Chapter 310; Everything is all about a gamble....

"Mnnh..." Ye Xin Zhi also wanted to call his sister, they didn't manage to have a chat last night since they embarrassed themselves and the way his wife and the two kids left last night, he was more than certain that those kids weren't his, he still couldn't believe it that, that woman could actually do that to him.

And then, there's Su Wei Wei, this girl didn't seem to be welcoming them, she kept her distance and the only thing that could bring them closer to each other was business.

"How about I make some requests from Huo Shen that he let Su Wei Wei manage this project and even be the one sightseeing the grapes? Would he allow it? Do you think he can let her do it?" If Huo Shen agreed to his request, then Su Wei Wei might visit their country, wouldn't that allow him to cultivate feelings with her? He just needed a single opportunity.