Chapter 259; That isn't enough?

"I won't...." He declined her request and still blocked her view and Su Wei Wei didn't use force to move his hand away but waited until he was okay, she understood this guy and it was normal for him to be like that, and it didn't matter that she was seeing white and black, she could still see and wanted to check out an important detail.

If it was someone from her past life, she would have to confirm, who knows? Maybe he has a twin she never knew of in their past life.

Su Wei Wei could only cajole and tease him here and there to loosen, and it was okay to assure him no matter how assured he was, "How about this, once we are inside our special private room, you can strip naked and let me check out your body you know! I will do justice and give it a better service than you can imagine! I will be your master and you will be my servant.." Her voice was hoarse as she leaned onto his chest cuddling.