Chapter 212; What's there to regret?

"Yeah!" Huo Zheng softly hummed having that tactical understanding with everyone who witnessed her prowess skills from flying the military chopper over to shooting marksmanship! This girl was perfect from all angles, and they didn't need to spell it out loud to everyone even if it was Huo Shen her fiancée! If she didn't want Huo Shen to know anything about that, they were gonna keep their mouths shut until that moment she decided to reveal her true self to him.

They know that they knew nothing about their Missus and today, they learned a very important lesson, to never judge a person you know nothing about. Maybe they could win against her in combat fighting, but when it came to shooting, she was on par with Huo Shen who was a master.

But they were still wondering how she knew that he was in danger.