Chapter 197; Good morning Missus...

"Ooohhh... That's cool..." Nanny Wei went on with her chores of storing the remaining food away in the fridge as Huo Zheng went over to vacuum the dining room. Huo Qi was taking care of the guest room where Su Wei Wei had messed around with the dyes, everyone seemed to be busy apart from the ones seated.

Since they didn't have any maids and servants to do those chores for them, they could only take care of a few chores and assist Nanny Wei since they also lived in the same house.

Mo Zi Xue was forced to get up and settle at the sitting area seeing Huo Zheng had begun cleaning the dining room without even notifying her so that she could excuse herself. She felt so useless and a nuisance of a fly buzzing around aimlessly without a place to land.

If it was at her home back in the Mo mansion, she would have known what to do, even when grounded she could easily kill some boredom without diminishing her existence.