Wei's hand that was placed on the dining table before dragging her away. She got up and allowed him to drag her away while everyone else at the dining table was surprised and lifted their heads to look at them after hearing those screeching sounds wondering what was happening to him.

Nanny Wei was surprised that she was being dragged away but went along with him over back to the kitchen wondering what kind of emergency that came up just all of a sudden.