Chapter 218; Mother, what do you plan.....

"Mother, what do you plan on doing to her? Do you know how that can be detrimental to the good image that had taken me years to build? We gotta be careful now more than ever! Huo Shen is on my back and waiting for me to do just a small wrong." He worriedly inquired while hugging her at the door. Even though he sees her once, he is more worried about being caught by Huo Shen.

With Huo Shen knowing everything about him, he was worried that they could be easily kicked out of that powerful seat the moment he got enough crucifying pieces of evidence to tick him out! He still wanted to be in power and be revered by the common people.

"You don't have to worry about that! I have made perfect plans, I told you that I would find a better bride for you, and of course, I had to, it isn't time to regress! All I want is the best for you, my dear son! You deserve only the best! Let's go in..." She let go before opening the door and they walked in closing it.