Chapter 298; All right Missus.....

"All right then... Have a lovely afternoon..." With that, they respectfully bowed their heads before exiting, they had also noticed Huo Shen was getting impatient and they didn't dare dilly dally around. They even hadn't expected they would find him today at the office.

They walked through the hallway getting down the stairs over to the 49th floor so that they could take the public elevator down to the ground floor, but came across a weird scenario.

"President Huo isn't in! You don't have to force your way in!"

"And if you aren't going to listen, I will call the guards over!" The secretary who was at the 49th floor reception desk, was trying to stop two girls from walking up the stairs but they seemed to be adamant in going up.

Ye Xin Zhi was surprised that the secretary was lying so blatantly, or maybe, it was already known that Master Huo didn't at all like receiving guests.