Chapter 215; Shall we?

"Hello, Welcome over Boss Huo Qi..." Those military special troops soldiers who were patrolling around the parking lot came over and opened their limousine door from one side. They didn't need to be told or check them to know that, that number plate exclusively belonged to Huo Shen.

"Mnnnh... Are the rooms I reserved prepared? Any challenges you are experiencing?" He closed the door and didn't let anyone peek into the limousine, as photographers and reporters were all over the place with their cameras and camera recorders open ready to capture all the precious moments.

"I would have to ask the Manager, but there he is coming over..." The manager who had gotten that notification, immediately rushed over to welcome them.

Huo Dong and his crew alighted while Nanny Wei and the kids stayed settled in the limousine, only Huo Qi and Cheng Yi alighted from that vehicle.